Dream in the Land of the Elves

Chapter 3

We walked in and the first thing I saw was a big sitting room. Every thing was made out of oak and the couches had red velvet cushions. There were two girls that looked my age, one with blonde hair, and the other with brown. They both looked entranced at their laptop, then giggled at something. On another couch was a boy reading a really big book.

When we entered the room, the three of them turned and stared at me like I was some kind of freak, their stares intimidated me. Andrew put his hand in the middle of my back, and I cringed slightly when he did.

"Follow me." he told me.

I looked to my left and saw a long corridor with big windows. Andrew led me down there.

There was a big, wooden door, Andrew opened it for me and I saw the courtyard. There was a fountain in the middle with benches and tables splattered in random spots. Some students were working on their laptops, others were writing furiously on their papers. I guessed it was their homework.

"Ok, this is the courtyard, where students can come and do homework, or simply relax in their free periods." Andrew told me.

"It's beautiful!!" I replied a little too loud, attracting some stares from the closest people to me.

Andrew laughed. "Yeah. I thought you'd like it." I smiled at him.

Across the courtyard was a tall, wide wall that had a door.

"What's through that door?" I asked him.

Andrew looked kind of nervous when I asked. "Ummm...Nothing...I think you shouldn't go in there." he told me with a nervous look in his eyes. This is really wierd.

We walked back to the wooden door that led us to the courtyard, and to the end of the corridor. I followed Andrew down there and saw more windows and another big, wooden door. I opened it up and walked into what seemed to be the library. It was huge. With tons of shelves stacked with books. On the left side of the room, against the wall, were big, modern computers.

"As you can see, this is the library." Andrew told me. "You can use the internet whenever you like." I nodded with a big smile on my face.

We exited the library and walked back to the main sitting room. Across it there was another corridor. We went down it and it was almost identical to the first corridor; big windows and big wooden doors. In this corridor, however, there were three doors. We entered the first one, and it was some kind of theatre.

"This is the theatre, where the acting club, the choir, the band and the orchestra rehearse for their presentations." Andrew told me. Maybe I could audition for the orchestra, or maybe the choir.

We opened the next door, and I saw a big pool, where some boys and girls were practicing on the diving boards.

"This is the indoor pool." Andrew said. "Here we have a swimming team and also a diving team."

"I'd love to practice diving, but actually I'm scared of heights, so I guess I couldn't do it." I laughed. Andrew laughed too.

The last door, at the end of the hall, was the gym. It was a normal gym with a basketball court and bleachers on both sides of the room.

"And this is the gym, as you can see." Andrew told me. "We have a basketball team and a cheerleading squad also."

"Oh! Maybe I could try out for the cheerleading squad. Back in Mexico I took rhythmic gymnastics classes, and it was really fun!" I told him.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded. "Wow! I would love to see you sometime." he said.

"Nah. Actually I'm kind of a very shy person." I giggled.

"I don't believe you," he said. "actually you seem very funny and outgoing."

I laughed. "Thanks, I guess."

Andrew took me back to the main sitting room and straight across from the main entrance was a big oak staircase with a red velvet rug lining the middle of each step. We climbed the stairs and I saw a bunch of wooden doors and lockers. There were some students going through their lockers.

"Here are some of the classrooms, the other ones are on the third floor," Andrew said. "They have what every classroom has: a chalkboard, white board, desks, chairs, everything you already know." he laughed. I laughed too, it was the reaction to his laughter, I couldn't help it.

"We have a math course which consists of an algebra class and a geometry class;" I made a face when he said that and he laughed. "also we have a science course which has an earth science class, a biology class, a chemistry class, and a physics class; a history course which includes an U.S. history class, an European history class, an African history class, an Asian history class, a South American history class, and a government class;" he said. "and finally a language course which has an English class, an Italian class, a Spanish class, a Latin class, a Mandarin Chinese class, a French class, a literature class, a creative writing class, and a speed reading class." he finished.

"I think I'll take Spanish class if I can, it would be like taking free class everytime." I laughed at my own joke, the good thing was that Andrew laughed too. "I'd also love to take French, literature, creative writing and speed reading class. I really love to read." I told him.

"I like it too." he said. "I can rid myself of my concerns and meet new worlds and characters."

"That's exactly what I love about reading." I agreed. "You can always choose a new world to meet, where you can feel happy and in peace."

"Wow." he murmured. "You are very deep." I just laughed and blushed a little.

Next to the stairs was another set of stairs that led up the third floor, which looked the same as the second.

"Here are the other classrooms that I mentioned earlier." he told me. "Here's also the Nurse's Office and the Headmaster's Office. You'll have to go to the Headmaster's Office later for your locker number and your course schedule."

"Is the Headmaster a good person?" I asked a bit scared.

He chuckled. "Yes he is, you don't have to be afraid of him."

I blushed "Oh, okay." I murmured.

"You can choose from the clubs and elective classes we've got here." he informed me. "We have foods, art, acting, and magic."

We passed the Nurse’s Office on the left and right at the end of the hallway was the Headmaster’s Office.

We walked in and saw a little, old lady sitting at a desk too big for her; her nametag said Mrs. Herrald. To the left of the desk was a window with a plant on the sill; it wilting away. Behind the desk of Mrs. Herrald were three large filing cabinets. Against the wall of the door were four chairs, all empty. To the right of the chairs and Mrs. Herrald’s desk there was a door that said in big, gold letters Headmaster Jerrif.

"Hello Mrs. Herrald," he greeted the old lady "this is Mina Velasco, the new student. She comes from Mexico."

"Oh, right, right. The new student."she replied.

"I was hoping we could talk to Mr. Jerrif, if he's not busy."

"I'm sorry, dear. But Mr. Jerrif's not here right now, but you can wait if you like." she offered us.

"Oh! Don't worry. I'll just take Mina to see the rest of the school before we come back to speak to Mr. Jerrif." he told her with a smile.

"Okay. I'll tell him you came." she said.

"Thank you Mrs. Herrald." we both said.

We walked out of the Office, towards the stairs, and then climbed down three flights to the main sitting room. We walked down the left corridor, towards the courtyard again. We walked along the right of the main building and I saw a little stone path that led to another building. It had the same red bricks and vines as the main building but wasn't as big.

We entered it and saw many tables in rows lined with chairs. On the left was another room.

"Ok, this is the cafeteria, and that room on the left is the teacher's lounge." he said.

Across the room was the kitchen with rails for the meal line.

We walked out and went to the left of the courtyard where there was another red brick building; this one medium sized compared to the main building and cafeteria.

"This is where all the international student's rooms are." he told me.

We entered the building and went up to the second floor.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"To your new room." he replied.

I walked with him until we reached the room number 226, he opened the door and we entered my new room. I saw a bed against the wall on the left side, and across from it, against the wall on the right side, there was a bunk with two beds, one on the bottom and one above. Across from the door there was a window, and behind that window there was a wooden desk with a little lamp on it, and a wooden chair behind it, the desk also had three drawers on each side. Next to the door there was a huge wardrobe, where I supposed me and my roommates were going to put our clothes.

I went into the room and put my little backpack on top of the bottom bed of the bunk, Andrew followed me.

"It's great!" I replied. "And very big also." I said with a big smile on my face.

"I'm glad you like it." he told me with a smile. "Oh! The showers are in the first floor, there is one for girls and one for boys, so everytime you need to shower you just go down the stairs and to your right, and there you'll find them."


"Anytime you need me you just have to call, I'm here all day. You can look for me in the teacher's lounge, or in the courtyard." he informed me. I smiled and nodded. "Well, I'll leave so you can unpack and put yourself comfortable."

"Okay," I said. "Will you go with me to the Headmaster's Office?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Of course," he said. "If you want me to."

"Yes. Please." I kind of begged.

"Don't worry, I'll be here in about half an hour and we'll go together, okay?" he assured me.


"Bye then."


And with that he went out the door and I began to unpack my things.
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Hope you liked this chapter! Please message me telling what you think! ;P