Dream in the Land of the Elves

Chapter 4

After twenty minutes of unpacking, I had finished putting all my clothes in my part of the wardrobe, and had put a few things in two drawers of the desk.

I decided I could rest a little before Andrew arrived, so I laid in my bed and closed my eyes.

I probably fell asleep, because after a while I felt someone gently moving me, and when I opened my eyes I saw Andrew grinning beside my bed. "Shi...!" I sat down abruptly, and I hit my head with the bottom of the other bed. "Ouuu!"

He started laughing loudly. "Are you okay?" he asked between laughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I scowled rubbing my head.

"Are you ready to meet the Headmaster?" he asked.

"I think so."

"Well then, let's go." he said. I followed him out of my room and to the main building.

When we arrived to the Headmaster's Office, we greeted Mrs. Herrald. "Hello, Mrs. Herrald." we both said.

"Is Mr. Jerrif here yet?" Andrew asked her.

"Yes dear. Let me tell him that you are here." She told us while grabbing the black phone on her desk. She pressed one of the many buttons on the receiver. "Hello Mr. Jerrif," She said to the receiver. "Andrew's here with the new student." She listened to something the Headmaster said. "Okay." She said and hung up. "You can go in now." She told us with a smile.

We thanked her and went through the door with the big gold letters. I saw a young man about 35 years old with brown short hair, wire-rimmed glasses, and green eyes behind them. He had olive skin and a few freckles below his eyes. He was sitting behind a huge oak desk writing something on a piece of paper. He smiled and stood up when he saw us. "Hi, you must be Mina, right?" he said stretching his hand out. "I'm Mr. Jerrif, your new Headmaster."

"Yes, I am." I said shaking his hand. "It's very nice to meet you Sir."

"It's nice to meet you too." he smiled widely. I blushed a little. How can the Headmaster be so cute?

"I was hoping you could give us her locker number and her course schedule." Andrew told him.

"Oh! Yes, of course." he went to a filing cabinet, that was exactly the same as the ones at Mrs. Herrald's Office, and got out a yellow folder that had my name on it. He opened it and handed me a sheet of paper that had classroom numbers, classes and teachers names, as well as each day and time. "Your locker number is 145." he told me. "That's on the second floor, I think."

"Thanks Sir." I told him.

"Now. Here I have the list of the clubs and elective classes that you can choose from." he told me while showing me four sheets of paper with some names written on each of them. "You can choose two of the four of them."

"I think I'll choose art and foods." I told him. I wrote my name on the two lists.

"Oh! I almost forgot." he said pulling out of my folder several sheets of paper stapled together. "This is the school regulation, there are three important rules you should remember." he said with a bit of a harsh tone. "The first one is NO DATING BETWEEN THE SCHOOL'S STAFF AND THE STUDENTS." I looked at Andrew with disappointment in my eyes. "The second one is NO VIOLENCE INSIDE THE SCHOOL." I rolled my eyes and chuckled, the Headmaster smiled. "And the third and last rule is NEVER GO THROUGH THE DOOR ACROSS THE COURTYARD." he finished.

"Why shouldn't I cross that door?" I asked suspiciously.

He just avoided my question "That's another matter. I think that's everything you should know right now." he said smiling.

"Ok, thank you." I told him.

"We should go now." Andrew told me. "Thanks for your time Sir."

"Goodbye." he smiled.

"Bye." Andrew and I said.

We went out the door to Mrs. Herrald's Office, we thanked her and went out to the hallway.

"He seems like a good person." I told Andrew.

"Yeah, he is." he replied smiling. "I'll take you back to your room."

"Ok." I smiled.

When we got to my room, I said goodbye to Andrew and entered. When I looked up I saw two other girls unpacking their things. One of them was dressed all in black, she had brown hair that went all the way below her shoulders, she had pale skin and hazel eyes. She seemed to be five foot two tall. The other one was Asian. She was around five and a half feet, with light tan skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair that fell below her shoulders.

"Hi." I greeted them.

They looked away from what they were doing and stared at me. "Hey." The all in black one said. "Who are you?" she said a bit rudely.

"I'm your roommate, my name is Mina Velasco, I come from Mexico." I introduced myself. "What's your name?"

"I'm Amber Lemon, and I come from Switzerland." she told me. "And this is Mac Sakuraba, and she comes from Japan."

"Nice to meet you." Mac said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said smiling. "How old are you guys?"

"We just turned 16 on April." she replied.

"Both of you?" I asked amazed.

"Yeah." she said. "How about you."

"I'm turning 17 on December."

"That's great!" she exclaimed. "Are you finished unpacking all your stuff?"

"Oh! Yeah, I arrived a bit earlier and I already have all my things arranged. By the way, I used only two drawers of the desk, so you can have the others."

"Thanks." she smiled.

"Ummm, I was thinking on going to explore the school, maybe I could wait for you guys to finish unpacking and you could go with me" I offered.

"Yeah! We'd love that!" Mac said cheerfully.

"Yeah, whatever." Amber said. What is wrong with her?

I waited for them to finish unpacking, and then we went out the door to see what we could find.
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This was quite short, but it was important for the story. Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think!;P