Dream in the Land of the Elves

Chapter 8

I woke up with a smile on my face. Today was the day when I was going out with Liam on a date!

The night before, I had gone to the clearing again. It gave me a very peacefull feeling. And I loved it.

I stood up and saw that neither Amber nor Mac were in the room. I took a quick shower and decided to go out for a walk to the courtyard. I took my iPod and my book with me.

I went to the main entrance and towards the left corridor. Again I wasn’t looking were I was going so I bumped into someone’s back, my book and my iPod flying away from me. I fell bakcwards, landing in my butt.

“Ouuu.” I complained.

“Mina?” I heard a familiar voice say. “Oh! I’m sorry.” I looked up and saw Andrew bending over to pick my things up. Then he stretched his hand to help me up.

“Thanks.” I said taking his hand and getting up. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. Sorry.” I said with embarrasment.

“Don’t worry.” he said handing me my things. “It happens.” he smiled friendly. I smiled too. “So, where were you going?”

“Oh. To the courtyard.” I said. “I wanted to take a walk and read or something. You?”

“I was going to get some copies.” he said. Then I noticed the stack of papers he was holding. “Wanna come?”

I smiled. “Yeah.”

We walked to the library, where I saw a big copy machine at the left corner. “Has that been there all the time?” I asked. He burst out laughing. “What?” I said.

“Of course it was there all the time.” he said between laughs.

“I haven’t seen it before!” I explained, beginning to laugh too.

“You’re very funny, did you know that?” he said. I blushed and laughed. “Come.”

We went to where the copy machine was and he began separating the papers from the big bunch he had.

“What are those papers?” I asked curiously.

“Oh. Some papers from the new students.” he smiled. “The Headmaster asked me to make copies of them.”

“Are there gonna be more new students?” I asked.

“Yeah. It seems like we’re having more this year than before.” he said. “Actually, I think we are beginning to gain popularity.” he laughed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.” I smiled. “It wouldn’t be surprising either if next year you didn’t have enough space for more people here!” I laughed. He laughed too. “Hey. Would you like me to help?” I offered.

“Yeah. Thanks.” he smiled.

We kept talking about school and stuff while getting all the necessary copies when suddenly he asked “What are you doing today?”

That took my by surprise, but I answered anyway. “Um, I’m going out with Liam McCarthy.”

He put a hard expression on his face, and I could see how he hardened and softened his jaw, showing that he was upset about something.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly. “Do you know him?”

“Yeah. I know him too well, unfortunately.” he answered coldly. He seemed to be in another world, like remembering something, still with the hard expression on his face. He blinked and came back to earth. “Nevermind.” he said with a light smile.

“Ok.” I mumbled. Ok. THAT was weird. How can everybody could have had something to do with Liam? Especially Andrew. He’s the least person I would expect to have issues with Liam. And what could have gone wrong between them?

We finished getting all the copies he needed and went towards the door, each one carrying a stack of papers. I kept looking down at my feet, thinking of Andrew and Liam, when suddenly I crashed into someone, the papers flying all over the place. Why do I always have to crash into people?! What is wrong with me?!

“Ouuu.” I complained, as I landed in my butt...again.

“What are you doing here?” I heard Andrew growl.

“Now I can’t be in my own school?” another familiar voice said mockingly. I looked up and saw Liam standing in front of Andrew. A sneer on his face. I gazed at Andrew’s face, and saw anger...no, it was more like fury in his eyes. I stood up and looked at them with a frown.

“Oh, hi Mina.” Liam said.

“Hey.” I blushed.

“So, I’ll pick you up at seven ok?” he said.

“Ok. Bye.” I said, staring at Liam’s back as he walked away.

“Why are you going out with him?” Andrew demanded.

I flinched at his tone. “Be-because I like him.” I stuttered quietly, looking down at the floor.

“You can’t go out with him.” he growled. “He’s not a good person.”

“How do you know?” I asked in a harsh tone. “Why does everyone keeps on talking shit about Liam? You can’t judge people from just their looks or from what other people say.”

“You are the one that doesn’t know anything.” he replied bitterly. “You don’t know him, Mina. And I don’t know him just for his appearance. I know him better than you think.” he picked up the papers and stormed out towards the main building.

Great. Now I had a fight with Andrew. I guess I shouldn’t have talked to him like that, but I’m just sick of everyone talking shit about Liam. I don’t think he’s a bad person. Mabe he’s just confused about his life. God, now I feel so guilty for having spoken like that to Andrew.

I sighed and started walking towards the courtyard. At least I could finally relax the way I had planned.

Andrew’s POV

“You’re the one that doesn’t know anything.” I replied bitterly. “You don’t know him, Mina. And I don’t know him just for his appearance. I know him better than you think.” I picked up all the papers and walked out to the main building. Why does Mina think of Liam as a good person?! She doesn’t know how much people he has made suffer. Including me.

I walked towards the Headmaster’s Office, trying not to hit anyone in my way there. The hallways weren’t as crowded as they normaly were, so it wasn’t a difficult task.

Before entering the office I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and then I opened the door to find Mrs. Herrald siting behind her desk, as always.

“Hello, Andrew.” she greeted me when she saw me. “Did you finish making the copies?”

“Yes.” I said handing her the stack of papers I had in my hands. “I had some help, so it didn’t took me that long.”

“Help?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah. I ran into Mina in my way to the library, and she offered to help me.” I told her.

“Mina? Mina Velasco?” she tilted her head lightly to the side. “The new girl from Mexico, right?”

“Yeah.” I said.

“She seems like a nice girl.” she smiled.

“Yeah, she is.” an unconcious smile drew on my face. I heard Mrs. Harrold’s light laugh sound.

“You seem to like her a lot.” she said with a small smile on her face.

I blushed at this. “Well...Uh...Yeah, I mean. She’s nice.” I turned my face so Mrs. Harrold couldn’t see the blush in my face. Why I’m I blushing this way?! This shouldn’t be happening to me...And specially with Mina. I sighed. “Well Mrs. Harrold, I think I should be going now.” I said with a smile.

“Okay dear.” she said while I turned around. “But listen. You should think about your feelings towards Mina, and when you are clear about them, you should tell her.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Harrold.” I said leaving the office and closing the door behind me. Wow. That was surprising. Maybe I should follow Mrs. Harrold’s advice and really think about this weird feelings.

I began walking towards the teacher’s lounge. Maybe I shouldn’t have talked like that to Mina. But it’s just so frustrating that she talks about Liam like that. I wish I could tell her all about what he did to me and Alice. But I can’t, I know I can’t.

“Hey Andrew! Wait up!” Liam’s voice took me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him with an annoyed look.

“What?!” I said fiercely.

“Calm down bro, I just came to ask you for a favor.” he said mockingly.

“You asking me a favor? Please, what do I have that you don’t?” I said sarcastically.

“Mina’s friendship.” he said seriously. Is he joking? What the hell, I don’t think he really cares about her. “Look, I really like her okay? And I’m gonna change for her.” he added. I didn’t see that one coming.

“I don’t believe you.” I said bitterly.

“Don’t believe me, I don’t care.” he said with his huge ego kicking in. “But I want you to help me with her.” He said bossily. Is he kidding me? I’ll never herlp him with Mina, especially when it seems I have a thing for her.

“Never. I’ll never help you with Mina” I said through my teeth. He’s really annoying me.

“Oh come on man, help me. I’m asking it nicely.”

“No. Never.” I spat.

“Why not?” he asks naively. But then, truth hit him. “Oh, I know why you don’t wanna help me. You like Mina.” He stated with a mocking grin. I blushed.

“No I don’t, she’s just my friend.” I said in a rush. “And I don’t want you to hurt her like you already did before with me.”

“Yeah, sure Andrew I’ll believe you.” he said sarcastically with that stupid mocking grin of his. “But you know something? She’ll never give you a chance, because well, look at me.” he began to say posing like a model. “She has me.” he laughed loudly. Ugh he is so annoying, I just want to punch him where it hurts.

“Shut up!” I yelled angrily making a fist with my right hand ready to punch Liam’s stupid face. He looked at my fist.

“Oh, I’m so scared.” he laughed.

“Stop that you two immediatly!” the teacher’s voice stopped me from hitting Liam.

“See ya’ Andy.” he used that nickname I hate so much. Then he ran away laughing. He’s so fucking annoying! God, I can’t believe he came to ask me that. I won’t be helping him in anything, even if it’s a life or dead’s matter.

“Are you okay, Andrew?” Mr. Murphy, the History teacher, asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine thanks.” I said beginning to turn around to leave, but he stopped me.

“Hey Andrew.” he said. “The Headmaster’s looking for you.” he informed me.

“Ok. Thanks.” I said turning around and heading again for the Headmaster’s office. All the way there I had my eyes glued to the floor. I entered the office and saw Mrs. Harrold sitting at her desk.

“Hi again Andrew.” she greeted. “Could you go in the office? The Headmaster wants to ask you something.”


I went into the office and found Mr. Jerrif writing something in a piece of paper on his desk. He turned to see me when I entered.

“Hi Andrew.” he said. “I’m glad you could come.”

I let out a little laugh. “That’s what I’m here for, sir.”

“Yeah.” he laughed too. “I wanted to ask you for a favor.” he said. I nodded for him to continue. “I want you to organize all the freshmen papers and file them in the library’s filing cabinet, ok?” he informed me. “Unfortunately, I’ll need the papers today, to fill up some files. So, I will probably finish using the papers at like 7:00 o’clock, and they are a lot, so maybe you can go to your house while I finish with these.” he finished.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll find something to do in the meantime.” I assured him.

“Thanks.” he smiled. “Then come back at 6:45 so I can give you the papers, ok?”

“Ok.” I smiled. “Bye, sir.” I said turning around to leave.

“Bye.” I heard the headmaster say while I came out of the office.

“Bye Mrs. Harrold.” I said goodbye.

“Bye Andrew.” she said softly. “Don’t forget about what I told you earlier.”

I laughed lightly. “Ok, Mrs. Harrold.” I began walking towards the teacher’s lounge again. I guess I’ll just relax for some time and then I’ll go look for something to do while the Headmaster finishes with the papers. I’ll also think about that matter Mrs. Harrold told me about. I sighed and eased my pace. I had a long day ahead.

Mina’s POV

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

“Mina. Mina!” I opened my eyes and saw Irina shaking my shoulder and calling my name. “Mina. Are you okay?” she asked with concern.

“Wha-What?” I said with a sleepy voice. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just fell asleep when I was reading and listening to music here.” I explained while yawning. I had fallen asleep under a big tree in the courtyard.

“Oh. Ok.” she said smiling. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere, and we couldn’t find you.”

“Oh. Who has been looking for me?” I asked confused.

“Mac, Amber, Eva and me.” she replied. “We want to help you to choose something to wear for your date with Liam.” she smiled widely.

“But I thought you didn’t like him.” I said frowning with confusion.

“Well, yeah.” she said. “But we like you. And we want you to be happy and to look beautiful when you go out with him.” she explained.

I smile spread through my face. “Thanks.” I said blushing a little from the happiness. “Ummm...What time is it?”

Irina looked at her wrist watch. “Uh, like 1:30.” she responded.

I made a face. “Yeah. I will obviously need like five hours to get ready for my first date.” I said sarcastically.

Irina burst out laughing. “We’re going shopping! Duhh!” she said when she stopped laughing.

“What?!” I nearly yelled. I was really really surprised by that. “But I don’t need new clothes for that.” I said. “I have enough clothes to use tonight. Besides, we already went shopping yesterday!”

“Ok. Then lets go see what you’ve got.” she said grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the tree and towards the dorms.

We arrived and saw Eva, Mac and Amber at the entrance of the dorms. They ran to us when they saw us.

“You finally found her!” Mac said with a big smile. Eva and Amber smiled behind her.

“Yeah.” she said. “She fell asleep under the big tree at the courtyard.” she explained with a little laugh. “But she insisted in using something she already has for her date.” she continued. “But I say that we should look what she’s got first and then decide if we should go shopping or not.” she finished.

“I agree with that.” Eva said.

“Me too.” Amber added.

“Ok.” Mac said. “Then lets go.”

Irina grabbed my wrist again and dragged me all the way to our room. When we were there I opened the closet and began showing them some options I thought for the outfit I would use that afternoon. Unfortunately neither of the outfits convinced them.

“I think you should use something more showing.” Eva suggested.

“Yeah.” Amber mumbled. “Like a skirt or something.”

“But I don’t have any skirts.” I commented.

“Well then.” Mac said. “We should get going.” she said beginning to stand up.

“What?” I said kind of disoriented. “Where are we going?”

“Shopping.” Irina answered as if it was the mos obvious thing in the world.

“But I have a lot of clothes here!” I complained. “Look closer!” I tried again but failed completely.

“Nop.” Irina said. “We’re going shopping even if you don’t want to.” she replied. “You have to look your best today.” she smiled mischievously.

They began to get out of the room, and me not wanting to go anywhere stood there, with my arms crossed through my chest. Irina came back and grabbed me by the wrist, dragging me, again, out of the dorms and towards the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
There it is! The last chapter I wrote. I really hope you like it! Please please tell me what you think of it, okay? [: