Status: Completed.

Hiking Is Good for You, Right?

Hiking is good for you - are you sure?

“Why did I let you talk me into this, Carlos?” Paty groaned dramatically.

“Stop complaining Paty.” Carlos said. “Where’s your sense of adventure? You know hiking is good for you.”

“I left it in bed, where I’m supposed to be!” She complained.

Carlos laughed at his friends complaining. Paty just pouted at him and looked at him with her chocolate brown eyes. Paty was normally full of laughter and fun to be around, but she was tired. They had been to a Placebo concert the day before and had only gotten a few hours of sleep.

Carlos had been back at her place bright and early with the brilliant idea to go hiking.

“Carlos, I’m tired!” She complained.

“Okay, fine I’ll take you back and we can just go and watch movies.” He said with a sigh.

Paty instantly felt bad. Carlos loved hiking and she usually did too, but she was just so tired. He had been so looking forward to this hiking trip.

“I tell you what, why don’t you just take me back to the marked path and I’ll wait for you at the lodge. Then I can loaf around in the lodge and you can enjoy your hiking trip.”

“Are you sure Paty, you know you tend to get lost easily?” He said.

“Of course I’ll just follow the path no problem.” She said with a big smile.

20 Minutes later …

“No problem you said!” Paty berated herself. “I’ll just go to the lodge … the path is clearly marked! You are such an idiot, you just had to go and get yourself lost!”

Paty had started down the path without any problems; unfortunately she soon lost her way and was now trudging around trying to find her way.

“As long as I walk downhill I should be okay.” She said; trying to convince herself.

She was still walking when she suddenly felt someone grab her from behind, holding her by her shoulders. She snapped her head around, behind her was a man.

“Hey, let go of me!” She said.

“I’ll let you go as soon as you step away from the edge.” He replied calmly with just a hint of a smile on his lips.

“What are you talking about?” She said, puzzled and slightly irritated.

He didn’t answer; he just turned her around while still holding on to her shoulders. She looked in front of her, she gasped and took an involuntary step backwards ending up against the man behind hers chest. If she had taken another step or two she would have plunged down a cliff that had been hidden from sight. She heard a chuckle from behind her and realized that not only was she standing right against a strange man, but that she probably should thank him for saving her from certain death. She turned around and he stepped back, dropping his hands from her shoulders. She blushed in embarrassment.

It was only then that she really looked at her rescuer. He had dark brown hair, but the most noticeable thing about him was his eyes; they were piercing blue. She immediately recognized him.

“Thank you.” She finally managed to get out; while the only thing going through her mind was that he was even more handsome in person.

“No problem, I couldn’t have a pretty little thing like you get hurt.” He replied.

This made her blush and she couldn’t think of anything to say. He flashed a brilliant smile, which was seriously inhibiting her mental functions. She finally managed to pull her scattered wits together.

“Thank you for saving me. My name is Paty.” She managed to say as her brain finally defrosted itself.

“I’m Jared.” He grinned impishly. “I couldn’t help but hear your conversation with yourself.”

Paty turned even redder with embarrassment.

“I know you want to return to the lodge, if you don’t mind I’ll take you back there.” He offered.

She smiled at him. “I’d like that very much. I wanted to go down, but not that fast.” She said indicating the drop off.

He laughed and she was entranced by the way his eyes sparkled. He started leading the way back to the lodge.

“What kind of music do you listen to?” Jared asked; as they walked.

Paty didn’t look at him as she answered.
“I like bands like The Cure and My Chemical Romance. My friends and I just saw Placebo last night and they were great.” She said. “I’m going to see The Killers next week, I’m really looking forward to the concert.”

“You sound like a fan of theirs.” Jared said with a smile.

“I love them, their music is just wonderful.” Paty beamed. She took a breath and smiled shyly.

“There’s also this one band that I really like a lot it’s called ’30 Seconds to Mars’”

Jared laughed. “I’ve heard of them. I’ve been told that the lead singer is a real dork.”

It was Paty’s turn to laugh. “I’ve heard that he has a habit of saving girls from throwing themselves off cliffs.”

“Only the pretty, brown eyed ones who talk to themselves.” Jared joked.

Paty giggled and blushed at his words. She thought that he was such a flirt, but in a good way. This was exactly what she thought he’d be like.

“Well here we are, safe and sound.” He said.

Paty looked around her. She hadn’t even noticed that they were at the lodge. She’d been so enjoying his company that she hadn’t noticed that they had come to the end of they’re journey. She was a little disappointed, she would really have liked to spend more time with him.

“Why don’t we get something to drink?" Jared offered.

She was surprised. She’d thought that he would like to get back to what he was doing. Why would he like to spend time with her?

“Don’t you want to get back to your hiking?” She asked.

“I think I should keep an eye on you.” He teased.

She smiled while blushing. “Only if I pay for the drinks, I need to thank you somehow.”

They ended up drinking hot chocolate and talking the morning away. She felt like she’d known him forever. He was so easy going and he really listened to her. She’d even told him about her dream of becoming an actress, he hadn’t laughed at her like some people did; instead he’d given her some good advice.

“Paty- kins there you are! I was half afraid that you would have gotten lost on your way here!” Carlos said as he walked up to her.
Jared laughed, while Paty just scowled at him.

“Well Paty it seems it’s time to say goodbye. It was good meeting you, I’ve had a nice morning.”

“Thank you again and thank you for a great morning.”

Carlos had stopped in his tracks when he saw Jared. Paty thought that he was doing a very good impression of a goldfish.

“It was my pleasure Paty.” He stepped forward and drew her into a hug. “Please be careful, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” He whispered into her ear. She felt herself shudder as she felt his breath ghost over her ear.

He stepped away from her.

“Goodbye Carlos.” He said and with those words he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like I mentioned before this is specially for Patricia (Paty), but I hope you guys like it. Please comment and let me know what you think.