Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

It Could've Been A ***er!

I was sitting with my brother, Jesse. And, my best friend, Anne.

When the doorbell rang.

"It's open!" Jesse yelled. Well, that was idiotic. It could be a serial killer or something.

But, no don't ask, go ahead and invite the murderer in.

"Hey, Man." Zander said, walking in.

Anne just looked at me and smiled.

She does that every time we see Zander.

Which is, uh...Everyday.

She thinks I like Zander.

But, I don't. Well, I tell her I don't. But, I actually do like him.

Really like him.

I stuck my tongue out at her. Zander saw that.

"Oh, that hurts that you would stick your tongue out at me!" He said.

"I didn't..." Then, he started crying fake tears. He, then, looked up at me and smirked.

"Like I care what you think about me." He said.

Yeah...He hates me.

"I'm going upstairs." I said, starting to get up.

"No. You don't have to go upstairs. Lay off her, Man."Jesse said, to Zander.

"And, why should I do that?" He asked.

Yeah, I don't know why I like him either.

"What has Stella ever done to you?" Jesse asked.

"She's been herself. Which is a stupid brat." Zander said.

I sucked in a sharp breath, then got up, and ran upstairs, to my room.

"Stella! Wait!" I heard Anne yell.

I heard her get up and mutter, "Nice going,Idiot." to, I'm guessing, Zander.

I slammed the bedroom door, ran and jumped on my bed. I heard the door open and then close.

"Stell..." Anne started.

"I'm fine, Anne." I said.

"Well, Zander shouldn't have said that. He's just in a bad mood."

"Sure." I replied, sarcastically.

"He is!" Anne said, sitting on my bed.

"Well, I don't care any way."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't! I would have been this way, if anybody had said those things, about me."

"Yeah, but it's worse when Zander says it." I opened my mouth to protest, when she said,

"Don't even say I'm wrong. I know you like Zander. You're my best friend, of course I know. I can tell these things..."

"I don't like Zander" I muttered (lied) into my pillow.

She just sighed.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Hmm...Hide And Seek?"


"Well, let's go outside! There's no place to hide, nor seek, in your room."

"'K" I said. And, we both ran downstairs and out the door.

"You wanna hide or seek?" I asked Anne.

"Hide! Close your eyes and count to 50! Wait...Wait...Now!" She said, running off. I closed my eyes and started counting.

"...48...49...50! Ready or not, here I come!" I yelled and started looking.

I went behind a tree....Nope.

A bush...Nope.

Another tree...Yup!

"Found you!" I said.

"Fine. But, you gotta catch me!!" She said, running off.

Ugh. I chased her and chased her. Finally I jumped on her and we both fell to the ground, laughing.

I felt eyes on us and instantly turned to the window. The curtain quickly moved back, into place. Indicating that someone had been there. I caught a glimpse, of that someone.

And,it looked like...Zander?

No, it couldn't have been Zander.

Why would he be watching us?

Oh well.

"My turn to hide!" I said, jumping up.


"And...Go!" I said, running away. I found the best hiding place ever.

"...49...50! Here I come!" Anne yelled.

"Stella? Oh Stella? Where are you?" I heard her say.

"And...There you are!" She said, finding me.


I screamed and ran like mad. She leaped on me.

"Nooo....!" I screamed, going down.

"Yessss....!" She replied. We both laughed again.

"I'm done with this." I said, after our laughing fit.

"Me too." She said. And, we both went inside.

I dared myself to look at Zander.

So I did.

He was looking at me, smiling. As soon as he saw me looking at him, he turned back to the TV and his smile disappeared. Well, that was a little bit weird. Anne grabbed my hand and ran upstairs. She ran into my room and slammed the door.

"Did you see him smiling at you? Did you?" She squealed.

"Um...No." I lied.

"Yes you did! I saw you looking at him!" She said.


"Well, maybe I did a little. But, so what? It didn't mean anything. He hates me..." I replied.

She shook her head, but, thankfully, she didn't say anything.
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Hope you like it!!!!!=))