Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Chapter 10

"Anne, whatcha wanna do?" I asked.

"Well, I got to go. But, maybe you can hang out, with Zander," She said, smiling, in her sneaky way.

"Yuck! Jesse, what do you want to do?" I called.

"You're hanging out, with Zander!" He called back.

"Hmph," I said, crossing my arms, over my chest.

"Oh, you know you love me!" Zander said.

"Do not!" I said.

Why yes you do!

Not you again...

"Okay. Sure you don't," Zander said, walking away. I groaned as me and Zander were being pushed out the door.


“Come here, Stella!” Zander called.

”No!” I replied.

I can't believe Anne and Jesse left me with that...Thing...

And, now we were running down the street...Together...

Zander was chasing me, and I was running, for my life.

Why was he chasing me and why was I running? Well, because we are idiots, who don't know how to entertain ourselves, without chasing each other, around outside. And, when I say 'we' are idiots, yeah, I mean 'him'.

”Stop chasing me!” I screamed, running, in circles, around a tree.

He jumped to grab me, but I ran away, in the last second. I closed my eyes, I don't know why, seems pretty stupid to close your eyes, when running, dosen't it?

”Stella, no!” Zander yelled, to the top, of his lungs.

But, I ignored him, he was just trying, to scare me, and make me stop.

Everything happened so fast, next.

A car horn honked and a sharp pain hit me hard, in my left side.

The last thing I remember hearing, before passing out, was the frantic calls, to 911, and Zander's shaky screams, for me, to wake up.

Then, everything went black.

XxxZander's POVxxX

I was sitting beside Stella's bed, staring blankly, at the wall. The only sounds, in this room were Anne's sobbing, Jesse's praying, and the heart monitor beeping.

I couldn't look at Stella, every time I did, more tears would come to my eyes, because everything was all my fault. If I hadn't have started chasing her, none of this would have happened.


Stella was running, around a tree multiple times, I decided to just jump, on her. But, she ran out, of my way, before I got her. Then, she started running, in the direction, of the road.

”Stella, no!”I yelled, as loud as I could, but she didn't listen.

A car came swerving, out of control, down the road, and hit Stella.

”Please, no,” I whispered.

I ran over, to where she was, screaming her name. The guy who was driving the car, jumped out, and had his cellphone, to his ear.

”I'm sorry,” He said, looking at me.

I wanted to kill this guy, but that was for later, right now was only Stella. I screamed her name over and over, gently shaking her; begging her to wake up. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, praying this was all a dream. That illusion ended as I heard the ambulance sirens arriving. My eyes opened as someone lifted Stella and put her, on a stretcher. I jumped up and started getting, in the ambulance, but a man, in a uniform stopped me.

”Family?” He asked.

”No. But, I'm her boyfriend,” I lied.

What was I going to say?

I'm her brother's best friend whom she despises?

”And, I'm going, whether you like it or not,” I said, determined.

He nodded stiffly. I got up and sat with Stella. Tears were gushing down my face, as I looked down, at her.

How do I always end up hurting her, in one way or another?

*End Of FlashBack*

I was now sobbing.

I took a deep breath, stood up, and ran out, of the hospital.

She wasn't the only one that I was going, to hurt.
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Hope everyone likes it!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who commented!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee comment!!!!! Good or bad=)))))))))