Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Chapter 11.

I was swimming, for my life. The water was freezing, and the current was getting stronger. One more big wave came, and knocked me under. Then it was darkness, black darkness.

Then, I look around, and am in a hospital. I see Jesse, on his knees, and Anne sobbing. Then, I look and see a confusing sight. I see myself, in a hospital bed.

But, how can that be?

I'm right here, I'm standing up. I walked to Anne and Jesse.

”Jesse. Anne. Listen to me!” I shouted.


I touched Jesse's shoulder, and my hand went right, through him. Then, it struck me.

I was dead.


No, no, no, no. No! This can't be!

I started crying. ”Don't cry, Dear,” I heard. I looked around and saw somebody. It was too bright to see who.

”Who-Who are you?” I asked.

”Don't cry,” They repeated. And, I couldn't cry, anymore.

”You can still live, you're not dead. It's your friend Zander you need to worry about, not yourself,” It said. I noticed Zander wasn't here.

”W-why? Why?” I demanded.

They started shaking their head, and reached out, taking my hand. The next thing I knew, we were in a room. I looked around.

”Where are we?” I asked.

”Look harder,” The person replied.

I looked around, frantically. Then, I saw something, something so horrifying. I let out a blood curling scream, and dropped, to my knees.

Zander was in front of me, a pool of blood around him. I stroked his beautiful blood matted brown hair, even though he couldn't feel it.

Then, I muttered the question, I was dying to know, but was terrified, of the answer.

”Is he alive?”


”Answer me!" I screamed.


I let out a shaky breath of relief.

”But, not for long. You must hurry. Zander needs you know more than ever, be what he needs. Go, now. Go!” It said, then disappeared.

”But-But, how? How do I save him?” I asked.

”How?” I screamed. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping this was just a dream.

I would give anything to have Zander, yelling for me to go get him a Dr.Pepper, and make him a sandwich. I'd make him a million sandwich's, if I could.

No. No, this isn't the end. I'm fighting, for him, I'm not giving up. I opened my eyes, and I was back, in the hospital room.

I looked around and the scene hadn't changed. Jesse was still praying, Anne was still sobbing. I didn't know what to do.

How can I wake up?

I walked to where I was laying and screamed, to the top, of my lungs. Nothing. I ran to Jesse.

”Jesse, please help. I need you,” I whispered, in his ear. His head jerked up.

”Stella?” He asked, looking around.

”Jesse!” I screamed. He stared at me, well the me, in the bed. Then, started shaking his head.

”I'm hearing things now,” He muttered.

”No!” I yelled.

I went to the bed, and,impulsively, threw myself on it .I squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what else to do. When I opened them, I was looking around. I looked down, and I was back, in my body. I smiled.

”Jesse! Anne!” I said, in a hoarse whisper. They both looked up, shocked.

”Stella!” They both yelled, and ran, to hug me.

”Yeah, I love you, too! Where's Zander?” I asked.

This could have all been a freaky dream. Yeah, yeah, I bet it was.

”Huh?” Jesse asked, looking around. ”I thought he was still here,” He said.

”Me, too,” Anne said. I threw my legs, over the bed, and stood up.

”What are you doing? You could get hurt! Lay back down!” Anne said, pushing me back down.

”Wait. How can I walk? I was hit, by a car,” I asked.

I needed to know...

”The car hit you, but not hard. Zander knocked you out, of the way first, but he didn't get hit bad either. Just hit his foot. But, when he pushed you, you hit your head, on the ground. Hard,” Anne explained. I nodded, and realized my head was pounding.

But, I ignored it, and ran out, of the hospital room. I felt something come off my arm.

”What was that?” I asked.

”Your IV,” Jesse said. I felt dizzy.

”Well, great. Let's go,” I said, running.

”Where are we going?” Jesse and Anne asked, following me.

”To Zander's,” I said, running, out the hospital door.

Some people were yelling my name. I guess the nurse or something, but there's no time, for that right now. I kept running.

”Where's your car?” I asked Jesse. He pointed at it. I hopped, in the front seat, Jesse got, in the driver, and Anne, in the back.

”Zander's,” I said, frantically, trying to get my seat belt on.

Yeah, I like safety first.

Jesse zoomed out of the parking lot, and on the main highway. I have no idea why Anne and Jesse were listening, to me. I mean, I just woke up, from being hit, by a car, and ran out, of my IV, and out, of the hospital. They should think I'm crazy. I looked down, at my arm, and some blood was coming out, from the IV. I felt woozy. I took deep breaths and covered my arm, with my shirt.

Jesse pulled up to Zander's house. I've never been here, but I'm assuming it's his.

”We're here,” Jesse said, but I was already out, of the car.

I ran to the door, and knocked, hoping that Zander would come and answer it, say I looked awful, and do his famous smirk.

But, nothing.

No, Zander didn't live alone, but his mom and dad were never home.

I jiggled the doorknob.

Crap. It's locked.

I tried pushing it open, but it didn't budge.

”Jesse! Anne! Help!” I yelled.

They came running.

”It's locked!” I screamed.

Anne took out a bobby pin, and stuck it, in the lock. Me and Jesse kept pushing the door, and it finally opened. I fell in, and looked around.

”Where's his room?” I yelled, at Jesse. He led me to it.

It was locked, too.

I groaned, in frustration. Then, I slammed, into the door, and it opened.

It's just a dream.

It's just a dream.

I ran in, and let out the same blood curling scream I did, when I was here, before. Zander was layed out, on the floor, a pool of blood, around him. Anne screamed, but not quite as loud, as I did.

”No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” I repeated over and over. Jesse reached down and hugged me.

”Don't hug me! Get 911! Go! Go now! Now!” I screamed. I remembered what that person said.

He's alive.

I reached down, and checked, he had a pulse. It was barely there, but it was there.

”He has a pulse! Someone better be calling 911!!” I screamed.

Anne and Jesse were, both on the phone.

”They'll be here in less than 3 minutes,” Jesse said, calmly.

”How can you be so calm? This is your best friend! Do you not understand that? Well, do you?” I yelled, at him.

I saw the pain, in his eyes, he was trying to hide it, for me. He didn't answer.

I heard distant sirens. They were getting closer and closer, until they were here. Someone came bursting through the door downstairs, and I heard multiple pairs, of footsteps running, up the stairs.

”Right there,” Anne muttered.

It must be a sight.

A girl that looks awful, crying her eyes out, and screaming 'this isn't happening' every few seconds, clutching on to a boy, for dear life. Who was laying, in a pool, of blood, with his hair matted, to his head, by blood.

A wonderful sight, I bet.

”Ma'am, please move,” Someone said.

I was removed off of Zander, crying. Jesse held me, in his arms. I looked, at the bed, and there was a piece of paper on it.


It read on the front. I let out a loud scream, knowing what it was.

His goodbye letter.

Jesse saw what I was looking at, grabbed it, and handed it to me. I didn't open it. I couldn't yet.

Not yet.

We all ran downstairs, well not Zander, he was, on a stretcher. He was being put in an ambulance. Me, Jesse, and Anne all climbed in, behind him. I sat down, beside Zander, Anne and Jesse on, either side, of me. Anne had her arms, around me. Me and her both were crying our eyes out. I looked at Jesse, he was shedding tears, now. I kept sobbing the whole way, to the hospital, the letter clutched tightly, in my hand.
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I cried writing that...Anyways...Hope you liked it!!!! Please Comment!!!...