Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky


I stared blankly at the hospital wall, my hand still clutching Zander's letter.

Why did he do this?


A nurse walked in and said something to Jesse. I couldn't hear her, I couldn't hear anything. All my senses were numb. I could feel her glare on me. Yes, I got yelled at, when I ran, in here. But, I really couldn't give a crap.

I dared myself to look at Zander's face, and I did. I stopped breathing, when I saw his angelic face scratched up, and his beautiful hair still matted, with blood. He looked paler than ever; He looked like a ghost, of himself. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. My eyes wouldn't move from him, no matter how much I begged them to.

His shallow breathing was the only thing keeping me, from screaming right here. He stopped his pattern, of breathing, for a split second, and I did, too. I opened my mouth ready to scream, for help, but he started breathing again. I sighed.

”Stella,” Jesse whispered in my ear, I didn't move.

”I think- I think you should read his letter,” He said. I stopped breathing, and I slowly shook my head back and forth.

”Please, Stella. I'll read it if you don't want to,” He pleaded.

That scared me. There must have been a reason Zander wrote it, to me, and not Jesse, Anne, or anybody else, right? I shook my head, frantically.

”Stella, I'm begging you. It might be important,” He said, determined.

He wasn't going to give up. I sighed, thinking about it.

I just wonder what he wrote; What he said. But, curiosity killed the cat.

I looked down at it again.

I don't care, I'm not a freaking cat.

I started to open it, and Jesse took the message.

”Anne,” He said, standing. Anne looked at me, and understood, they both walked out. I sighed, and opened it.


I know that you're probably mad at me, if you can even read this. I can hear you saying right now,

”Zander, you stupid idiot. What in the heck possessed you to do this? I know what, it's just because you're a plain moron”

Well, maybe I am Stella. Maybe I am. But, even though I am a moron, Stella, I'm your moron.

I always have been, always will be.

Nothing will change that. I can hear you thinking,

”You liar. You hate me”

That's a lie, Stella. I've never hated you, not the whole time I've known you, not once. I needed you to know that. So, I guess you know why I did this.


I never thought you were stupid, Stella, but if you still don't know, you're stupid. I just heard you say,

”No. You're stupid, moron.”

But, Stella, it's because, of you. When you got hit by that car, I...I just didn't know what to do. It was all my fault, I know. And, right now, even though, by the time you read this, I'll be long gone, I still don't know, if you made it through that .And, I knew, I'd never be able, to forgive myself, if anything ever happened, to you.

Because, well, I...


I'm still the stupid coward I've always been. I can't even say what I wrote this letter for.

I can just imagine your face. Your either laughing your butt off or mad. Laughing your butt off, because of what I about wrote, or mad because you're still mad at me, for making you get, in front, of that car.

I'm sorry, for both.

I'm going to write something, I'm not too afraid, to write.

I'll miss you, Stella.

I'll truly miss you, more than anyone else.

I know you probably won't miss me. I wouldn't miss me, either.

But, just know, whatever you're doing, I'll be thinking, about you.

Forever and always.

No matter what.

Well, I've written more than I planned to, in this letter, but, just knowing that you might read it, makes me write what I feel. You've always been able to do that, you know. There's just something about you that makes me spill my guts.

Well, good-bye, Stella.

Good-bye forever


I was shaking with sobs. I had to bite my tongue, not to scream. I looked up and looked, at Zander. He was blurry from all the tears, clouding my vision.

There it was.

There was my life.

My whole life was laying, almost completely life-less, before my eyes.

I stood up, and walked to Zander's bed. I stared at him, for a second, then bent down and kissed his cheek. I shuddered, it was so cold, so life-less. Then, before I knew what happened, my knees collapsed, from beneath me.

”Stella!” Jesse and Anne yelled, in sync, bursting through the hospital room door.

I let them help me up. I looked over, at Anne, and stared, in her eyes. She nodded understandingly.

”Jesse let's go get something to drink. Stella, just hold, on to the bed really tight,” She said, grabbing Jesse's hand and pulling him out. He looked confused.

I looked back down, at Zander, and just bent down and hugged him tightly, sobbing.

My tears hitting his cheeks, as if they were his own tears.

I stayed like that, for a minute.

”Stella....Don't...Cry....”I heard, and jerked up.

”W- What?” I asked.

”Please...Don't cry,” I heard. I looked down, from where the voice was coming from. And, I saw beautiful, light-brown eyes looking back at me. It couldn't be.

”What?” I whispered.

”I don't like to see you cry,” Zander said. I started shaking my head, smiling. The tears still flowing.

”Zander!” I squealed, and hugged him. He didn't hug back. I pulled away, from him, and looked at him, only seeing confusion, in his eyes.

”What?” I asked.

”I- I thought you would hate me. I thought you already hated me,” He said.

”Oh. Zander!” I said, hugging him, again. He hugged back, this time.

”I don't hate you, I could never hate you,” I whispered, in his ear. I felt him smile.

”I like what your wearing,” Zander said. I looked, and remembered I had never taken my hospital gown off, from when I ran out, of the hospital.

”I was in a hurry, okay?” I said, laughing.

And, that reminded me...

I pulled back from him.

”Zander, you stupid idiot. What in the heck possessed you to do this? I know what, it's just because you're a plain moron,” I said. He smiled.

”I thought you might say that,” He said.

Woah. Can you say Deja vu?

”Yeah..I know...” I said. He looked at me.

”Zander, don't you ever do anything like that, again! You scared the freaking crap outta me!” I said.

”Why?” He asked, smirking.

”Because...Because, I care, okay? I care about you, I care about what happens to you, I care, I care, I care. Okay? Happy?” I asked. He seemed shocked, by my response.

”I care about you, too,” He said.

”I know,” I whispered. He smiled.

”I missed you,” I whispered, to him.

”Missed you more.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah...Do I smell love in the air? Possibly...So, Zander and Anne would like to say something to you guys personally...

Zander: Hey. Yeah, I'm Zander. And,I want to thank you, for reading!!! We really appreciate that your find, our lives enjoyable. And, we hope you liked it!!! Please M-

Stella: Hey! I wanna talk, too.So, hey, you guys! How are you? Okay, yeah, what Zander said. And, my writer lovesss comments!!!!

Why thank you Zander and Stella!

Stella&Zander:You're welcome!

Okay, so...Like they said, I do love comments. And, now, if you would like to ask any of these characters any questions, please feel free comment. They would love to answer them personally!! If you have any suggestions, for the story, please feel free to comment and I'll see what I can do!! So, thank you guys, for reading!!=)

XoXo~Stella,Alex,Zander,and everyone else!