Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Chapter 14

“Hey, Jesse, have you seen Anne?” I yelled.

“Um, actually, no. You haven't heard anything from her?” He asked, walking, in my room.

“No,” I said, shaking my head.

“Huh,” He replied, running his hands, through his wet hair.

It's been 3 weeks since everything happened, and I haven't talked to Anne since then. That day we got back from the hospital, she stayed, for about 10 minutes, and said she had to go. When she was leaving, I thought I heard her mumble something, and glare at me. No, she wasn't glaring at me. She wouldn't be. Why would she?

I shook my head.

I'm making this into more than it is.

I'll just call her....For the 217th time this week.


I sighed, and looked at my nails. Ew.

I realized the phone had stopped ringing.

“Hello?” I said.


“Hello? Anne? You there? Yoo- hoo?” I asked.


Then, I heard a scratch, something that sounded like a muffled scream, and then the line disconnected. I pulled my phone, from my ear, and looked, at it.

Well, that wasn't weird....

Now, I'm getting a little freaked out.

I'll just stop, by her house.

I got up, and slipped, on my black Converse high-tops, and my black hoodie.

“Jesse!” I screamed.

“Jesse!” I repeated, running down the steps. There was a note, on the kitchen table.

“Stella, went, to the store.

Be back soon.

Don't miss me too much,” It read, with a smiley face, at the end.

Crap. Now, I have, to walk.

I sighed, grabbing my iPod, and phone and left.

Ugh, Anne's house is like a mile, from here. And, I hate walking.

A mile+a-non-walker = Bad.

I slipped my headphones in, and turned, it on.

“Bad” by Michael Jackson came on.

Ooh, yes.

“'Cause, I'm bad. I'm bad. Shomon!” I sang.

About half way, to Anne's house, I realized I could have called Zander.

Crap, again.

Then, I wouldn't have, to be walking.

Did I mention I hate walking?

I do.

“I'm walking. I'm walking. Ooh, yeah, I'm walking,” I sang.

Yeah, I'm a genius.

Finally! I see Anne's house! Hallelujah!

I was now panting.

Just a few more steps, Stella. You can do it!




Yeah, as you might be able to tell, I'm not in the best shape. That's why I don't like walking.

I did say I don't like walking, didn't I?

I don't.

“Yes!” I yelled, and threw my hands up, in the air, standing, on Anne's porch.

I knocked.

No answer.

I knocked, again.

No answer.

I knocked, again.

No freaking answer.

I tried the door, it was locked.



I bent down, and looked, under the mat.


I picked up the key. That's the oldest hiding spot, for a key, ever, but they still keep it there. I'm the only one who knows, though. Well, me and those weirdos that watch me every time I come here. I looked around, no weirdos....Yet.

Okay, Stella, get back on track; Remember why you're here.

I stuck the key, in the lock, and twisted. It opened, with a creak. Okay, that was creepy. The house was pitch black dark, inside. I took one step in, and the floor creaked. I took a few more steps in, and my steps creaked each time. I looked around, no sign, of Anne. Or, anybody, for that matter.

“A- Anne?” I yelled, my voice cracking.

I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not scared...

I think....

Well, maybe a little. But, just a little.

“Anne?” I tried yelling, but it came out, in a whisper. I felt the walls, for a light. I found one and flipped it on. I sighed, as I looked around. Everything looked normal.

I got my courage up, and yelled, ”Anne!” And, it actually came out, as a yell this time.

I heard a sound. I listened harder. It came again.

“Hello?” I asked. The sound came again, this time louder. I walked, to the door, I heard it come from, and knocked, immediately regretting it.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Why the crap would I knock?

Okay, if I hear it one more time, I'll open it. The scratching sounded again.

Okay, maybe one more time. It came again. Okay, just one more time.

“Chicken,” My conscience said, from inside my head.

Hey! You're me, so you just called yourself chicken!

It scratched again.

“There you go," My conscience said.

I sighed, and nodded, to myself. I'm opening it. I put my hand, on the doorknob.

Just like a band-aid, do it quick, and then it'll be over.

Just like a band-aid.

I turned the knob, and thrust the door open.

My eyes flew open wide, and I screamed a blood-curling scream because, of the sight, in front, of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha!! Cliffhanger!! BAM! Hahah, sorry, it's taken so long to get out! I've been super busy! But, pleaseee comment! It will DEFINITELY make me update faster! So, comment, comment, comment!=)