Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky


Just like a band-aid, do it quick, and then it'll be over.

Just like a band-aid.

I turned the knob and thrust the door open. My eyes flew open wide, and I screamed a blood-curling scream because, of the sight, in front, of me.

I ran over to the moving body. I looked down and she was covered in blood, tied up, and duct tape was covering her mouth.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I kept muttering, under my breath.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to do, so I did instinct. I grabbed the side, of the duct tape, whispered, ”I'm so sorry.” and ripped it off. The girl screamed, in pain. She stared at me, and backed, into the corner, shaking.

“It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise,” I said softly, reaching my hand out, to her. She stared, at my hand, skeptically.

“Y- y- y- you're n- not?” She asked, stuttering repeatedly.

“Of course not,” I said. She let out a breath.

“Now....What happened?” I asked, trying to find a way to ask all the questions running, through my mind. She stayed silent. Okay...

“Who did this to you?” I asked. Once again, silence.

“Please...Answer me. I won't be able to help you, if you don't tell me who did this, to you,” I said.

“She was a girl...I'm sorry, that's all I know. She blind folded me, before I could see her,” She whispered, shifting her eyes.

Questions were fogging my mind. There was only one word that kept coming, to my mind.


I shook my head to myself, it couldn't be. No way, not possible. Anne would never- My thoughts were cut off, by the front door opening. The girl started, to scream, but I covered her mouth, and told her, to be quiet. I heard muffled talking.

Someone sounded like....Jesse?


Then, she spoke. “That's her!” The girl whispered, urgently.


Anne continued talking, and then a figure shadowed the door.

“Hurry, go! There's closet right there! H- hide! I'll be fine,” The girl whispered, to me.

I obeyed her, and stood up, and ran to the closet as quietly, as I could. I left the door open so I could barely see out. I stared out the door, watching Anne drag Jesse in. My breath quickened.

“I could have swore I shut that door,” Anne said. I could see the girl was struggling not to cry.

“Well, dear Emma, looks like you have a friend. But, sadly, you two don't have enough time to get to know each other,” Anne said, reaching into her pocket. I stopped breathing. She pulled out...a gun?

“Well, which one, of you lovely people would like to go first?” Anne asked, but it wasn't Anne. Not my Anne. She sounded completely different. My Anne sounded sweet and innocent. This Anne sounded...Sick? Evil? Not my Anne.

“I really do wish that my dear best friend, Stella, was here. I know she would love this. But, you do know, what will make this better, don't you?” She asked, I shivered when she said my name.

“Leave Stella out of this!” Jesse yelled.

Crap, Jesse! You always have been an idiot!

She turned to him, and smiled evilly. “It looks like we have a volunteer,” Anne said.


She pointed the gun at him. “Wait!” Emma yelled. Anne held the gun, in the same spot.

“At least....At least, tell us why you're doing this. We deserve that much,” She whispered. Anne laughed, humorless.

“You don't know?

Well, of course! I would be delighted, to fix that! Let's start with you, Emma, my dear cousin.

You were my favorite cousin. So, two years ago, when I was fourteen, as you know, I had my first boyfriend. Well, you still hadn't had a boyfriend, and I could tell you were jealous.

You were jealous, of the way we were always together, how we laughed together, cried together, never left each others sight.

Ah, young love.

I was so foolish, but not stupid. I could tell when he started saying he 'was busy' all the time, but I chose to ignore it, even though I knew what was happening. Then, he started ignoring my phone called, emails, and text messages, altogether.

Then, you and him finally chose, to make it public.

We're at the mall, don't you remember?

Of course you do, silly me!

We were shopping when he met up with us. I fooled myself into thinking he was running, to me, but instead, he ran to you, and...You remember what happened next. Just in case you don't, he kissed you. And, at that moment, my heart broke, into a million pieces. And, I'm so proud you and him are still together, and I'm also proud you won't be much longer. I know you think it's silly, doing this just because, of a silly fourteen year old crush.

But, it's just that, every time I see you and him together, it breaks my heart all over again, it replays that day. And, you have been destroying my life since then. Does that make it clear, Miss Emma?” She asked. Emma was speechless.

“Now, how about we move to you, Jesse? Well, there's not an amazing reason, for you. You've always been nice to me, you've always accepted me, as your little sister. And, I thank you, for that. So, I would let you go, but now you would run off and call the police, and we wouldn't want that, now would we? Besides, it would be such a shame, to waste another way to get back, at Stella. So, on with this! Who first?” She asked.


“Okay, we'll go with...Jesse,” She said. She lifted her arm, and pointed the gun, at him.

“Bye, Jesse,” She said, smiling, humorlessly. Her finger was, on the trigger, when I jumped out, from behind the door. I jumped, on her back, and brought her to the ground, screaming, ”No!” She laughed, picked me up, and slammed me, against the wall.

When did she get so strong?

“It's so wonderful you joined us, dearest Stella!” Anne said.

“Now, I'm sure you didn't just walk in, and decide to attack me, did you? Of course not. Wonderful! Now, I don't have to repeat every thing,” She said, automatically, pointing the gun, at me.

“Wait! We didn't hear Stella's story!” Jesse said, stalling. She dropped the gun.

“How could I forget? I guess I got a little excited. Well, this is the best story of all! So, obviously, we all know here that Stella likes Zander. Well, maybe not you Emma, but that's okay, you'll catch up. Well, I'm just going to get this out there. Once Emma broke my heart, there was only one person who started to make it heal. And, that Stella, is your lovely Zander.


Shocker, right? I sure hope so!

I've hid it long enough, now I just want to scream it, at the top of my lungs! In fact...I love Zander!” She screamed.

I shivered.

“What? You don't like that, Stella? Well, I could care less! Once Zander started being nicer to you, I started plotting my plan.

Want to hear it?

You're going to.

Get Zander to be nicer to you, make you and him get closer, act like I actually cared, and then, take you, from him! Then, he'll need a shoulder, to cry on.


I think I planned it out perfectly. Don't you? So, when you die, he'll be, with me, and realize how much he truly does love me. And, everything will be perfect. You will be gone. Zander and I will be together. I'll never have to see Emma's face again. My life will be easy! All thanks to you, Stella. For ruining my plans, so far, but now life will be even better. That's the way it works, isn't it? I think it's a little thing called Karma.

It's a pain, isn't it?

Well, enough of this.

I want to get on with my wonderful life!

Say goodnight,Stella...”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry it's taken so long!!!!!!!!! I hope this makes up for it!!=D

OH!!! I almost forgot!! Go check out these writers!!! Their stories are super freaking AMAZING!!!!! Now,GO!!! Now!!!!! I COMMAND YOU!!!!!!!

Okie dokie!! That's all!

Love you,guys!!!!!!!
