Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky


“That's the way it works, isn't it? I think it's a little thing called Karma. It's a pain, isn't it? Well, enough of this. I want to get on with my wonderful life! Say goodnight, Stella.”

Anne pointed the gun at my head, I looked around.

Emma was crying, and Jesse was speechless. I closed my eyes, and whispered, ”I love you, Zander.”

I heard a door slam open, someone scream, ”No!”, and then I heard the fatal sound.

The shoot, of a gun.

Everything went fuzzy, when I opened my eyes. Wait, I can open my eyes. I pinched my arm, and it hurt like crap.

I'm alive!

I looked around. Jesse and Emma were wide-eyed. Anne was staring at something, on the ground.

“He- h- he took it. He took the bullet, for you,” She muttered, over and over.

I looked down, and there he was.

“What?!” I screamed.

I went to Zander and he was lying, on the floor. I stood up, and went eye-to-eye, with Anne.

“You cause me so much freaking trouble, and I'm done. I'm done, with your lies, I'm done, with your plans, I'm done, with you,” I screamed, bawling my eyes out.

I fell, to the ground, hugging Zander.

I've done this too many times.

My tears touched Zander, and his eyes opened.

“Zander!” I screamed.

“He must have just been, in shock, but it did hit his hand,” Jesse said, walking over. I smiled, then remembered something. Just as I was standing up, someone busted in.

“Police! Put your hands up,” The policeman ordered. I looked around, questioningly.

“I called them. I knew something was wrong,” Zander whispered. I smiled at him.

“What's going on here?” He asked.

Then, he saw Anne holding a gun, and yelled, ”Drop it!” He was pointing his own gun, at her. She dropped it, and glared.

He realized Zander was lying down, with a bloody hand. So, he called an ambulance. Zander didn't have to go, to the hospital, they patched him up, in the ambulance, since it was a minor cut.

Anne was already, at the police station. Then, we all had to go, to the police station. Emma, Jesse, Zander, and I all got put, in a room.

They listened to Anne's side first. Then, came, in our room.

“Okay, go ahead,” He said. They all looked at me.

“Long story short, Anne tried to kill us all, except Zander. That was accidental,” I said.

“Explain,” He said, sitting down.

“Well, I went to Anne's since I hadn't heard, from her, and she wasn't there. Her and I were best friends, so I knew where the key was. I went in. Something didn't seem right, and when I heard someone screaming, I knew something wasn't right. I walked in and found Emma, tied up with tape on her mouth. I took it all off, and then we heard Anne. I hid in the closet. That's when she brought Jesse in. Then she was about to shoot them, when I ran out. Then, after a while, she wanted to shoot me. She pointed the gun, at my head, so I closed my eyes. I heard someone yell, and a shoot. I opened them, and she had shot Zander's hand, when she had been aiming for me,” I said.

“Why did she want to kill you three?”He asked, pressing his lips together.

“Emma; because she stole a crush, from Anne, when they were fourteen. And, she wanted to kill me, because she, um...” I trailed off, looking at Zander.

He would know how I felt, if I said why she wanted, to kill me.

“Um?” The policeman said.

Jesse and Emma looked at me, encouragingly.

“Anne wanted to kill me, because she wanted Zander. She has always had a crush, on him, and wanted him,” I said, looking down.

The policeman looked from Zander then to me, and didn't question the answer.

“Well, okay, you guys sit here, and I need to go talk to some people,” He said, walking out.

After a lot more questioning,and all our parents being called.

Anne got her sentence.

10 years in prison.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, it's taken so long! When it was the end of the school year, I was soooo busy. And, then after school got out, I've constantly been going to pools and stuff. So sorry!!!! And, I have some news. There's only going to be about 1 or 2 more chapters. I want you guys to go to my Quizilla,, and vote on the poll I have, to whether I should make a sequel or not. Thanksss!!!!=D Comment!!!=)