Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Almost Caught

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some water. You coming?" I asked Anne.

"No. We just came back upstairs!" She groaned.

"We did, but I'm thirsty."

"Go by yourself."

"Fine. Lazy butt." I muttered.

I ran down the stairs, and started to go in the kitchen.

When I saw...Zander?

He had his hand down the garbage can. He pulled out a paper.

No freaking way.

"What are you doing?" I asked, causing him to jump.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Paybacks great, ain't it? Now, what are you holding?" I asked, walking forward.

I caught a glimpse, of the paper.

It was our M.A.S.H paper!

I snatched it from him, before he even had the chance to react. Then looked at it.

Okay, this wasn't the half, with him in it.

I sighed, with relief, then stuck my hand in the garbage can, and got the other pieces, before he could have the chance.

I had stuck my hand, in garbage cans more times today than I've ever wanted to, in my entire life.

I'm gonna have to wash my hands, with GermX, for hours.

"What is that?" He said, pointing, at the paper pieces.

"Just a stupid game, me and Anne play. I thought you didn't care, about anything that had, to do, with us?"

His expression wasn't angry.

That was a shocker.

Then, it turned angry.

Ah, the good ol' Zander's back.

"I don't." He hissed, and left the kitchen.

"Well, alrighty then." I mumbled, to myself. I went, to the fridge and got a water. Then, went back upstairs.

"What took you so long?"Anne whined.

"Well, I just found Zander, looking through the garbage can,and he had our M.A.S.H paper. Then, I got a water and came back up. That's all."

"No way!" She said, smiling. I nodded.

She opened her mouth to say something more, but I held my hand up, telling her to wait. Footsteps were coming towards my room.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

It was Jesse.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you that Zander's spending the night tonight. I thought you might wanna know."

"Why?" I whined.

"Now, I know you l-" He was interrupted, by the Zander himself.

"'Cause, I wanna spend the night. Now, what were you gonna say, Jesse?"

I looked at Jesse, with a pleading look.

"I was going to say. I know she hates you, but she should try to get along, with you."

Oh, he was the best brother ever!

Zander walked out.

"Just wanted, to tell you." Jesse said, walking out.

I slumped against my bed, and sighed.

I looked over at Anne, and she was getting something, out of her purse.

She pulled out her cellphone and started dialing.

"Anne, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, I'm spending the night, of course."
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Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!

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