Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Too Good To Be True

"Why'd you get so much stuff?" I asked, carrying in half the stuff she had brought, for tonight.

"You know me!" Was all she said.

That was true. She brings her whole house everywhere she goes.

I heard laughing and apparently so did Anne, because we both looked up.

Jesse was standing there laughing, while Zander was standing beside him, with the usual look of disgust he wore every time he was around me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, since Zander is spending the night, I thought I shouldn't have to live through it alone. So, Anne's spending the night, too." I replied.

Then, me and Anne started walking upstairs.

I busted open the door to my room and dropped her stuff.

"What do you pack in those? Bricks?" I asked, out of breath. She smirked, at me.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I yelled, in her ear.

"Dance?" She yelled back, equally loud.

"Heck yeah! But, I don't wanna dance, in my jeans. I'm changing."

"Me, too." I went to my drawers, while Anne went to her suitcase. I got out shorts and a t-shirt that was too big. Anne got the same thing. I went and grabbed the remote, to my Ipod dock, and turned it, on high.

I ran and grabbed my hairbrush and started jumping on my bed, singing, to the top of my lungs, with Anne.

We both sang, "You are my fire. The one desire. Believe when I say, I want it that way...But, we are two worlds apart. Can't reach, to your heart. When you say, I want it that way!"

I sang alone, "Tell me why"

Anne sang, "Ain't nothing but a heartache"

I sang alone, again, "Tell my why"

We both sang, again, "I never wanna hear you say,I want it that way!"

Then, I remembered something.

We never shut the door!

I glanced over to the left, and there Jesse and Zander were. Mouths wide-open, shocked.

I dropped my microphone (hairbrush) , and stopped jumping around.

Anne followed my example, when she figured out why I stopped.

We stood there, staring at them, like they were staring at us.

All of a sudden, Jesse and Zander burst out laughing.

I gasped.

"The meany-head Zander laughs! Now I've seen it all." I said, astonished.

They both kept laughing, but Zander looked up and raised one eyebrow.

"Is that what you both do, when no ones around?" He asked.

Me and Anne looked at each other in sync.

"You don't know...." I said.

"Well, one of you actually sounded good!" Jesse said, still laughing.

Were they ever gonna stop laughing?

Then, I heard a laugh, and noticed it was coming from Zander.

The sound was so beautiful; So pure.

His laugh was almost musical.

I found myself mesmerized by his meer laugh.

I had just never seen Zander any other way than mad or angry.

I didn't even realize that I was smiling, until Anne hit me with a pillow, and Zander and Jesse had stopped laughing.

I fell face down on the bed.

Then, to make that worse, Anne jumped on me, and yelled, "Dog pile!"

"No!" I yelled, but my voice was muffled, by the pillows.

I soon felt a lot more weight on me.

Zander and Jesse had jumped on me, too.

Since when do they listen to what Anne says?

Oh well, it dosen't matter, I'm going to die.

I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die.

"I'm too young to die!" I screamed, and apparently they heard me, because they all took one hard jump on me, then got off me.

I jumped up, breathing heavy. After I caught my breath, I screamed, "You all almost killed me!"

They all started laughing.

"Yeah. Yeah. Laugh. Just laugh, at my pain!" I yelled.

"What do ya wanna do now?" I asked Anne.

"Would You Rather." Zander replied, for Anne.

"You're staying?" I asked Jesse and Zander.

"What do you think we came up here for?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Why?" Anne asked.

"We're bored." Jesse whined. I laughed.

"Fine." I said. I sat, leaning against the headboard, on my bed. Anne sat, crossed-legged, on my left. Jesse sat across from me, cross-legged. And, surprisingly, Zander sat, beside me, on my right.

"Who goes first?" Jesse asked.

"I have an idea." I said, reaching over, into my nightstand, and pulling out one, of those spinny things, on cardboard.

I lost the game for it, so I just threw it in there. "I'll spin." I said.

It landed on Zander.


Well, he won't choose me.

"Stella." He said, grinning evily, at me.


"Yes?" I asked, smiling shyly.

"Would you rather...Be alone, in a house, in the pitch black dark, or...Be in the brightest room, with creepy strangers everywhere." I sighed with relief.

He let me off easy.

"That's easy.The brightest room." I'm terrified of the dark.

He nodded, then I spun and it landed on Jesse. He, thankfully, chose Anne.

"Would you rather eat 5 live cockroaches, or....10 live flies?" He asked Anne. She looked like she was about to be sick.

Poor girl.

"Not hard. The flies." Jesse laughed, and I spun.

It landed on Anne.

She looked at Zander.

"Zander. Would you rather kiss me, or" She glanced at me.

She wouldn't dare.

"Stella?" She finished.

She dared!

My mouth flew open, as did Jesse's and Zander's.

"He passes!" I said, and reached to spin the wheel. But, Anne slapped my hand away, and said, "Let Zander answer."

We all looked at Zander, and, without a word, he spun the wheel.

It landed on himself.

"Are you not gonna answer?" Jesse asked.

Without a word, Zander looked at me.

"Stella, Would you rather, full on, kiss Anne..or me?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

"That's not fair." I replied.

"I think it's entirely fair."

Can I pick Bob the Monkey?

"It's not fair, because you didn't answer Anne's. Now I don't wanna play this anymore. I'm gonna watch a movie." I said, getting up.

Zander grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eye.

His eyes were filled with pain and hurt. Then, he, instantly, let go of my wrist.

"Um, do you guys wanna watch the movie with us?" I asked.

"What is it?" Jesse asked.

"I wanna watch Sleeping Beauty!" I said.

"Yeah!" Anne agreed. Jesse laughed.

"Well, I think we'll have to ski-"

"Watch it with you." Zander interrupted him.

"Okay! Let's watch it downstairs!" Anne said.

"Alright." I said, and we all ran down the stairs.

I jumped on the couch. Anne sat beside me. Zander plopped down in the big chair beside my side of the couch. And, Jesse sat on the floor.

"Hey, kids!" My Mom said.

When did she get home?

"Hey," We all said. Then, the movie started.


"That was beautiful!" I said, crying.

"I know!" Anne replied, crying as well.

Jesse and Zander were laughing their butts off.

"I am so tired. Let's go up." Anne said.

"Okay." I said, yawning. We both got up.

"Night, Boys." We both said, walking up the stairs.

"Night, Girls." We heard them yell back. We giggled, going up the stairs. I yawned again, and fell on the bed.

"I'm so sleepy!" I groaned, into the bed.

"Me,too." I turned on the TV, and crawled in bed.

Yeah, I can't really sleep, without the TV on, unless it's an emergency. It's just for the light. Anne flipped the light off, and got in bed, too.

All of a sudden Anne started giggling.

"What?" I asked.

"Stella and Zander sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby, in the baby carriage!" Anne sang.

"Shut up, Anne!"

"Well, just think of how cute a couple ya'll would be. And,how beautiful the marriage ceremony would be. And, the babies! They'd be hot!-"


"Okay. Okay. I'll go to sleep. Night,Stell."

"Night, Anne." And, I fell asleep thinking about Zander.

Dang that boy.


I looked over at the clock. 4:00 A.M. I, silently, groaned.

I'm hungry.But, I'm sleepy.

I started getting up.

Hunger wins.

I slowly walked down the stairs, and walked, into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out some milk. Then, I reached in the cabinet and got some Fruity Pebbles out.

It's my favorite cereal.

It's just so...So fruity.

I never eat it in the morning, because I usually skip breakfast. But, when I'm hungry, at night, it's always what I choose. I went and sat it on the table when I saw a dark figure beside me. I forgot to turn the light on.

I started to scream, when a hand clamped, over my mouth.

I reached for something to hit them with.

It was the bowl. I slammed it, over their head, as hard as I could.

"Stell! It's me! Ow!" A voice said. I flicked on the light.

It was Zander.

He let go of my mouth. Just so I could slam my hand, over my mouth, as I watched him hold his head, in pain.

"Zander! I am so sorry!" I said, rushing over to get ice. I ran back to him and put it, on his head.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm fine." He said. I nodded, and he took the ice. I finished pouring my cereal, and we sat down, at the table.

"So, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said.

"Well, I just woke up, and I was hungry. So, I came down here and was going get me some cereal, until you shortened my life by about 20 years. Your turn." I replied.

"Well, I just couldn't sleep. I have too much, on my plate."

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Are you sure? When you do, I'll be here." I said.

"Thanks." He said. I smiled at him.

"So, you never answered my question." He said. I got up and put my bowl in the sink.

"What question?" I asked.

"Me or Anne?"

"Oh, no! You never answered Anne's. Me or Anne? She asked first."

"Well, I brought it up first." He countered.

"How about we say it, at the same time, on 3?"

"1." He said.

"2." I said.

On 3, neither of us said anything.

He was trying to trick me. Well, I was trying to trick him, too.

So, we're even.

I yawned. I was suddenly so sleepy. I felt like I was about to fall out.

"You look really tired. You should go to bed." Zander said.


Was he actually acting like he cared. Well, this is strange.

"I am pretty tired." I replied. I started walking to the stairs, but stumbled and almost fell.

I would have fallen, if Zander hadn't been there, and stood me upright.

"I'll help you." He said, I could hear the smile, in his voice.

He practically lifted me on every step. Then, he brought me, in my bedroom, and layed me on my bed. He brought the covers up to my neck, and smoothed them out.

I could feel him staring at me, but my eyelids were too heavy to open. I felt lips on my forehead, and heard someone, I'm guessing Zander, whisper, "Good night, Stell. Beautiful."

Then, I heard someone walk out, and heard the door close softly behind them.

That had to be a dream, because, I swear, that would never be my reality.

But, let me tell you this, if that was a dream, which it most likely was, it positively, was the best dream of my life.
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I hope everyone likes it!!!!!Please comment!!!!!!!