Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

When A Trip To The Mall Turns Bad

"Please, Please, Please!" Me and Anne, both yelled, at Zander.

Jesse was gone for a few days. I don't know why. But, the point is, he isn't here.

So, right now, me and Anne are begging Zander, to drive us, to the mall since he just got his driver's license, and...Um...We don't.

"If I say yes, will you both shut up?" He asked. His nice-ness, from yesterday, had completely evaporated. But, occasionally, he would smile, at me.

"Yes!" We both yelled.

"Then...Okay." He said, smiling.

"Thank you, Zander!" We said. We went, to grab our jackets, since it was absolutely freezing outside, and purses. Then, we were off. Zander finally found a parking spot, after driving, around 20 minutes.

"Why do people come here?" Zander mumbled, to himself. Me and Anne opened our doors and got out, while Zander sat there.

"Well, come on!" I said, opening his door. He looked at me.

"You never told me I had to go in."

"Well, you do. Come on." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. I locked my arm, with his, as me and Anne skipped, to the entrance, Zander groaning the whole way.


"Look at this one." I said, pulling one, of the many purses, off the shelf. It was hot pink and had those little dangley things, on it.

"Pretty!" Anne said.

"Like, oh my gosh. That is like, so beautiful!" Zander said, talking, in a high-pitched voice and waving his hands, in front, of his face.

"Okay, first,shut-up. And, second, we don't talk like that." I said.

"Whatever stops the tears, Baby." He said. I ignored him. After we went out, of the purse department, we went out, into the main part, of the mall where all the stores were.

A group, of girls walked by us. Those girls who act all snobby, and look at you, with that Yeah-I'm-Better-Than-You look, on their face.

Well, they stopped when they saw us. They started walking towards Zander. I looked, at him, and he rolled his eyes.

One girl, she looked the leader, of the group, or something, walked over and put her hand, on Zander's chest.

"Here's my number. Give me a call sometime, when you want, to get away, from this...Thing." She said, with that oh-so-annoying-nasally voice, looking at me.

I saw her put a piece, of paper, in Zander's hand.

He pushed her off, of him, smirked, rolled up the piece, of paper, into a ball and threw it.

"Back off." He said, he was mad.

I couldn't help it, I laughed. She started, to pounce, on me when Zander jumped, between us.

"I'm not going to say this again. Back off." He said, through clenched teeth, he was really mad. She nodded her head, terrified. She ran back, to her little group and looked at me.

"I don't understand why he would be, with a dog like you." And, that's when something clicked.

I'm done, with this.

I walked up to her, calmly, and slapped her, as hard as I could, across the face.

It must have hurt, because even my hand stung, a little. I looked, at her cheek and it was blood red.

"Why you little.." She said, running for me. I moved an inch, and she fell, into a potted plant.

"You ruined my outfit!" She screeched. I smirked, at her, and her little posse and walked over, to Zander. He looked, at me proudly, and high-fived me. Anne was laughing. I had completely forgotten she was, with us.

"If I have, to endure this trip, to the mall, can I go, to Hot Topic?" He asked.

"Sure." I said, shrugging.

"Thanks," He said, walking off.

We went, in Victoria's Secret, Claire's, Bath&Body Works, and a few other stores.

"Hey, I gotta go, to the bathroom," Anne said.

"Okay. I'm gonna go find Zander. Meet me, at Hot Topic."

"Will do." She said, and we split our ways. I was almost, to Hot Topic, when someone yelled, "Hey,Beautiful. Where are you running off to?" I turned around.

There was a guy walking towards me. He had short, blonde hair and green eyes. I saw a group, of guys, not too far, behind him, laughing and whispering, to each other.

No doubt that he was, with them.

I looked around. There was no one, in this part, of the mall. He started, jogging towards me, now. I started thinking, of the options I had.

One; Stand here, like an idiot.

Two; Run like mad, although he could probably out-run me. He looked like the jocky, sporty type, even though Hot Topic was, like 20 or 40 feet away.

And, three; Scream like I was dying, until someone heard me.

Apparently, I was doing option one, because I couldn't move. He was getting close, to me, I looked back and I was against a wall.

Well, this is just great.

"Where are you going? I'm hoping somewhere, with me," The guy said. I started stepping, to the side, closer, to Hot Topic, until he threw his arm, on the wall, to block me.

"Um..I gotta go,." I said,trying to get out, from under his arm. He pinned me, against the wall, his face was so close, to mine. His breath reeked, of alcohol.

"Please...Please, let me go." I pleaded. He laughed.

"I like a girl who begs. It makes her so...Vulnerable." He started, moving his face closer and closer, to mine.

All of a sudden, I screamed like crazy and kicked him, in the knee, making him fall, to the floor. I started running, for Hot Topic. I looked back.

Wrong move, Idiot.

He had quickly recovered, and was know chasing me.

Yep. I was right.

He was the kind, of sporty guy.

Crap, crap, crap.

I'm gonna die.

I was like 10 feet away, from Hot Topic, when someone ran me, into the wall. It was the guy, of course.

"Feisty. I like it," He said, smiling. Then, he leaned in, to try and kiss me again.

Drunk guy dosen't give up, does he?

"Zander!" I screamed, to the top, of my lungs.

"No one can help you, Sweety. It's just me and you," He whispered, in my ear.

Well, more like spit, in my ear.

All of a sudden, someone ran out, of Hot Topic.

"Help!" I screamed.

They looked, to the left, and started running. As they came, into view, I realized, it was Zander!

"Zander!" I said. He ignored me, and ripped that guy off me.

He was strong

.Zander looked, at me.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. I shook me head.

Zander looked, over at the guy, and punched him square, in the nose. Blood started rushing out immediately.

The blood started to make me woozy.

"If you ever come near her again, I'll kill you!" Zander said, calmly, to the guy.

"Why you little emo freak! You broke my nose!" The guy said.

"And, next time, it won't matter because you'll be dead." Zander countered.

"Not if I kill you first!" The guy said back. I was sick, of this guy.

I went up to him and smacked him.

"Leave him and me alone! He isn't a freak! That would be you," I screamed, in his face.

Everybody looked at me, shocked.

"Let's go, Zander," I said, grabbing his hand. Zander stopped walking, abruptly, and hugged me.

He'd never hugged me before.

This felt nice, but weird, at the same time. "I'm sorry," He whispered, in my ear.

"For what?" I asked.

"I shouldn't have left you. That wouldn't have happened, if I didn't. I'm sorry," He said, his voice cracking. I pulled him away, from me, and looked him, in the eyes.

"Zander, this wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself .Just...Don't," I said. He smiled and hugged me again.

"Hey. I'm happy you're alive." He whispered, in my ear. I laughed.

"You mean, you wouldn't through a party?" I asked.

"Nah. It'd be weird, without you, to bother." He said, smiling.

His smile was so beautiful.

And, so rare.

"Let's go find Anne, and go home," I said. He nodded.


We had decided not to tell Anne, or anybody about this....Adventure we'd had. I got, in the passenger seat, as Zander slid, in the driver's seat, and Anne got, in the back. I closed my eyes, and rested my head, on Zander's shoulder.

"I'm so done, with people today." I murmured loud enough, for Zander, to hear, but soft enough, for Anne not to. He laughed softly, and nodded, stroking my hair.

"Me, too. Stella, me too."
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Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!! Please comment!!!=)