Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky


I crawled, into bed. I intend, on apologizing, to Zander and Anne tomorrow.

Well, after I find out why they did it, of course.

And, maybe, after I cry a little more, I let a few more tears drop.

Why did they do it?

That's all I want, to know.

I mean, do they like each other?

Of course, they like each other!

Why else would they kiss?

They were trying to make you jealous, dummy!

I don't believe that...

Well, sure. Don't believe me. But, not believing, in me, only means, that you don't believe, in yourself.

Well, anyways,Zander told me not to listen, to you.

See. Now, you're listening, to him, and not even yourself. And, you say, you don't like him...

I don't!

Whatever you say...

Ugh! You're really getting, on my nerves!

Do you mean yourself is getting, on your nerves? Yeah, you are that annoying.

Shut up!

Yeah. Tell yourself, to shut up. Someone needs to.

Oh, would you- I heard a scratching.

Would I -Oops, I mean you. Would you what?


I listened harder, and heard the scratching, again. This time it was more distinct. There was a low knock, followed, by the scratching. I jumped. It became louder and louder. And, it sounded like it was, coming, from the window.

Holy crap.

What if it's a murderer?

Or, a killer?

A murdered and killer are the same thing, idiot.

Would you shut up, for like two seconds?


It knocked again. Much louder. I bit my hand, to not scream.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Oh. Sorry.

Then, I bit the pillow.

”Stella. Open the window.” The voice said. I screamed, into the pillow.

”Who is it?” I said back.

It's the pizza man. You must have asked, for the pizza man who scales the side, of your house, and climbs the tree, for only two dollars extra. Now, that's some close service. Idiot...

What did I tell you?

“Stella, it's me. Zander. Open the window!” I jumped out, of bed, and to the window, without any hesitation. I threw the window open and Zander jumped in.

”Could you not have just opened the windowm in the first place?” He asked, panting.

”I'm sorry, but I didn't want to die,” I replied.



”Nothing. Listen, I have to tell you something. I-” He put his finger up, to my lips, and shook his head.

”No. Me first. You-You wouldn't listen, to me, when I was trying to talk, to you earlier. And, I thought that...That I could go on, and let you decide, whether or not, you wanted to talk, to me, again. But, I couldn't. So, climbing up here was the only way you would listen, I knew. And, about what happened...First, I want to say, that Anne was telling the truth. It wasn't her fault. It was mine. All mine. And, I-I'm s-” This time, I put my finger up, to his lips.

”Don't say your sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I really don't know why I did. Impulse, I guess. But, the point is, I shouldn't have. So, I'm sorry. And, if you and Anne want to date, you have my permission. Like it matters...” I finished. He shook his head and laughed.

”Stella, you are one...Unpredictable girl. I thought you would throw me out your window, if you even opened it.”

”No. Like I said, though, I don't care if you and Anne date.”

He shook his head again. ”I don't want to date Anne. I don't like her at all! I mean, she's nice and uh...Pretty, I guess, If that's your type, of girl. But, she isn't my type, of girl.”

I wanted so bad to ask what his type, of girl was, but I held myself back.

And, instead, asked another question, on my mind.

”So...Why did you kiss Anne, then?” He seemed, to freeze. Then, sighed.

”Um...Well, that's- That's complicated. And, you look really sleepy. So, how about we save that story, for another day?” He asked, a pleading look, in his eyes. I sighed, then nodded. He smiled.

”Hey, did Jesse tell you, before he left? He's coming back, around Midnight tomorrow. And, I'm spending the night, until then,” He said, grinning.

”What?” I asked. He nodded.

”But- But why?” I asked, pouting.

”Hmm...Well, we'll just say, I'm kind of, like your babysitter. Yeah. That works.”

I huffed.

”You can huff and pout all you want, but I'm still staying.”

So, I dropped that subject.

For now.

”So...I was just wondering. You climbed all the way, up my window, when you were staying just outside my door, just to get me to talk, to you?” I asked.

Well, of course he did! He loves you. People who love each other would do that...

”Yeah. Well, you wouldn't talk, to me, so I had to do something,” He said, blushing.

I laughed. ”That's sweet.”

”Who ever said I wasn't sweet?” He asked. I shook my head, laughing.

”Do you want to go get some coffee?” Zander asked.

”What? How could you think, of drinking coffee, so late?” I asked, in disbelief. He cocked his head, to the side, confused. I looked, at the clock.

How the crap could it only be 8:00 P.M?

”Um...Why not?” I asked. I stood up. Zander looked at me head to toe.

”Go in that.” He said, talking, about my outfit.

I was wearing a skimpy tank top, and really high short shorts. I screamed and jumped back in bed. He laughed.

”Leave! I have to change!” I said. He had the puppy-dog look.

”Aww. But,why?” He asked.

”Because, I'm not wearing this, in front of you! Much less the coffee place!” He pouted, then his eyes brightened.

”Well, can I, at least, stay?”

”Go!” I said.

”Fine!” He said, stomping, over to the window, like a mad five year old.

”Why are you going, to the window, Zander?” I asked.

”Because, I'm going, out the window,” He said. I sighed.

”And, why don't you go out the door?” I asked.

”Because, I want to go out the window! It makes me feel like Spider-Man!” He said, posing. I laughed.

”Okay. But, be careful! And, don't fall!” I said.

”Why, do you care?” He asked.

"I don't. I just don't want, to hide your body, when you die,” I said, shivering, at the thought, of Zander falling.

”I'll take it,” He said, opening the window.

”Please, be careful,” I whispered. He carefully, gracefully, jumped, from the window, to a branch, to the ground.

When he hit ground, he did that spidey move, with his hand. I laughed and closed my window.


“We are driving! Driving, to get coffee! We are driving! Driving, in a car!” Me and Zander yelled- Oops, I mean sang.

Yes, we made those lyrics up.

Couldn't we be professionals?

We pulled up to Starbucks. I never go here. The drinks are too pricey, and I can't even pronounce them. We walked up, to the cash register.

”Um...Can I have a Peppermint Mocha.” Zander said. They guy looked, at me.

”Hot chocolate.”

Plain; Simple, yet classic.

The guy nodded. We sat down, at a table. They called our drink right, when we sat down. Zander got up and got it. I decided, to text Anne.

”Hey, Anne,” I wrote.

She wrote back instantly, ”Who is this?”

”Um...It's Stella,” I replied. She called me.

”Hello?” I answered.


”The one and only,” I replied.

”Stella, I'm so sorry!” Zander leaned in, to hear, what she was saying.

”It wasn't my fault! It was all Zander's! He did it! Not me! It wasn't me!” She said, panicking.

”Well, I'm flattered, that you would throw me, under the bus, so quickly, Anne,” Zander said.

”Who was that?” Anne asked ,I could hear her smiling.

”Zander,” I replied. She squealed. I looked, at Zander, he raised an eyebrow.

”Where are you?” She asked.


”Like, as a date?” She asked, I could tell she was having a hard time talking, without squealing.

I laughed, nervously. ”Why would we be, on that?” I asked.

”Well, duh! Because, you lo-” I ripped the phone away, from where Zander could hear it. He raised both eyebrows.

”She's just a little loopy. Um...She gets that way, when she...When she talks, about Starbucks,” I said, to him.

”Oh, crap! Was he still, on the phone?” Anne asked.

”Why, of course, Dear Anne,” I said, acting like she asked me something else.

”I'm sorry. Well, I'll let you go. Have fun, on your da-” I hung up, before she could say it.

”What was that?” Zander asked.

”Oh, nothing,” I said, taking a sip, of my hot chocolate. He took a sip of his...Uh...Whatever that was he got.

”Is that good?” I asked.

”Yeah. You wanna a sip?” He asked.

”Sure,” I said, shrugging. He handed it to me, and I took a sip.

Wow. It was really good.

Zander started laughing.

”What are you laughing at?” I asked.

”Two things. One: You know by drinking that, we just kissed, right?” He asked.

”Ah, but that's where you're wrong! I was careful not to drink, from the side, you drank from,” I said. He pouted a little, then smiled.

”And, second...” He said, reaching over and touching my nose, with his finger. He showed it to me. There was cream all, over his finger. I groaned.

Instead, of getting a napkin, and wiping the cream, from the top, of my nose, off his finger, he licked it off.

”Ew. Seriously, gross, Dude,” I said. He laughed.

He's been doing that a lot lately.

We finished our drinks and left.


I was bouncing up and down, on the couch.

”Well, now you're all hyper,” Zander said.

”Yep! Yep! Yep! That's what coffee does, to me!” I said, still bouncing.

”You didn't even have coffee. It was hot chocolate.”

”Still...” I replied.

”Well, how about you go upstairs, and lay down,” Zander said, getting up. I wasn't even going to try and argue.

I knew after my few minutes, of hyperness, I'd pass out. And, I didn't want that to be down here, where Zander would have to carry me upstairs. Zander walked me upstairs, and to my room. I got in bed, started to wind down. Zander sat down, on the bed.

”I'm happy you forgave me, Stella,” Zander said. I smiled.

”There was nothing to forgive. Remember? We're not even friends,” I replied.

He frowned ”We're not? Well, I'm confused. If we're not friends, and we're not anything more, what are we?” He asked.

”Hmm...Well, how about two people who dislike each other, but sometimes, can have fun, together?”

”Sounds good. What should we call it?” He asked, smiling.

”How about...Us?” I said.

”Perfect,” He said, smiling softly.

”Well, good night, Stella,” Zander said.

”Night, Zander,” I replied. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. He got up and started walking out my door, then stopped. He turned around.

”By the way, you're grounded tomorrow.”
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Hi there=) Hope everyone likes this!!!! Comment, please!!!! Good or bad!!!!=))))