Status: Finished

I Love My Brother's Best Friend,He Hates Me...Aren't I Lucky

Make Me A Sandwich!

“Why am I grounded?” I yelled, at Zander, the next morning.

”Because, I said so,” He replied.

”Well, you can't ground me! I'm not your daughter!”

”But, I am 'babysitting' you. So, I'm in charge.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

”Real mature!” I screamed, at him. He smirked, at me. I started stomping, up the stairs.

Halfway up, Zander came and pulled me, back down the stairs.

”Nope. I ground you, from your bedroom, too.”


”Well, you could crawl out the window or something. And, I can't let you do that, since your grounded.”

”Well, where the heck am I supposed to go? Do I have to be like your shadow all freaking day?”


”I hate you.”


Me and Zander have been sitting here, for 2 and a half hours, watching TV.

”Go get me a Dr.Pepper,” Zander said.

”Go get it yourself,” I replied.

”No! It would taste better if you got it, for me!” He whined.

”It wouldn't matter how much better it tasted, after I poisoned it and you died.”

”Go get me a Dr.Pepper!” He said.

”No!” I yelled.

”Go get me a Dr.Pepper!” He said again.

”Go drag your lazy butt, to the kitchen, and get it, yourself!” I screamed.

”Go get it.”


”Go get it.”


”Go get it.”

I smiled, and got up. I went, to the fridge, and got a Dr.Pepper. I walked back, in the living room, and sat back down, in my chair, with the Dr.Pepper.

”Thanks, Darlin',” He said, holding his hand out. I smirked and opened the Dr.Pepper. I took a sip of it, and licked all around the rim five times, to make sure it was good and spitty. I looked at him and smiled. His mouth was hanging open.

”Something wrong?” I asked, continuing to lick it.

”Give me that!” He said.


”Give me it!”


He stood up and leaned over me.

”Give me it!” He said, in a louder voice. I shook my head. He tried to take it, from my hands, but I had a death grip, on it.

He shook it trying to get it, but I held on, to it.

And, guess what happened next.

You know it isn't good, right?

We both let go of it, at the same time. It spilled all over me and him.

”Look what you did!” I said, standing up, dripping, with stickyness. I shivered.

”I didn't do anything. You should have given me my Dr.Pepper,” He said.

”Well, at least you didn't get your Dr.Pepper,” I said, smiling smugly.

”I wouldn't be so sure of that.” He said, leaning forward.

What's going on?

He licked my cheek..

”What. The. Crap,” I said. After I finally realized he actually licked me, well...

”Ew!!! Gosh! Could you be even more sick? I honestly don't think so! What don't you try? I don't want to know how low you can go. But, thanks a lot! My skin will soon be peeling, from all the Germ-X I'm going to have to soak my face, in to get your nasty germs off! Ugh!” I screamed, heading, for the stairs.

”And, where do you think you're going?” He asked, grabbing my arm.

”Were you not just standing there? I'm going to go take a shower, to get your spit, off my hand!”

”Actually, I've learned how to block you out any time, I please,” He said, smiling. And, also, completely ignoring the biggest part, of that rant. I shook his arm off.

”I'm going to take a shower,” I said, storming upstairs. I walked, in my room and got a pair, of pajamas. And, no. I don't mean a tank top and shorty-shorts, like Zander caught me wearing last night. I walked to the bathroom, and was about to shut the door, when something stopped it. I looked down.

Zander's big, sasquatch foot.

”What are you doing?” I asked.

”Well, like I said, I'm not leaving you. So, that means, I'm going every single place you are,” He said, grinning like a cheshire cat.

After a second, I got what he meant .”Heck no!” I screamed, laying all my weight, on the door, trying to close it.

It wouldn't budge.

Stupid big feet.

”Move!” I yelled. He shook his head. I kicked him foot, as hard as I could. I don't think it hurt, but he stumbled backwards, a little. I quickly slammed the door.

”Open this door!” He yelled, pounding, on the door.

”I'm sorry. Stella's not home, right now. Please leave a message, after the beep,” I said, turning, on the shower, after locking the door, pushing everything heavy and movable, in front of it.


”Stella! Open this d-”

”I'm sorry. This message box is full. Please try again later,” I got, in the shower. After a few minutes, I figured I should hurry up, because Zander could bust down the door any second. His pounding became louder, each time. I rubbed my cheek, for a good five minutes.

Why in the world did he lick me?

Because, he loves you. How many times do I have to go over this?

No, he dosen't!

You know you liked it!

I did not!

Did too!

Did not!

Did too! Did too! Did too!

No. I did not!

Okay. Sure. Just keep telling yourself that.

I sighed, and got out. I quickly slipped my pajamas on, and blow-dried my hair.

Woah. I never blow-dried my hair.

Looks like someone's, trying to impress someone.

Am not!

Well, Honey, he don't need to be impressed. He's already head-over-heels, for you.

Shut up!

I walked out of the bathroom. I looked around.

No Zander.

Guess he went h- I screamed.

”What are you doing?” I yelled, in Zander's ear. He pinned me, against the wall.

"You weren't supposed to even leave, and you took forever in there. I thought I would get old, and be, on a walker, before you came outta there.”

”Oh, boo-hoo,” I said, trying to loosen his grip. It didn't work. He leaned in. I froze.

Holy crud! He's going to kiss you!!!!

Actually, I think he is!

But, instead he turned quickly, to my hair.

”Mmm. You smell nice,” He said, his face still, in my hair.

”You freak! Get off. And, get your nose out, of my hair! That's what you sneeze out of, you know. And, I really would prefer not to have your snot, in my hair!” I said.

”Oh, no. I think I've got to-” He took a deep breath, like he was going, to sneeze. I screamed.

”No! I just washed my hair!” I went, under his arm.

”So, whatcha wanna do?” Zander asked.

”Let's see. How about, you go downstairs and entertain yourself. And, I go, in my room,” I said, going, in my room and closing the door. I went and layed, on my bed.


He's gone.

You don't want him to be gone! Now, go find your love! Go find him and tell him that you love him, you crazy fool!

Name callings a bit harsh, don't you think?


Well, still. I- The door swung open.

”Why did you leave me?” Zander whined.

I see how it is. He came running to you, because your too stupid. Stupid.

I sighed. ”You're not going to let me leave your sight, are you?” I asked. He shook his head, smiling.

”Well, it's already...7! So, Jesse will be here soon, to save me.”

I soon found out that Mom went, with Jesse.

”Aw!” He said, pouting.

Well, let's get these 5 hours over with.

Oh, you know you never want it, to end

***4 Hours And 55 Minutes Later***

“Zander! Let me up right now! If you do that, I swear I'll find a way to kill you!” I said. I was pinned, to the floor, by Zander. He was trying, to get enough spit in his mouth, to spit it, on me.

Wanna know how this happened?


"Make me a sandwich," Zander said.


"Make me a sandwich!"


"Make me a sandwich!"

"Did we not have this same conversation earlier, about the Dr.Pepper?"

"Bring me that, too."

"Zander, I'm not getting up."

He groaned, got up and walked, to the kitchen. I laughed silently. I snuck in, behind him, and watched him make the sandwich. When he was finished, he sat it on a plate and walked, to the fridge. He leaned down and got a Dr.Pepper out. As he did, I ran over, picked up his sandwich, and started licking all over it. He turned around and saw me licking it. He didn't call me any names or anything, he just yelled, "What?"

I screamed, and dropped the sandwich back, on the plate. He started chasing me. All of a sudden, he landed on me, and turned me so I was face up.

*End of FlashBack*

And, that's how we got here.

Yeah, maybe it was kinda my fault. But, still...

He was about to spit, on me, when the door opened.

”Help!!” I yelled. It was Jesse and Mom. Jesse ran over, and got Zander, off me.

”Zander, I don't want to know what you were trying to do, to my sister,” Jesse said. Zander walked, in the kitchen, and I followed him.

He picked up the sandwich, yeah, the one I licked all over, and started eating it. My mouth flew open. He laughed.

”What are you doing?” I asked.

”Eating. You didn't think a little, of your spit, would stop me, did you?”

”Then, why did you tackle me?” I asked, through clenched teeth.

He shrugged. ”Wanted to.”

I groaned and started stomping, up the stairs.

He is so stupid!

But, you love him
♠ ♠ ♠
I just noticed I saw the same thing in this box thingy every time....Oh well. Hope you liked it!!!!Pleaseeee comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=))))))