Status: Writing This Story Is Amazing! Tell Me How You Like It<33

Kiss Me

The Day We Met Eyes

"Kiss Me, Beneath the milky twilight.
lead me, out on the moonlit floor.
Lift your open hand.
Strike up.."

I quickly shut the song off, before I could puke up all my breakfast.
I hated that love crap. It was so stupid. None of it was true anyways.
Why do people have to write stupid "love" songs?
It's only feeding our little brains with lies.

Love, Don't even get me started with that meaningless four letter
word. It absolutely means nothing, N.O.T.H.I.N.G!
I feel stupid, because I fell for all those little lies. Thinking that
someday I would be with my "true love". HA, god stupid people.

I pulled into my highschools parking lot, and parked.
I got out of my car, and slammed the door.
Slidding my sunglasses on, with the rest of the kids looking at me.

"I must come off as a bitch." I whispered to myself.
I looked over the student body, and strutted towards the school

I fixed my purse, and walked up to the table in the main hallway.
"Good morning! Welcome back to North High, How was your summer
Miss Maddison?" Said one of our new seniors.

"Uh, yeah. Hi. Uhm it was good. Can I have my stuff please?" I said
having a rushed look upon my face. I took of my sunglasses and
waited for him to get my shit.

"Uhh. Yes I suppose. Hold one sec." He got up from his seat and looked
through the row of stacked boxes behind him. He picked up a yellow
envelope and handed me a stack of papers. "Here's for your classes
and locker. Also here's the parking pass you signed up for last year."
He handed me the whole thing.

"Thank you, have a nice day." I walked away.
I looked at my list of classes; none of them I could care for.
I walked down the crowed freshman hallway; Not going to miss that.
All the little freshies stared at me.

Some of the guys even whispered "Whoa.."
One of them even started talking to me.

"Hi." He said trying to keep up with my fast pace.

"Peace." I said walking a little bit faster, hoping he would stop trying.

"Wait! What's your name? You're pretty hot." He said running up to me.

"It's Blaire Maddison. Now please go." I said stopping in his face.

"Blaire. That's hot. My name is JT." he said TRYING to make himself
look hot.

"Ohkay. Bye now." I said and walked away. I kept walking while he
tried to keep talking to me. - God freshmen were so weird- I thought
to myself; pushing through all of them.

That's when I saw him.


I was blasting some screamo music in the car with a bunch of my friends.
First day of highschool, well at least sophomore year.
Alot of the guys were talking about their summer one night stands.
I laughed along, but didn't feel like telling my Epic Fails.

I sat in the back, peering out of my friend's dusty car window.
"Fuck school is goin' to suck man." I said to my friend Jake.

"Hell dude, I know. I hope there's some hot freshman's." He said with a smirk.
I looked at him and nodded. "You know Parker, I kind of want a serious
relationship this year."

The whole car went dead silent.

Then all of started busting out laughing, "Ha yeah right Jake. You couldn't
last without cheating on the poor girl." I said between laughs.

"Shut up. You're the one who's giving up on relationships for good." He
stared at me giving me a dirty look.

"Who fucking cares! I don't need girls." I said all confident.

"So you're going to turn to guys?" Jake said starting to laugh.

"What the.. HELL NO!" I screamed smacking him on the arm.

We pulled into the parking lot, and stopped the car.
"Alright, whatever you say Parker." Jake said jumping out of the car.

I followed him and grabbed my bag, walking towards the front doors.
We walked in, grabbed our school information shit and walked through
the freshman's hallway.
The guys were checking out all the girls.

"Ew dude some of these chicks need to grow some fucking tits." said
my buddy Nate. He was the biggest player out of all of us.
We all agreed and kept on walking.

I looked up, and that's when I saw the most beautiful thing in the whole
world; her.