Status: Writing This Story Is Amazing! Tell Me How You Like It<33

Kiss Me

The Day I heard Your Voice


Days have passed since the first day of school,
and I still can't seem to find that guy I saw in the hallway.
Whatever, I don't care. Why do I need to meet him?
He's probably like every other scumbag of a guy; because
NO guys has proved me otherwise.

I got up and out of bed, walked over to my full body mirror.
I was a tall, skinny, I guess you could called Beautiful girl.
I had long black hair and blue eyes. I had piercings too.
My mom wish I was little miss perfect, she got the daughter
she never wanted.

I never wore pink, I was never one of those cheerleader types.
I wore band shirts, skinny jeans, studded belts. I was me.
No one could change me.

I wasn't the only person like this in my school, I just didn't like
most of the student body. I was better off being alone, other
than the fact my only true friend was Nyki.

Yeah I talked to many, many people; I just didn't hang out
with them. I could careless if I meant something to them or
not. I was pretty use to not mean shit to anyone.

The thoughts of the past haunting me.
I hated thinking back to all my past mistakes I would like to call
exes. I'm not a whore, I just was looking for that true one.
But I guess I was looking for something that wasn't even real.

I walked over to my closet, picked out an outfit for school then
walked out to the hallway. Our only bathroom upstairs was being
used right now; by my little brother Kyle.

"KYLE! Get out!" I screamed pounding on the door.

"Hey shut up!" He yelled from the other side of the door.

"You should just stop trying now, No girl is going to want any of
that." I said leaning on the wall.

"You're such a bitch Blaire." He said opening the door and glared
at me.

"Thank you." I flicked his head, and locked the bathroom door behind me.
I got into the shower, the steam relaxing my nerves and got my cleared.
I did my hair, my make up, and headed downstairs.

I walked out to the driveway and got into my car.
I was on my way to the hell hole; school.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.
I turned over and looked it; 6:30am. I took a breath in, and sat up.
I got out of my bed, and stumbled to the bathroom.

I walked into the cool room, the cold tile hitting my feet; waking me up.
I turned the nob and the mist of cold water hit my face. I turned it to
the heated side, then took off my night shirt.

I looked into the mirror, and turned on the facet; splashing some water
onto my face. I turned on my radio and put up to full blast.
I got totally nude and walked into the shower.

Thoughts spinning through my head.
She was the only one on my mind.
She seemed so unlike every other girl I have ever met.
Well, I haven't technically met her.. yet at least.

I put my head quickly under the water, trying to get the image of her out
of my head. Before I started to lost control.
But she wouldn't leave. Flashes of my exes started coming up in my
head. Their faces of them when we broke up.

Tears started forming in my eyes.
One of the things I hated doing was hurting people.
But for some reason, I hurt more than any girl that claimed I broke their
heart. All I wanted was that one. The one that felt right in my arms.



I walked into the crowed school, my headphones screaming some
Bring Me The Horizon. Even through the music, I could hear all the
kids around me. I took of my sunglasses and walked up to the
second floor up to my locker.



I got out of the shower and put on my clothes.
I walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast from my sisters
plate and chugged down some milk.

"Have fun at school Park." My sister smiled and took a bite of her food.

"You too Lilly." I said patting her head then walked out the front door.
As soon as I walked outside, Jake's truck pulled up by my mailbox.
I ran to his car, trying not to drop my half eaten toast.

We got into the school parking lot just in time. The whole way there
was silent except for our blasting music.
We got out of the car and walked into the building.

"Hey catcha later man." Jake said walking towards the gym.

"Yeah, see you." I said walking up the stairs. I walked over to my locker.
I turned to my side, and saw 7 rows down was her.

She had her iPod in, and was grabbing a notebook out of her locker.
Her hair was perfect, her face was flawless. She liked a fucking
goddess. I stared for at least five minutes. Then she shut her locker
and walked away.

I don't even know how this happened, but I started walking up to her.
Trying to catch up with her, passing by everyone and I was just
focused on her.

I was right behind her, I slowly reached out my hand and touched her
arm. As soon as I touched it I felt the nervous butterflies in my
stomach. She turned around slowly.



I looked through my locker, trying to find that damn History notebook.
I found it, put it in my bag. I shut my locker then walked away.
Looking through my iPod, I picked the perfect song.
As soon as I pressed the play button; I felt his touch.
There was something about it, sparks flew through out my body.

I turned around, and there he was. Standing right in front of me.
With this adorable smile on his face.. no stop it Blaire.

"Uhm.. Hey." He slowly said, his cheeks slowly turning red.

I had taken out one of my headphones, and I looked at him.
"Hi." I said trying to hide my face.



When she turned around, I finally saw her true beauty.
The ice blue in her eyes pierced my heart.

I looked her, smiling; trying to hide the fact I was blushing and
slowly said Hi.

"Hi." She said looking at me then all around us.

"Hey, uhm.. my name is Parker." I said nervously looking down
to my shoes.



As soon as we heard eachother's voice, we knew we were falling..

For eachother.