Status: Writing This Story Is Amazing! Tell Me How You Like It<33

Kiss Me

Small Talk


I could feel the music on my chest when I walked
through the crowded door way, pushing my way
out of a group of Juniors.

Smoke filled the air, and the small booze lingered
on people's breath. I followed Nyki to the back of
the house into the kitchen.

She grabbed and empty cup. She found the Vodka,
poured the clear liquid into the red cup. Then poured
some lemonade into the half filled cup.

"Want some?" She asked, then taking a sip.

"No, I'm good. I think I'll stick with water." I smiled.

"Ha whatever Blaire boo, you're missing out." She laughed.

I lifted up my eyebrows and put on a sarcastic smile, turning
around and making my way into the living room. Nyki got
caught in a conversation, so I left her be and wondered
around the packed house.

"Hey sexy." Nate said putting his arm around my waste.

How dare he fucking touch me.

"Get your hands off of me right now." I said to him a
strict voice, and pushing his hand off of my waist.

"Don't be such a lame tonight baby. You know you like it."
He took a sip of his beer, "You know you miss me." He
smiled, a drunken smile.

"Fuck you Nathan." I walked away, and moved towards
the back yard.

"You'll come back, like you always do." He yelled after
me, and then turned back into the kitchen.

I walked outside, the cool breeze hitting my heated cheeks.
I sat down on one of the many patio chairs, and sat there
with my arms crossed.

Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder, the touch so soothing,
so recognizable, I knew exactly who it was and I smiled.



I sat in the living room, listening to everyone around me and
feeling the musics beats on my chest.

I heard Nate yell at someone, and turned my head. I knew
who as soon as I saw long black hair. I stood up and
made my way behind her. She sat down on a patio chair,
and I slowly walked towards her, touching her.

A tingle ran up my arm, and she looked up towards me
with a smile on her face and sparkling blue eyes.

"Hey, I didn't know you came." I said, pulling up a chair
next to her, and sitting down with a thump.

She smiled with a little giggle, "Well I did, but I have no
idea what the hell was running through my head when
I agreed to come." She smiled moving her bangs out of
her eyes and sighing.

"Why do you say that?" I said leaning back in my chair
and resting my head in my hands.

She took in a deep breath, and spun a piece of hair in
her fingers, "Because I'm not a much of a partier and
plus it's Nate's party." She rolled her eyes.

"Damn.. I didn't realize that. You can leave if you want.."
I spoke slowly.

"No no no, its fine. It's better talking to someone." She
said, red rushing to her face. She slowly realized she was
blushing and looked down at her shoes.

I laughed and flipped my hair, "I see. I'm glad your not leaving."
I smiled, trying to make it less awkward.

She nodded and looked up at me. Her face unrecognizable.

"Here, come with me." I stood up and reached my hand towards
her. She took my hand, and she followed close behind me.