Status: Writing This Story Is Amazing! Tell Me How You Like It<33

Kiss Me

Slow Dance


I held on to his hand for my life when we walked
through the house filled with drunken teenagers.
He led me up the stairs of the enormous house.

"Where are we going?!" I screamed at him through
all the noise. All he did was look back at me and
smiled. I sighed and rushed behind him.

We made our way up the stairs, and walked down
a very long hallway then stopped up at door.

He was taking me to the 'tower'. The same place
Nate asked me out last summer, this wasn't going
to be good. The memories of that night were the
only thing I could think of as we walked up the steep
steps up to the tower.

We reached the top, "Why did you bring me up here?"
I asked taking my hand and fixed my hair.

He looked at me and laughed, "To get away."

"Away?" I asked crossing my arms.

"From the party silly goose." He smiled, I noticed his
cute little dimples.

I smiled back, and walked out the door leading to
the tower's porch. I looked over the railing, looking
out to the lake behind Nate's house.

The cool breeze was hitting my face, making a shiver
run down my spine, and my hair move with the wind.

"You cold?" Parker asked walking up to me.

I turned around, "Just a little bit."

Parker grabbed my hand, pulled me into his arms
and held my around my waist.

My heart was racing.



"You any warmer?" I asked whispering in her ear.

She giggled a little bit and her grip around me got
stronger, "No not really." She replied.

I could feel the beat of the music under our feet, it
was slowing down into a different, more slower song.

"Want to dance?" I asked pulling her just as far away
as I needed to, to look at her face.

She blushed, "Dance? Are you serious?" She smiled.

"Dead serious." I looked back at her. smiling.

"I don't even know how to.."

I cut her off, "You don't need to. Just let the music move
you, and trust your heart." I said pulling my her closer
to me. Her skinny little body was so delicate. I was
afraid to move her to swiftly, afraid of breaking the beautiful
angel... that I held in my arms.

We started moving our feet to the steady beat of the song.
Our bodies we close, our hands interlocked with eachothers,
her head was resting on my shoulder as my arm was around
her waist. We slowly moved our feet in a little pattern.

We embraced the moment and let the music move ourselves.