‹ Prequel: Kings of War

Queens of the Night


Sometimes being a queen could be incredibly lonely. Right now, that's exactly what she was. She had been sitting in the center of the hallway with her tiny kitten, dragging a piece of string over the ground for him to chase. Eli had kept her company for a while while they ate lunch, but now Elizabeth was by herself again. She wasn't sure whether she was going to go and find Xander yet-- he was probably busy with some kingly things. He almost always was. Sometimes that was the source of her lonliness-- He and Shaun were preoccupied and Eli was busy, so it was just her and Poe, and he didn't offer much in the way of conversation.

With a little sigh, she got to her feet and scooped the little gray kitten into her arms, cradling against his chest. "Let's go find Xander, okay? It's boring here." She told him, scratching behind his ears until a loud purr emanated from his tiny body. "Good kitty," She hummed, laying a little kiss on his head.

She wasn't really sure where he was, so she padded along the hallway in her ballet flats, looking in room after room. She sure hoped that he wasn't still in the throne room with Shaun. She didn't mind being there for a while and listening, but after being there for over an hour, she just got bored. She couldn't do anything about their problems, and she just wanted somebody to talk to her, pay attention to her. It was hard when Xander was busy. The days were always the worst, and a lot of the time she entertained herself or played with Poe. There were always tons of people around, but nobody that wanted to keep her company. Besides, after what had happened with the guard and Eli, she didn't want to become close to anybody she didn't know about.

Poe squirmed a little in her hands before settling in a little ball against her chest, purring noisily. She could hear another sound, a deep voice coming from down the hallway. She would recognize Xander's voice anywhere. He was her sire, after all, they had a connection that could never be fully broken. In all honesty, all she wanted was to be close to him. It was the thing in her life that was the most important, the thing that was always at the back of her mind no matter what she was doing. She paused in the hallway, just in case Xander was busy with something. She didn't want to interrupt.

She watched a few knights leave, offering her nods or even small little bows. She nodded at them all and stood outside for a moment or two, shifting from foot to foot before she pushed the door open and peeked around the doorframe. "Xander? Are you busy?" She questioned, blue eyes looking up at him hopefully. Maybe he could find the time to come and keep her company for a while.
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