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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 10 - The Devil Is Coming Back?!

"I can't believe she beat you man." Drake said for the millionth time.

Ashton groaned in annoy annoyance.

"I'll give you a week to preform you end of the deal, but we all have to be there. I will be covering

my eyes of course so I don't get blinded." I said.

My phone rang.

"Your on the Mic, what's your beef?" I asked.

"I told you she said that!" Ashton said.

"Come home, we have to pick up your little sister form the airport. " My mom said.

This was the one I was talking about in the beginning. She is one year younger than me. She is

a pain in the ass.

"Why can't you guys get her alone? You know we don't get along." I said.

"Этого достаточно. Почему вы не можете получить только два одиночку?!" She yelled in

Russian (That's enough. Why can't you two just get along?!)

"Потому что я не ладить с чванливый богатых птенцы, и она одна." I said.
(Because I don't get along with snobby rich chicks and she is one. )

"Не говорите о вашей сестре, что хотел. Она не чванливый." She said.
(Don't talk about your sister like that. She isn't snobby. )

"Вы понимаете, что вы только что сделали? Вы снова взял ее сторону! Если вы любите ее так, то почему вы не даете ей честью выйти замуж Эштон. Она шлюха, она сделает это!" I said angry.
(Do you realize what you just did? You once again took her side! If you love her so much then why don't you give her the honor of marrying Ashton. She's a whore, she will do it.)

"Хватит! Теперь вы будете вместе с нами, чтобы забрать ее и больше не будет говорить о ней так. Вы понимаете?!" She yelled.
(THAT'S ENOUGH! Now you will come with us to pick her up and will no longer talk about her like that. Do you understand?!)

I hung up just like that and walked back to the guys.

"I really need to learn Russian." Eli said.

"I need to forget it. Look we got to go." I said.

"Why?" Drake whined.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"At least answer the question." Eli said.

"My sister dearest is coming back." I said.

"I thought you and your sister got along." Eli said noting my sarcasm.

"Oh the older one I love to death. It's the young one I can't stand." I said.

"The devil is coming back?!" Eli said. I nodded my head.

Me and my parent's are at the airport now, my mother excited. Me, I'm on a chair blasting

music and on Facebook on my phone.

"Desiray!' I heard my mom scream.

I looked up and saw the devil running our way. I went to go get her bags.

"Need help?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to see my grandma.

"GRAN!!!!!" I yelled and hugged her.

She hugged back laughing.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I decided to come and visit." She said.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled hugging her again.

We grabbed the bags and went back to the parents.

"Mother." Mom smiled at her mother in law.

"Mom! What a nice surprise." My father said.

Me and Desiray didn't say a word to each other. I was fine with that.