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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 14 -

He tried getting my bags, but I didn't let him.

"Just show me to the damn room." I growled.

We walked to a room that looked like it was being used.

"Is someone else in this room too?" I asked.

"Me. We are sharing a room." He said.

I froze. I put one finger up and walked downstairs.

"Мать. Отец." I said in Russian.
(Mother. Father.)

"Да?" My mother asked.

"Не могли бы вы объяснить мне, почему я в одном номере с ним?!" I yelled.
(Would you please explain to me why I am sharing a room with him?!)

"Он ваш невеста. Перестаньте быть такой Drama Queen." She said.
(He is your fiancee. Stop being such a drama queen.)

"Drama Queen? Мать я ненавижу этого парня! Я понимаю, если я люблю его, но я ненавижу этого парня!" I yelled.
(Drama Queen? Mother I hate this guy! I understand if I love him, but I LOATHE this guy!)

"Ни одного слова больше. Для плохо." She said.
(Not one more word. To bad.)

I mumbled some curse words and walked back up the stairs.


"GET UP!" I heard the world's most annoying voice say.
I groaned. I got up and without saying anything I jumped up and went to the shower.
I locked the door and a second later I heard him pounding on the door.
"NO FAIR!" He yelled.
"Life isn't fair buddy." I yelled as I jumped in the shower. I luckily brought my shampoo's here.

When I finished, I got out and dried myself. I put my clothes on and dried my hair a little. I got out my hairstylist and did my hair. I put on a thick layer of eyeliner and natural lip gloss.

I got out and put on my white converse.
I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.
I heard a whistle and saw the guys from the skate park there with Drake whistling. I rolled my eyes.
"Ugh. You." I said and they laughed at him. I grabbed an apple, washed it quick, and started down the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Ashton asked.
"To Washington to go see Edward." I said sarcastically.
"How do you know where the school is?" He said ignoring the sarcasm.
"That is what a navigation system for. Can you say that little boy?" I said and they laughed at him.
I walked out and got in my car.
I heard the passenger door open.
Drake got in.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"A ride to school." He said.
I reached over and opened the door. I brought my legs up and pushed him out. I closed the door and locked it. I put my window down, "Bye boys." I said before I sped down the street. I punched in the address in the navigation and started driving.

I parked in the student parking and got out.
I parked the car and went to the main office.
"May I help you?" The old lady at the desk said.
"I'm new here." I said.
"You must be Samantha Kzylyan." She smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said.
"Here is your schedule and you locker." She said handing me that with a bunch of papers.
"Thanks." I said grabbing them and leaving.
I found my locker but unfortunately I found a couple making out in front of it.
"Do you mind?" I asked.
They pulled away.
"What?" The girl said snobby.
I rolled my eyes.
"You must be the slut slash queen bee of the school." I said crossing my arms and looking at the guys.
"No shock there, it's our head jock." I said,"My bad, our second leading jock."
"Well can you take our snobby prep and get away from my locker?" I asked.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"Too many big words?" I asked.
She was came up to me and slapped me.
I was about to attack her but I felt arms go around me. I looked to see Ashton.
"Let me go now! That bitch has got a lot coming her way!" I yelled.
"Hey Ashton." She said flirty.
"Ew." He said as he looked at her.
I bursted out laughing.
"What are you laughing at bitch?" She said. It became quiet.
I took a good look at her. Then I slapped her