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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 25 - Engagement Day

I woke up in the morning with the world's biggest hangover.
I walked into the bar and took a seat.
"Can I get you something?" The bartender asked.
"Um. Shot of whiskey?" I asked.
"I.D.?" He asked.
"I don't have it." I said.
"Sorry. I can't get it for you." He said.
"You know what? I have had the worst days of my life and my brain needs to forget about it. My parents are making me fucking marry a guy that makes my life worse than hell." I said.
He put down a shot, " I had to break up with my 3 year boyfriend that I love. Notice the present tense." I said and took the shot while he gave me another.
"My best friend stabbed me in the back by making out with my beloved ex-boyfriend and became a whore." I said and took the shot. He poured the next one.
"I though, even if my parents ignore me they love me, right? But no. I was just a tool for them to combine company's and what not." I said taking the shot while he gave me another.
"My fiancee was the nightmare of my childhood and because of him I became anorexic!" I said and took the shot. He poured the next.
"Not to forget that I almosted died from being anorexic. I just woke up right before they pulled the plug on me." I said and took the shot. He poured the next one with a simpithy look on his face.
"Hey mister. I don't take pity!" I said and took the shot. I knew I wasn't drunk yet.
"Can I have hypnotic mixed with hennessy?" I asked. He started mixing the drinks.

After 2 hours with non stop drinking
"More whiskey please." I said drunk off my ass.
The music came on.

She put him out
Like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart
He spent his whole life trying to forget

We watched him drink his pain away
A little at a time
But he never could get drunk enough to get him off his mind
Until the night

He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
FInally drank away her memory
Life is short But this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his head down in the pillow
With a note that said 'I love her till I die'
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la...[2x]

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la..[2x]
With that tears where running down my face as I paid the bartender and went home.

God. I took some asprin and drank water and took a shower. I noticed Ashton was gone.
I got out and wore black sweats with a purple tank top and walked downstairs. I saw my mom, mom-in-law, Dee, Ree, and Kristen sitting there waiting for me.
"Engagement day." My mother said.
"Yippee." I said sarcastically.
She sighed at me and I turned to see the make up lady standing there and we went to work.
She put the make-up on with red and black smokey eyeshadow with eyeliner that I thickened later. Kristan and Dee helped me put on the dress. I put on my snakebites and walked downstairs into the limo.
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Hey guys.:D Sorry its short. I'm on my mommy's laptop and I'm trying my best not to brake it. Next one will be the party. Thank god.! I got a twist no one will ever know at the ending muhahahahaha!.... HiO:D