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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 3 - I'll Be Fine

I walked out of the restaurant, not caring of the rain that was falling.
"Get back in there right now!" My mother yelled.
I kept walking.
I heard a snap and heels clicking my way. I turned around to see my mother coming toward me with a man holding an umbrella over her.
"Get in the restaurant right this minute young lady!" She yelled.
I turned around and saw from the corner of my eye that my father and the Miller's were watching.
"Hell no! So you can fucking ruin my life some more?! What about Andrew?! I love Andrew not that fucking asshole!" I yelled pointing at him.
"Do not talk to your mother that way!" My father said coming near us.
"As if your any better!" I yelled, "All of my life, I actually thought, as much as you ignored me, that I was something in your lives. But i get it now. I just a tool to combine your stupid fucking companies. Do you really fucking hate me that much?!" I yelled.
"We do not hate you. Now get back in the restaurant. Now!" My father yelled.
"Fuck no!" I said taking off my heels and ran.
I didn't care where at the moment. I just ran.
When I stopped running, I grabbed my phone and called Andrew.
"Hey Babe. How are you?" He answered.
"Can you pick me up?" I said my voice cracked.
"Where are you?"He asked serious.
I told him the street intersections and sat down, pulling my knees to my chest and put my head down. I cried until Andrew came. He picked up me up, carrying me bridle style to his car. He put me in the passenger seat and took his jacket off, covering me. I gave him a long kiss, wanting more. He pulled away and closed the door. He ran to come sit. He blasted the heater and looked at me.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked.
I shook my head, not wanting to talk.
"My house or yours?" He asked.
"Mine." I said, my voice cracking.
We drove to my house in silence.
He parked and turned to me.
I gave him another long kiss.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you." He said giving me a small kiss. I turned to get out.
I saw the lights on. Parents must be home. I sighed and walked inside. I planned on ignoring them, that is until I head a scream.
"Sammy!!!!!!!!!" My older sister's voice came from the hall. I looked up and smiled a little.
She ran and hugged me.
"What's wrong? Who hurt you? Was it Andrew? Oh just wait till I get my hands on him." She said.
I stopped her, "It wasn't Andrew. I am still with him. for now..." I mumbled the last part.
"What does that mean?" She asked me.
We went to go sit on the couch.
"Hey Armen." I said and hugged him. He just married my sister a month ago. This is their first day back from their honeymoon.
She pulled me and sat me next to her.
I looked straight in her eyes, "You remember Ashton Miller, right?"
He eyes darkened, "What about him?" She asked
"Well, Mother took me with me to their dinner. Their guests were the Millers. They had a sunrise. The surprise was." I stopped and a tear came from my eye.
"What?" She asked.
"They arranged me to marry Ashton." I whispered.
My parents walked through the door then.
"Kristen!" My mom said coming to hug her.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Kristen yelled.
My mother stopped in her tracks from coming to hug her daughter.
"Pack your bags Sam, your coming to live with me and Armen." She said.
"You can't do that." Mother said.
'YOU DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" My mother yelled.
"STOP!" I yelled.
"I'll be fine, Kur" I said
(Kur - Sister in Armenian)
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My 3rd time rewriting this. D:
Gets better every time though :D
Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I will post twice today.