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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 34

I slept that night with Ashton's arms around me, but I woke up to nothing. I ignored it, guessing that he just woke up. I yawned and walked downstairs in my pajama shorts and a tank top.
I saw Ashley cooking, joking along with Ashton.
"Good morning Ashley." I smiled at her.
"Morning baby." I said and kissed him.
"Morning. How was your sleep?" He asked putting his arms around my waist.
"Good. Your really comfortable." I smiled.
"I'm glad." He said huskily on my neck.
I kissed his neck licking it a bit.
He groaned.
I heard Ashley 'clear her throat.'
We separated. Ashton said sorry. I sat in his lap He put his head on my back. Ashley glared at me and I smirked at her.
She finished cooking, "Who wants blueberry pancakes?"
I got up and got the cake mix.
"Ashton is allergic to blueberries." I reminded her.
"Oh! I forgot." She blushed.
"Its okay." Ashton said.
"Babe. You want chocolate chip pancakes?" I asked.
He nodded his head really fast.
"Do you want me to make them?" She said holding out her hands.
"No, it's okay. I love cooking and Ashton loves my cooking." I smiled.
"Yes. Yes I do." Ashton smiled at me.
Ashley glared at me when her back was facing Ashton. I held in a smirk.
I made a bunch of chocolate chip pancakes.
We sat down to eat. Me and Ashton split the chocolate chip pancakes and Ashley was stuck to her blueberry pancakes.
"Babe. Do you want to go out tonight?" Ashton asked.
"Yeah, I'd love to." I smiled.
"Okay, be ready by 6:30 I already made the reservations." He smiled.
"How many people?" I asked.
"4. So you could invite a friend, maybe Desiray or Renee."
"Oh babe how about Josh and Desiray. I can tell she likes him." I said.
"Are you serious? Josh has been begging me to get him a double date with her for weeks." Ashton said.
"Perfect." I smiled, "Oh! Sorry Ashley. I forgot about you."
"No, it's okay." She said, "I have to take care of Samantha, anyways."
"Babe why don't we invite everyone over. I need to speak with Dee and Ree. I haven't seen them in a while." I said.
He nodded his head and started texting.
I did the same and within an hour they were all here.
I went to my room with Ree and Dee.
"That girl is the fucking devil." I said.
"But she seems so sweet." Ree said.
I told them what happened.
"What a jackass slut!" Dee yelled.
I nodded.
"Don't let them get near each other tonight okay?" I said.
They nodded angry.
"Oh and Dee. Me, you, Ashton, and Josh are going out tonight for a double date." I said.
She blushed.
I smiled and we walked back downstairs. I saw Ashley flirting with Ashton.
I glared.
"How about we swim?" Ashley suggested.

We were all swimming. Ashton and me we alone in a corner of their pool and Dee and Ree weren't letting Ashley interfere.
"I love you Samantha." He said and kissed me.
It ended up into a make out session. I put my arms around his neck and pulled his body to mine.
"I love you Ashton." I said. He pulled back.
He stared at me.
He smiled and kissed me. The first time I told him I loved him.
"AWW!" Renee and Drake yelled.
"Say it again." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you." I said.
We had a good time. I we all took our time getting showers and dressed.
I got out of the shower and I heard Ashley's voice in my bedroom and Ashton's.
I got my phone.
"Hello?" I heard him answer.
"I need your help." I said.
"Search Ashley Simmons please." I said.
I heard typing noises.
"Okay." He said.
"It should say she has a kid." I said.
"Yeah it does, Samantha Simmons." He said.
"I need the dad's name." I said.
"They dad is Aaron Smith." He said.
I knew it wasn't Ashton's kid. It doesn't look like Ashton or Ashley.
"Can I have his number?" I asked.
"818 555 2335" He said.
"Thanks Andrew. I'm sorry about everything that happened." I said.
"It's okay. I love you Samantha." He said.
"Bye." I said and hung up. I pulled myself together and called Aaron.
"Hello?" i heard a guys voice.
"Is this Aaron Smith? I asked.
"Who's speaking?" He asked.
"My name is Samantha. Can you do me something tonight?" I asked.
"Why?" He asked.
"I want you to come see your daughter." I said.
"Samantha?" He whispered.
I gave him my address and he said he'd be here in 30 minutes.
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guys i'm just going to cut it to 35 chapters.