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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 5 - Plans

I wore
and stayed in my room until my mother came and got me.
We walked downstairs and I greeted Mr and Mrs Miller but ignored Ashton. We sat down on the table and they began talking. I tried ignoring them.

"Isn't that nice Samantha?" My mother asked.

"Ε;" I asked my mom in Greek.

"Γιατί δεν πληρώνεις προσοχή;" My mother asked.
(Why aren't you paying attention?)

"Επειδή αυτό δεν με ενδιαφέρει. Τι είναι τόσο καλό;" I said.
(Because this doesn't interest me. What's so good?)

"Θα μείνει μαζί μας για ένα μήνα, στη συνέχεια, μετακινήστε το σπίτι τους για ένα χρόνο. Θα παντρευτούν σε 2 χρόνια. ένα έτος με αυτούς και ένα χρόνο μαζί μας. Δεν διαφωνώ." She said.
(You will stay with us for a month, then move in their house for a year. You will get married in 2 years. one year with them and one year with us. Do not disagree.)

"Πρόστιμο αλλά θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να αισθανθούν την οργή μου όταν φεύγουν." I said angry.
(Fine but you are going to feel my wrath when they leave.)

I heard Ashton laugh.

"Yeah. Sounds great." I said with a fake smile on.

His mom smiled at me. They continued talking while I just didn't pay attention.

"So, How many languages do you know?" Ashton's dad asked.

"5" My mother said.

"9. I learned 4 more ma." I said.

"Wow. And what languages do you know?" Ashton's mother asked.

" I know Russian, Armenian, Greek, Arabic, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Serbian, and Lithuanian. Oh and also Spanish but I don't really call that a extra language with it being so common. " I said.

"Wow. That's really nice." Ashton's mom said.

I smiled a fake smile with my teeth and put my thumbs up.

"Who's hungry?" My dad asked.

"Sure why not?" Ashton's dad said.

"Let's have my cook prepare a meal." My dad said.

I got in a cooking mood.
"Dad, can I cook? I'll have a big nice meal by dinner. If that's fine with everybody." I said.

"She knows how to cook too?" Ashton's mom asked.

I smiled and nodded my head.

I went to the kitchen and thought of something to cook.

"Hey." I heard the most annoying voice say. My head snapped up.
