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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 6 - Dinner

I sighed and ignored him. I took out all the things to make Rigatoni Alla Bolognese which is
fresh rigatoni pasta with a traditional sauce of ground veal, pancetta and red wine, topped with shaved ricotta salata and basil.
I could feel him staring at me, but I didn't pay attention.

When it was ready, I poured it on plates and set up the table.

"Raoul?" I called our family cook. He ran in.

"Sì?" He asked in Italian.

"Potrebbe portare un po 'di vino rosso per favore?" I smiled at him.
(Could you bring me some red wine please?)

"Della Signora Certo, subito." He said and went to go get it.
(Of course madam, right away.)

I took of the apron and made sure everything was perfect.

Raoul brought back the wine and I set it on the table.

"Мать отца, еда готова!" I yelled and heard them coming up the stairs.
(Mother father, the food is ready!)

"This smells amazing." Ashton's mom said. I smiled at her. She was always so sweet to me.

"It really does." Ashton's dad said clapping his hands together rubbing them back and forth. He was nice too. I wonder where their son got their jackassness from...

"Well. Let's eat." My father said. We sat on the table and everyone ate, but me. I couldn't eat with him here...

Everyone was finished and full. First time my mother ate everything on her plate.

"Honey. Why didn't you eat anything?" My mother asked.

"I'm not so hungry Ma." I said.

"Why is that? This is one of the best meals you have cooked in a while. You should eat it." My mother said, smiling at me.

"I don't really have a big appetite right now." I said my eyes getting a little wet..

"Alright..." My mother said noticing.

I got up from my seat and walked upstairs.

I lie down on my bed and plugged in my ear phones with all the memories of Ashton Miller flooding my head.
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Hey guyss! Imma be busy all day tomorrow so i decided to write again today :D 3 in a day. WAHOO! :D