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After Everything, You Really Think I Am Marrying This Jerk?!

Chapter 7 - Telling

There was a knock on my door. I got up and washed my face quickly, reapplied eyeliner, thicker this time and put on some shimmery black eyeshadow and opened the door.

I slammed the door on his face.

There was a knock again.


"Если вы не пустила его, то мы вам землю!" I heard my mother say in the intercom.
(if you don't let him in, then we will ground you!)

I muttered some curse words and opened the door. I just went to go sit on my bed, not even noticing his presence.

"That wasn't nice." Ashton said.

"It's not like you were nice to me when we were little." I said. "Why should I be nice?"

"You have really changed Sam." He said.

"It's Samantha to you bub." I said.

"Why do you hate me?" He asked.

"Why did you do the things you did?" I asked.

"Would you just answer the damn question?!" He said.

"HELL NO! Because you should already know. Some kind of genius you are." I muttered the end.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Aw. Apology not excepted jerk." I said and my phone vibrated.

There was another knock on my door.

I went to go open it and saw Andrew at the door.

"Babe!" I said and kissed him.

He wrapped his arms around my waste and pulled my up.

I pulled away when I heard Ashton "clear his through"

"Who is this babe?" Andrew asked.

"Hey. I'm Ashton. Your girlfriend's fiancee." He said.

I stared at him with my mouth open.

"What?" Andrew said looking at me.

"Er. Babe. I need to talk to you." I said pulling him outside my room.

"What was he talking about?" Andrew asked mad.

"Well. We are kinda going to be married in 2 years..." I said quietly.

"And when did you plan on telling me?" He asked angry.

"Babe. I don't want it!" I said.

"Then why the fuck is it happening?" He asked.

I stayed quiet.

"We are done." He said throwing me out of his arms.

"Andrew!" i yelled but he was already going downstairs.

I curled into a ball and stared crying.

I heard a slam on the door and people running up the stairs.

My mother held me. I didn't care at the moment, even if it was her fault. I cried in her arms and for the first time she soothed me...

I woke up in my bed and went to go take a shower.

I got out and wore
and walked downstairs.

Everything was quiet. I got my keys and ran out the house.

I got in my Porsche said bye to Felix and drove to the Mall.

I texted my best friend, Eli, and told her to meet me there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Plans changed.
I was supposed to go to the doctor, didn't happen. I'm going to go next Saturday hopefully.
I might go to the birthday, depends on my mood.
Heres the next chapter :D
Oh, and thanks for the comments :D They all make my day :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD