Status: New, What do you think ?

I'm Giving up Everything for You.

'Meant For No One But Each Other..'

I had been waiting for weeks for jack to ask me to prom. He had hinted enough times that he would. I guess in the end, he couldn’t face what our friends would say if we’d gone together. They always tease us about be ‘more than friends’ and we always deny it, because its not true.
That’s not to say I wasn’t absolutely crushed when I heard he was going with ‘Danielle Goodman’. I cried for almost two days straight. Days where I did not attend school. I thought on the third day I would be fine but in a moment of madness I had agreed to go with ‘Jona from the baseball team’.

My mom is soo happy I’ve finally found myself ‘a nice young man’; We spent almost an hour posing for false-smile photo’s until Jona finally cracks and says a hasty goodbye.
I want to tell my mum he’s not a nice guy. Infact, he’s worse than my other friends because he’s a fake. At least they don’t pretend to be nice!

When we get to prom, I find out; ‘Jona doesn’t dance’. He says his mate even made him a shirt that said that. He was gonna wear it, but you don’t get in unless your dress formal. I forced a laugh and tried not to cringe too obviously.
After a few songs I get sick of sitting with him and his mates and go outside. This was not how I imagined prom to be. I thought I’d be having fun, getting drunk with my friends. Not sitting out here, bored.
I can even hear it now…

“Kat, what are you doing” Jacks voice says. “Kat! Katalina!”

I snap out of my daze and realize that Jack really is there, in front of me. He’s wobbling around a bit, so I guess they went ahead with their plan to get drunk. Our plan, that I was meant to be in on.
Why had I agreed to go with Jona? I should of just gone dateless with the guys.

“Cally, why you out here on your own and not dancing!” Jack is the only one that ever calls me by my real name. Well, an abbreviation of it. He says ‘Kat‘ is an animal. Which, is true, I guess.

“My date sucks. What about you?”

“What about me?” he frowns, swaying slightly.


“Who?” Jack asks, Making me laugh. Then he nods, recognition lighting his eyes. “Oh her, we broke up two songs ago. We tried to carry on dancing but dude, you know, it was weeeeird!”

I laugh at him again. “I’m not surprised. So, I see you went ahead with operation; drunk-at-prom?”

“Yeah. Hey, you want in?” he asks, reaching into his jacket and pulling a bottle of Vodka, seemingly from nowhere.

“I’m okay” I shake my head, but he forces it into my hand, so I agree on doing shots with him.
We sit side by side, taking shots and telling stupid jokes. Jack does impressions of the jock’s which has me in fits. This is why we’re best friends.

“There you two are! I’ve been searching for you for like, agggeeeees!” Alex declares, stumbling across the damp, dewy lawn and collapsing upon the floor in front of us.

“Dude, it’s totally wet, what are you doing?” Jack giggle’s kicking him gently.

“The stars….wow” Alex mouths. Me and Jack both look up at them for a bit but Jack’s attention span eventually cuts out.

“Lets dance!” he declares, grabbing both me and Alex and pulling us to our feet. We all trip back onto the dance floor inside but soon loose Alex in the crowd. Me and Jack starts dancing, his hands lightly on my hips and mine rested on his shoulders, which is super awkward but hilariously funny. Jack keeps pulling silly faces which has me in fits of laughter. I rest my head on his chest so I can breath, and he tightens his grip on me.
My minds racing. Why do I suddenly feel so nervous? Jack is just my friend?

I look up at him, and our eyes meet, he suddenly looks serious, which scares me a little. I pull back slightly. Jack’s never serious!
“Um… I should get back to my date..” I start.

“No!” he says quickly. “Why can’t you dance with me? We’re…friends?”

I sigh, smiling a little. “Yeah… okay.”

He rocks me in a jokey way, and I cling to him as the room spins, trying to contain my smile so I don’t look too much like a maniac. The next thing I know, his lips are on mine and his tongue is…well…there. After my initial panic, I realize its them most natural thing, kissing him back. His lips are soft like velvet. He tastes fruity from the punch.
♠ ♠ ♠
This isKat btw :)
I'll post another chapter so you can get a feel for it. Please tell me whta you think !