Status: New, What do you think ?

I'm Giving up Everything for You.

'You Don't Have A Clue'

I wake up with a thumping head ache, which, I do deserve. It’s gone 1 which is late even for me. My mind is dead and my memories from last night is hazy. I vaguely remember my step dad quizzing me, I wonder if they were onto my drinking.
Suddenly, my memories of Jack come flooding back, my cheeks burning red as they do. Shit! What was I thinking?! He’s not going to speak to me after this!
I roll over quickly, snatching my phone of my bedside desk, then seeing a text. I open it, relieved when I see its from Alex rather than Jack.

Everyone, Skate park, 2 o’clock.

I have a shower and clean up and get changed. In the back of my mind, I can’t shake the thought that jack is going to be there. Maybe that’s why I put a lil’ extra make up on?
When I get downstairs, both my parents are at work and neither f my brothers are anywhere to be seen, so I lock up, and skate down to the park, which is about a ten minute journey.

When I get there, I spot the guy immediately, sat by the bigger half pipe.

“kat! Wassup” Alex grins, doing the thing boys do when they greet. it’s a cross between a high five and a hand shake.

“Hey Alex, Hey Rian. Um...where’s Jack?”

“Oh with Danniella or something. Oh my god, I swear, I spent like, all of last night looking for you and Jack!” Alex laughs, slinging his arm over my shoulder but I slip out of it.

“I thought Danielle and Jack broke up last night?” I frown, ignoring the rest of what he said.

Zack snatches my board, he likes it, he says its better than his, and shrugs at me. “I guess the break up sex was too good to resist” and chucks the board down, hopping onto it and skating off.

“He- what?”

“Does it matter?” Alex sighs, sitting back down, back up against the fence.

I stand awkwardly for a moment, everyone’s eyes on my. “No. I…uh…guess not”

Alex stares at me strangely for a few moments before doing what he always does when he doesn’t know what’s going on, offers out cans of Coke.
I sip it, sitting next to him and watching Zack giving my board a thrashing. The sun was hot, which it hadn’t been recently. We live in Maryland which, for those of you who don’t know is just below New York. Its not quite as cold as it is there, but its not an overly hot place.
Resting my head against the fence I let out a long sigh. I can’t believe Jack is back with Danielle.
Actually, I don’t know why I’m saying that. I can believe it. They go out and break up every week. I guess for some reason I just thought they were actually going to be over this time…

“Is something wrong?” Rian asks, kicking me lightly, waking me from my daze.

“Yeah. I mean, no. no, I’m fine” I smile. Shielding the sun from my eyes and looking up at his silhouette.

“Good, coz Jack’s here and we’re going to lunch now”

I look up quickly to see Jack hopping over the fence. “Hey guys!” he calls, waving like a loon.

“He lives!” Alex yells, running over to him and picking him up in a big hug. I swear, they look so gay! “Dude, I had to like carry you home on my shoulders last night! You were so out of it! I found you in a bust with that girls passed out!” Alex declares, kissing Jack on the cheeks. Jack laughs.

“Man, I don’t even remember any of it!” Jack laughs, holding his head and shaking it. “I had such a headache this morning! I felt like utter shit!”

“Not too shit for the woman though?” Rian teased.

“Hey what can I say, I needed a little TLC” he laughs, he eyes falling on me. He gives me a friendly nod but I look away, my heart racing slightly.

Zack pulled up. “Lunch time?” he asked hopefully.

We all headed off to ‘Annie’s’ , a little café just round the corner of the park. We go there every weekend. Toasty and a shake $5.
I walk a few paces behind the guys but none of them notice. I slip down into the corner chair and decline any food, pulling my knees up to my chest and closing my eyes thoughtfully.

“You alright Ridgewell?” one of the guys finally asks. I force smile and nod.

“Are you wearing make-up” Jack frowns, leaning forwards to get a better look at me, pulling a funny face.

“I always wear make-up” I blush, knocking my fringe over my face.

“No you don’t”

“Yes I do”

“Well, you look different.”

I sigh. “Its probably left over, from…prom”

Seeing my un-comfort, or just being boys and being hungry, they drop the subject and carry on eating. When they’re done, they split the bill, excluding me, and leave.

“Back to the park?” Rian asks.

“Um, I think I’ll go back now” I sigh, not in the mood for this any longer.

“Right-oh, I’ll come with” Jack smiles. “I’m so tired after last night! I fancy some of your mums cooking!”

I sigh. “I kind of want some time alone Jack” I say quietly, trying not to sound rude.

“Oooooh” everyone choruses. “Someone’s in the dog house!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, tell me what you think ? :)