Status: On-going

Deal With The Devil

Prologue: Deal

Slowly, the man shook his head. He just couldn't do it… Could he?

He glanced down at his wife's face, barely recognisable; contorted in the pain that she was going through even while she slept. His heart twisted – he just couldn't see her in so much agony, knowing that he had the only way to help it in front of him. He felt so helpless, so small, weak and powerless. He knew he had to do something, and this seemed to be the only way. Desperation had driven him to this - desperation and his love for his darling wife. But what happens when she finds out? What shall happen when she wakes up, fresh and full of life, and sees the sacrifice that had to be paid? Perhaps he wouldn't tell her. They would never know. He pushed that foolish thought away from him - they would have to know, and they'd hate him for it. He knew that his wife, filled with love for both himself and their beloved daughter, would rather die then see this happen. But he would rather die than see her dead. But hating him - that was something that he dreaded. He had always felt that he was not good enough for her, but... He loved her, God damn it, he loved her and, gazing at her pain-filled face, he knew that he had to do something to end this suffering. But could he?

His gaze swept to the makeshift cot that had been erected in the hospital room that held his sleeping daughter. And what would she say? He loved her, too. What kind of father didn't love his daughter? It seemed to him that protecting her had been engraved deeply into his heart and bones, that loving her was his sole purpose in this world. It was a deal that had dire consequences for everyone involved, but could he sacrifice one of his great loves, one of his greatest joys, for his beloved wife?
There was no doubt that she loved her mother, but would she go this far? Could he?

"I'm waiting…"The voice held an imperious impatience, as powerful and as old as the sun.

The man again shook his head. Brokenly, he whispered, "No… No, you can't… Take mine, but leave her be… Please…" He knew the answer to his request, but he had to try.

A nurse scuttled in the corridor, oblivious to the dark deeds that took place. His wife lashed on the bed, letting out a feral cry of pain. His chest wrenched – he had to do something.

"You know the terms. They are final. You will abide by them, or we have no deal."

Deal or no deal? He almost laughed with the absurdity – shock must be setting in. Deal or no deal?

Scarcely believing his own words, he whispered his answer. A man backed into a corner, faced with the death of a loved one and the choice of a happy life would do unspeakable things. He used this thought to console himself, as he did something he would regret for the rest of his life.

His hands shook as he took the pen offered to him, but he never hesitated to sign his name. Tears glistening in his eyes, he looked over his love's face, now without any lines or creases, showing nothing of the pain that she had just been in. Peaceful in her sleep.

His eyes roved again to find his daughter, her own eyes flittering behind her eyelids, trapped in her own world of pain, in her own nightmare; a foreshadowing of what was to come.

He fell heavily to the floor and closed his eyes, his adrenaline spent, the full reality of what had just happened crashed over him. He lowered his head, and wept into his hands, whispering the same mantra over and over again, hoping, praying that it would come true.

"Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me..."
♠ ♠ ♠
So here it is, the prologue. First chapter up soon.
Because indenting does't work here for some horrific reason, I had to break every paragraph up, even though it goes totally against my nature =[
But there you have it.
Rate/subscribe/commet/whatever-jazz-it-is-that-happens-here. Love you guys. Be seeing you soon!