Status: On-going

Deal With The Devil

Happy Birthday!

My eyes flashed open, wild with panic, my hands clawed their way through my thick duvet until I finally broke to the surface. There, my mouth opened wide and I gulped the fresh air furiously, ridding my throat of the sulphurous smoke that clung to me even though the dream had ended.

My heart slowed and stopped pounding at my ribcage. My breath returned to its normal rhythm, and my mind returned to my present surroundings.

No longer was I in the demented dream state which had tormented me every night on the eve of my birthdays without fail.

My birthday!

Pushing my dream aside, I jumped out of bed. 16! I was 16!

Finally, some freedom!

Clutching at my clothes, I shoved my arms and legs through one of my favourite outfits – another thing to make my day an even happier one!

I pushed the curtains back forcefully, and flung the windows open to let the crisp morning air circulate into my room. I breathed deeply, smelling the flowers and the clean lightness that told you spring was finally there. The sweet air chased away the last of the sulphur that still clung to my nostrils and smiled, feeling suddenly at peace with the world. There was nothing like a spring filled breeze to wake you up and calm you down.

Rushing down the stairs, I made my way through to the kitchen, finding mum standing in the doorway, arms spread wide.

"Sephy, 16!" She spread her arms around me and cooed the birthday song into my ear. I love it when mum sang to me. She had the sweetest, softest voice, and I immediately calmed as I listened to her. As she pulled back, she wiped a tear from her eye and gave me an assessing look. "All grown up. How do you feel?"

I thought seriously and furrowed my brows. "Normal. No different. But rejuvenated. New." As you could probably guess, I wasn't the best at explaining my thoughts or emotions. My mum nodded – she knew me well enough to know what I meant.

I went over into the living room, where I saw my father sitting on his favourite armchair, a sad look haunting his face. "Persephone…" He sighed as he saw me. I loved my father – I had all my life. I knew he'd do anything to protect my mother and me, and I knew that I could count on him. I grinned widely at him. "Sooooo… what do you think?" I twirled, showing him the outfit that he had bought me earlier that week, for my birthday.

Mum came in, drying her hands on a dishtowel. "Look at her. She's all grown up."

Instead of smiling like I expected him to, he placed his head in his hands and uttered a heaving sob. What was wrong with him? I had never seen him looking so depressed – especially when it was something so important, and meaningful to me.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I immediately rushed over to him, and cradled him in my arms, just like he used to do after I woke up from my ever recurring nightmares. He reacted to my touch as if I was boiling oil, and he shrank away from me.

He laughed it off, though the uneasiness still lingered in his eyes. "I just can't believe that you're sixteen… My little girl, all grown up." He laughed again, and gestured at my presents. "Go ahead, open them." His grin this time reached his eyes, and I could see the pride shine from them, "You deserved them."

"Your father's right, Sephy. We're very proud of you." My mother said, as she wrapped her arms around me. I squirmed until she let me go, and I rushed to the fireplace, and tore open the presents that I had been given. So many books and book vouchers! I loved books, and I couldn't wait to get my head stuck in them, or get to the shop and buy other great reads… Yeah, that's me, a bookophile. If that's even a word. If it's not, then I've just coined it! Yay!

Finally, I found the smallest present, a thin rectangular prism, wrapped in shiny green and gold paper, with a ribbon lacing the edges. I almost didn't want to open it, to spoil its grandeur. Almost.

A beautiful silver necklace greeted my eyes as I opened the box that the paper had concealed. The amber sun winked at me, as the light caught its centre, and the fire inside seemed to dance and crackle in the glow. I immediately rushed to my father and flung my arms around him. He seemed to stiffen for a short breath, but then relaxed into my embrace. What was with his behaviour today? I pushed the thought away, and thanked him for my gift. I absolutely loved it.

"Just something to remember us by…"

I looked at him questioningly – was I going somewhere?

He grinned impishly, "When your handsome prince steals you away from us!" We laughed, and he helped me put the necklace on. I immediately rushed to the mirror and admired the pendant that sat snug at the nape of my neck.

"That's never going to happen, Dad. No one can take me away from you!" I stuck my tongue out at him and grinned mischievously. He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap, tickling me furiously, and I barely had time to gasp for breath as laughter stole my air. Tears leaked out of my eyes as the laughter wracked my frame. Mum, used to our antics, just shook her head and headed back into the kitchen. It was only when I started screaming for Dad to let me go as I really couldn't breathe that he let me go. I crumpled to floor, my face red as I sucked in heaving breaths, still giggling madly. Dad laughed loudly at the sight of me, curled in a ball, snickering like a mad woman.

Mum said nothing as she walked back into the living room, but as she flicked the lights off, she started singing the birthday song again, and this time Dad's strong baritone voice resonated through the lines, mingling perfectly with Mum's soprano, even if he was slightly out of tune!

"Happy birthday to me!" I yelled, flinging my arms in the air.
Mum took out a cake from behind her back, the words 'Sephy's Sweet Sixteen' iced onto it in a gold hue, not unlike the colour of the amber in my necklace. That cake itself was white with a gold ribbon tracing the base of the cake, and daffodils delicately made with yellow icing adorning the top, giving it a spring feeling, warm and tender. They knew that my favourite season was spring – new life, flowers, lambs, chicks, chocolate, blossom, whatever. I loved it, and everything that it bought with it. Coincidently, my birthday fell on 20th March, the first day of spring in the year I was born. Indeed, this years spring equinox, the first day of spring, was on the 20th. Today. My birthday.

I sighed happily as I realised it all again. 16. I was 16! 16 with loving parents and caring friends. And cake for breakfast! I doubt life could get any better. I loved this, I really did. My life – maybe not perfect – really made me happy, and I don't think I'd change much.

I gulped the rest of my cake down, grabbed my school bag and raced out of the door, after giving my parents a quick hug – they'd made the start to my birthday brilliant.

But… school, on my birthday? That sucked, didn't it?

Strangely, though, I was looking forward to it. We'd have some major fun, and we'd party, and we'd just generally have a great time. I'm not popular – I don't think I could stand to be, really – but I have a close-knit circle of friends, and I love them.

I flung my grey messenger bag over my head, and raced out of the door, only slowing when the wind whipped my hair into my face, bringing with it another strong, burning smell of sulphur.

I froze solid, my mind besieged with unbidden memories of the same dream that had haunted my birthday's ever since I could remember.
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I don't know why Sephy only has chocolate in the spring, lol, but hey...
Next chapter = The Dream
Be seeing you, then!