Part 1

Marni Cybil walked into Penelope’s house alongside of her best friend Caid Smithson. They sensed the fact they were a tad late when they walked in to find Andrew and Penelope already setting up food.

It was Homecoming night of their freshman year, but they were having their own little party at Penelope’s instead, due to the fact that Marni and Andrew couldn’t get tickets. Best friends ever or what?

“Hey hubby!” Marni exclaimed walking over to Andrew and engulfing him into a great hug.

As excited as Marni was to spend an awesome night with her three best friends… there was one other place she would’ve rather been; Joey’s band competition. She had bought a homecoming dress with plans of going with Joey. No, he didn’t exactly go to her school, or lived in her town for that matter. But, he had promised to take her. Sadly, the plans changed when Joey’s sister, and band mate, had informed him of the fact that they were to be competing in a battle of the bands in a small town right outside of Hilsten.
Marni couldn’t be mad at him, he felt so bad about it. Then again… Marni could never force herself to hate Joey for anything actually. No matter how bad he was for her, or what bad things he did… she just couldn’t hate him. She had known Joey since 6th grade. She had also liked him since then.

“Hey Marni, did you know if you can fit a whole mini doughnut in your mouth at once, you’re supposedly a great kisser.” Andrew said as he threw a box of powdered doughnuts at her.

“Oh really now?” Caid stole the box from Marni and took one out.

“I do believe I will take that as a challenge, who’s in?” She handed the box back over to Marni.

“ I am!” Marni took one of the sugar coated pastries and passed the box to Penelope. Andrew and her both grabbed one.

“Okay 1…2…” Andrew counted down.

“THREE!” Marni yelled as they all attempted to stuff a doughnut in their mouths. Everyone got them in, but the real task was actually eating it. Everyone but Marni succeeded at that.

“Seems like we know who cant kiss here.” Penelope and Andrew snickered.

“Shut the hell up!” Marni said while coughing. She reached for her can of soda, trying to wash down the remainder of the doughnut.

“That doesn’t mean anything”

“Hey Marni… your cell is vibrating, I believe you have a message.” Caid called from the living room. Marni’s heart jumped a bit. Joey had promised her that he would text her as soon as he got off the stage. She ran into the room and checked her messages.

“Hey lol”
Marni would never understand why Joey seemed to put “lol” after everything he texted.

“Heyy! How’d you guys do? :)” She replied eagerly… as all of her texts to him were.

“Well, its a tie so us and the other band hav to spit the money” he replied. That boy always used chatspeak. Something that bothered Marni just a bit.

“Guys! Joey won battle of the bands! Well, sort of!” Marni screamed to them in the kitchen.

“Cool.” Penelope and Caid said pretty much simultaneously… and boredly.” They were rather sick of hearing about Joey. They were supportive of Marni and tried to hide it, but Marni knew.”

“Who is Joey?” Andrew asked waling out of the kitchen.
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This is actually a realistic fiction of mine. Based on a true story. Im updating as I go.. so I cant tell you how long it will be until part 2! And the cover art for this story is an actual picture of the ACTUAL Joey.. haha put a face to the character!
Meaghan Kayye (Miss Jasey Rae)