Here in Your Arms

i fell in love, in love with you suddenly.

In his arms, Soul held the world.
The world to him, at least.

Her cheek against his collar bone, the shorter pieces of hair on her head tickling the skin of his neck, she seemed so peaceful, so deeply in sleep. He couldn’t bring himself to put her on the couch or in her bed, for he didn’t want to wake her up. Plus he just enjoyed holding her the way he was, so close and so soft.

His lips, which usually would curve up into that grin he always had plastered on his face, instead just grew into a crooked, small smile that he didn’t usually use around anyone else but Maka. Although she wasn’t awake to see it, and smile, noticing he smiled her favorite smile of his, he’d use it for her plenty of other times.

Breathing deeply, evenly, her body relaxed completely. Holding her up by the small of her back, he tried to relax as well, without letting her go.

Sighing, he rested his head against hers, gently pressing his cheek to the side of her head. He tried to avoid falling into the temptation of sleep that already caused Maka to slip into her dreams.

He was content with just holding her.
♠ ♠ ♠
208 words.