This One Girl I Knew

Early Days

Evelyn Crosstone lived in the Mendocino Mountains not far from where I grew up. When we were kids we didn't hang out much, because she was a richy, well that's what we called them. Me and my friends Lawrence and Kain didn't have anything against her or any richy, they had problems with us.

I remember one day when I was maybe seven or eight I saw her walking down the road to where we lived. We were just kicking around a soccer ball and this girl with her light brown hair in two braids by her ears came up to us.
"Can I play with you guys." She asked in an innocent voice.
"I guess." Lawrence said, he was our unofficial leader being the oldest. "You can be on Frank's team."
"I'm Frank." I said in my most annoying voice possible.
"I'm Evelyn." She says laughing at my comical act of an introduction. "But you can call me Evee for short."
"Are we going to play or what?" Kain asked tossing the soccer ball at my head.
"We're scoring on those garbage cans." I mutter to her before dribbling the ball away from Kain.
"Evee!" I called out as I kicked the ball to her. She got the ball and kicked it under Lawrence's legs between the two garbage cans earning us a goal. "WHOOT!"
"So we get a point?!" she says happily.
"Yeah." I said putting my arm over shoulders in victory.

But our victory was cut short when her mother came marching up to us.
"Evelyn, get over here right now."
"Bye Frank." She said quietly as she walked towards her mother.
"You stay away from those Livermore kids, they're nothing but trouble." I heard her mother grumble.
"But Mommy, we were just playing soccer." Evee whines.
"Well look at them, not one of them is wearing a clean shirt." Her mother said as they disappeared past the trees.
"Figured she was a richy." Lawrence said shrugging. "C'mon let's continue playing."

Richies lived further down the road in big houses. Evelyn's father was a big lawyer and he made a lot of money, they moved to the mountains because her mother and older sister were very fond of horseback riding. Me and my friends lived in the poorer area, it wasn't bad, except for the fact my house had no plumbing, because my dad built it himself, along with Lawrence's house. But Kain's house had plumbing so we used to hang out at his house sometimes just to flush small items down the toilette.

Anyway, the next day I went to my closet and pulled out the only clean shirt I had left and walked down the road to where the richies lived and saw Evelyn's mother checking the mail.
"Excuse me." I said running up to her, "I have a clean shirt, so can Evee come out to play?"
"She's busy." Her mother said coldly.
"When will she be not busy?"
"She's busy all day today."
"What about tomorrow?" I persist.
"She's busy then too."
"Doing what?" I ask annoyed.
"Frank?" Evee says running up to the door.
"Hi Evee, when are you not busy?" I ask looking away from her mother.
"My cousins were supposed to come over today, but they can't come. So I'm not busy today." She says happily as her mother goes red.
"So you want to play soccer with us again?" I ask eagerly, "You're really good."
"Mom, can I go play soccer?" She asked with big eyes.
"If you want I can sign you up on your school team." Her mother said trying to usher Evee into the house.
"Not on a team, just for fun." Evee persists. "He's wearing a clean shirt today."
"No Evee." Her mother said sternly as she pulled Evee into the house. "And you stay away from my daughter."

I didn't understand why Evee's mother was being so mean. What could happen from playing a game of soccer?