This One Girl I Knew

Lost and Delerious

After the day at the beach Evee and I worked out an agreement with her father so we could keep seeing each other. I could go over to her house after school everyday of the week except Tuesdays and Thursdays because she had after school sports on those days. Her father was much nicer than her mother; I don't think he was born a richy.

After school we'd sit out on her front porch, even if it rained because personally I didn't like being in the same space as her mother, sadly I think Evee felt the same way. We'd usually spend the time talking about music and stuff but when her mother went out to run errands we'd take full advantage of being alone.

"Tonight's The Clash concert." I said casually, "Can you go?"
"Umm, I've been sort of scared to ask my parents," she said quietly.
"Well, okay so that's a no?"
"I'll ask my mother now," she said as I followed her inside the house.

We found her mother sitting in the kitchen watching over the sizzling dinner.
"Mom, can I go to a concert with Tre tonight?"
"Alone, absolutely not."
"Don't worry, my friend Kain will be with us," I said quickly.
"My answer is still no," her mother said shaking her head. "Unless you get your sister to come with you."
"But he already has the tickets, he can't just make one appear!" Evee outburst.
"Actually Lawrence crapped out on us, so we have an extra. We were just planning on scalping it," I said happily.
"Fine," her mother muttered, obviously upset her irrational terms actually worked out in our favor.
"Great, I'm going to find Sarah," Evee said practically hitting the moon with happiness.
"She's at the stables," her mother muttered.

"Stables?" I asked dumbly as we stepped outside into the November wind.
"Yeah, for the horses," Evee said nodding as we walked up the road.
"How many do you have?"
"We don't own any; we just have a membership to horseback riding club about half a mile up the road."
"I've only seen you horseback ride once."
"Yeah, because I don't really like it all that much, my sister and mom absolutely love it though," she said rolling her eyes as we neared a building with a sign that said Mendocino Mountain Horse Club. It didn't look how I thought it would look; I thought it would look like one of those Country Clubs with the pool and tennis court, but I was wrong, it looked like a farm. "She's probably finishing up grooming or something."
"Uhh okay," I said as I followed her past the main building to a stable.

"Sarah!" Evee called out once we entered the stable.
"Yeah." Her sister said poking her head out of one of the stalls. "Evee what are you doing here?"
"Uh do you want to go to a concert tonight?" Evee asked as her sister put away a very weird looking hair brush.
"No, not particularly," she muttered as she stepped out of the stall. "Which concert?"
"The Clash," I said proudly.
"No," Sarah said rolling her eyes.
"Sarah please!" Evee begged. "Mom won't let me go unless you go."
"I really don't feel like babysitting."
"It's not babysitting, my friend Kain will be there, he's about your age," I said hopefully.
"Kain?" her sister asked quizzically.
"He's . . . . . . nice." Evee said choosing her words cautiously.
"Please!" Evee begged once more.
"Fine, but you owe me," Sarah muttered as Evee practically leaped on her sister to give her a hug.

That night my father and Karin left to visit Greg and Daniela; who'd officially been dating for the past month. I met up with Kain and we borrowed Lawrence's car to go to the concert.
"So who's the other chick?" Kain asked as we drove up the road to pick up the girls.
"Sarah, Evee's sister."
"Is she a tight-wad?"
"Why are we bringing her with us then?"
"She doesn't come, Evee doesn't come," I muttered as we pulled up in front of their house to see them sitting on the front steps. I hopped in the back seat where I was met by Evee; Sarah took her place in the front next to Kain.
"So you're Kain," she said nervously.
"Okay," Sarah said obviously nervous.
"Don't worry sweetie, I'm not a criminal," Kain said in mockery.

We got to the concert and Kain headed straight to the mosh pit and Sarah followed behind hurriedly. I could tell she'd rather be stuck with Kain then be left to fend for herself. I was reluctant to taking Evee into the mosh pit, she seemed so delicate.
"So are we going into the mosh pit or what?" she asked looking at me funny.
"You want to go?" I asked in disbelief.
"Well yeah."
"Alright," I said laughing.

We spent the whole concert moshing, the energy to keep going like the energizer bunny was fuelled by each other. Even after the concert ended we still had surplus energy. We piled back into Lawrence's car and we drove back home, Evee and I were giddy the whole time and I was pissed her sister was such a prune because I would just have my way with Evee right there in the back seat. Sarah had seemed to have loosened up and Kain looked awfully smug with his arm over her shoulders the whole way back. When we appeared at Evee's house, she and Sarah got out of the car.

"I'm going to stay here a while, see ya tomorrow," I said to Kain as I climbed out of the car.
"Fine then." Kain said shrugging as he drove off. I sat on the front porch next to Evee and her sister unlocked the front door.
"I'm going to sleep, so be quiet when you come in," Sarah muttered.
"Yeah okay," Evee said as the door closed behind us.

Like clockwork, as the door clicked shut I wrapped my arms around Evee and pressed my lips against hers. She took initiative and pushed me down lightly and she straddled me. Right there on her front porch we committed our biggest make-out session yet.
"Let's go to your house," she said giggling when she removed her lips from mine to get some air.
"Right," I said remembering my father and sister were out till tomorrow afternoon. We started to walk down the road to my house; we had to stop three times because I couldn't keep my hands off her and twice because she couldn't keep hers off me.

That night I lost my virginity to Evelyn.