This One Girl I Knew

Get Away

The next day I was woken up with a start.
"Oh fuck!" Evee exclaimed as she pulled herself from my arms.
"What?" I asked yawning.
"I spent the night."
"Yeah." I said as I thought back dreamily to what happened a few hours ago.
"No Tre, my parents will see that I'm not there!" she said worriedly as she put her dress on.

She didn't come to see me for the next week, so I figured she got caught and was grounded. I missed her like crazy; it annoyed the living hell out of Lawrence and Kain. After about a week and a half I couldn't take not seeing her anymore, so I waited till midnight and snuck up the road to her house. I climbed up the vine ladder to her window, it was closed, it was November, of course it was closed. I knocked on the window until I saw her wake up and come to the window, she pulled in open.
"Tre." She said as she pulled me in. Her eyes were red and swollen.
"Are you okay?"
"I missed you." she said as she wrapped arms around me tightly.
"I missed you too, what happened?"
"I got back from your house and just my luck my father was sitting on the front porch reading the newspaper. He saw me and knew exactly where I'd been." She said as she began to cry, "He said I was forbidden to see you again."
"It's okay." I said as I rocked back and forth with my arms wrapped around her.
"We're also moving."
"His stocks went down way down, he lost a lot of money."
"But, but."
"We're going to stay with my grandmother in Nevada." She says I can feel her tears seep through my shirt.
"When are you leaving?" I asked, coming up with a plan in my head.
"Two weeks." She mumbles.

I spent the night with Evee, comforting her. But the next week I turned sixteen and got my learner's permit.
"Lawrence, I'm leaving." I said the night after my birthday.
"And where are you going?" he asked laughing.
"Away." I said as I kicked around a pebble on the ground. "With Evee."
"Uhuh." He said as he looked up at the night sky. "Goodbye Tre Cool." He patted me on the shoulder and walked back into his house.

I got his keys and after I knew the coast was clear I drove his car up the road to Evee's house. I parked right before her neighborhood. I got out of the car and walked up to her house and like I had the week before I climbed up to her window. She opened the window and pulled me in.
"Pack your bag."
"Get a bag and pack your stuff, we're going to run away." She stared at me for a few moments trying to see if I was serious. She turned away from me and went to her closet and pulled a bag out.
"You're already packed?" I asked as she climbed out the window with her bag on her back.
"I was contemplating running away for the past three days." She said as we reached the ground.

We ran to the car and I drove like there was no tomorrow.
"Where are we going?" she asked once we left the mountains.
"I know a guy we can stay with for a couple of days, and then I don't know."
"Who's that guy?"
"Billie Joe, I think you met him at one of our gigs."
"Okay." She said nervously.

We got to Billie's house and it was raining lightly and we saw Al dancing in the street butt naked and Billie Joe and Mike were laughing there asses off with beer cans in their hands. I pull up in front of the house.
"Billie Joe!" I yelled as I got out of the car.
"Yeah." He said turning to me. "Tre! You wanna beer?"
"Umm, can Evee and I stay here tonight?"
"Evee, my girlfriend."
"Yeah sure whatever." He says as he chucks the beer can at Al.

"C'mon Evee." I saw craning my neck into the car. She looked out the window at Al and came to the conclusion that he was harmless before stepping out.
"What's with that guy?" she asks as we near Billie and Mike.
"It's his naked rain dance he does when he's drunk." Mike says laughing hysterically.
"Your penis is so much nicer than his." Evee mumbles into my ear causing me to burst out laughing.