This One Girl I Knew

Hitting the Fan

I woke up to the sound of Billie Joe's voice.
"Hey, it's Papa Cool."
"What?" I asked as I woke up on the floor of Billie's garage.
"Isn't that your dad?"
"Oh fuck!" I yelped, I looked over at Evee who was asleep on the ratty old sofa.
"Frank." He said sternly, "Wake up the Crosstone girl, we're going home."
"Frank!" he barked. I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything. I walked over to Evee and woke her up.
"We've been found." I said as she looked over at my father he was standing there angrily.
"Fuck." She muttered, she never really swore, so hearing her swear then must've meant she was really pissed. We walk up to my father's car and get into the back seat. Not a word was spoken the whole ride back home.

My father dropped Evee off at her house, but not before having a long conversation with her parents, a conversation that I couldn't hear. There was a moving truck in front of her house, she was leaving.
"What the hell were you thinking?" my father said angrily as he got back in the car.
"I don't know." I mumbled, "I wanted to be with her, she with me, and they were about to move away and I don't know it seemed like a good idea last night."
"Do you think I like being awaken at eight in the morning after a late shift to her panicking parents?"
"Do you think I like having to track you down using information from Lawrence?"
"I guess not." I said meekly, "Is Lawrence pissed about the car?"
"Damn straight he's pissed."
"Oh fuck." I said quietly to myself.

"Where the hell is my car?!" Lawrence yelled as he comes up to me, my dad had already gone inside the house.
"It's . . .it's." I was interrupted by Lawrence's fist hitting my face at full force. I fell to the ground and put my hand over my cheek. "Billie Joe's."
"Now how the fuck am I supposed to get it?" he said as he kicked my side.
"I'm sorry."
"Damn right you're sorry." He says as he walked away.

I stumbled into my house where my father merely looked up at me and said.
"You deserved that."
"I know." I said as I sat next to him at the sofa.
"You should wash that." He murmurs. I get up and go outside to the water pump and wash my face. Lawrence's car pulls up in front of my house and Billie Joe steps out.
"Hey, uh, is it your car?" he asks as he tosses me the keys.
"Actually, it's Lawrence's." I said as I took the keys anyway.
"Which explains your face." he said smirking.
"I think it's charming."
"Dude, you haven't looked in a mirror yet have you?"
"No." Billie Joe laughs.
"Nasty shock you'll get, especially when it starts to swell."

He sits down on the curb next to me.
"So what happened with that girlfriend of yours?"
"She's moving away." I say as I chuck a rock across the street. "And my dad's been talking about moving down to Oakland soon, so we decided to run away." Billie Joe just bursts out laughing.
"You consider my house running away?"
"No, we were planning on leaving this morning and just drive away." I said slightly embarrassed, "It seemed like a good idea last night."
"You guys have a gig tonight right?"
"Uhh yeah." I said as I felt bruise on my face started to sting.
"Okay, mind if I hang out here and get a lift with you then?"
"No problem."

Evee was gone, she had left, and I didn't know if I'd ever see her again.