This One Girl I Knew

Stupid Teenage Days

After being treated like a diseased rat, I didn't go back to Evelyn's house. I pretty much forgot about her until I was about fourteen years old and Kain got a video camera.

"Let's film something stupid!" Kain said anxiously as he popped a tape into the camera.
"Oh! I know we can take out my Dad's tractor and run over stuff." I suggested.
"Nah, that's not stupid." Lawrence said shaking his head. "And it's not even a tractor; it's just a big lawn mower."
"Meh." I said not really caring what he thought, I just felt like driving the lawn mower around. I walk over to the garage and hop on the lawn mower and drive out.
"That's tres cool of you Frank." Lawrence said clapping slowly.
"Say what now?" Kain asked as he fidgeted with the camera.
"Tres is French for very. As in very cool." Lawrence muttered.
"WHEEEEE!" I yelled as I went over a few bumps.
"Here that Frank, you're officially known as Tre Cool!" Kain yelled.

There were big bumps right outside my father's property line which I knew were pretty awesome so I steered towards them. Kain and Lawrence followed not far behind filming me. I go past the usual bumps into this chunk of land covered in trees.

"Tre Cool, where are you going?" Lawrence yelled after me.
"If I knew, then there'd be no fun in the chase." I yelled as I picked up my pace.

Next thing I knew I heard some animal not far up ahead, I saw it was a horse. I tried to turn the lawn mower around but fail. I just end up scaring the crap out of the horse.
"Easy Socrates, easy boy." I heard a familiar voice say as the horse calmed down.
"Tre Cool has hit a tree." Kain said as he ran up to me with the camera to his face.
"Frank, is that you?" the horseback rider's voice asks.
"Yeah, and who are you?" I asked as I jump off the lawn mower to get a better look at the rider.
"It's Evee." She said as she got off the horse.
"His name isn't Frank anymore; it's Tre, Tre Cool." Lawrence said as he looked at the lawn mower, "You crashed but there's not even a scratch, damn so much for good footage."

"Tre, it suites you." she said laughing.
"Really?" I asked happily.
"Evelyn there you are." A teenaged girl's voice said from another horse. "Come on, Mom's waiting."
"See you around Tre." Evelyn said as she got back on her horse.
"Wait Evee!" I called after her, "Come watch our band play tonight."
"Where?" she asks anxiously.
"Gilman's." I said quickly, "Do you need a lift?"
"Yeah, what time?" she asks as she glances over at the other girl who's riding away.
"Well we're leaving at around eight."
"Okay, I'll meet you in your neighborhood." She says as she goes to catch up with the other girl.

"Amazing footage." Kain said as he nodded pervertedly, "Tre Cool got himself a date."
"Shut-up." I mutter as I tried to get the lawn mower free from the tree.
"Oh Tre Cool has a thing for a richy." Lawrence teases.
"So? You have a thing for a hooker." I retorted.
"Sandra is not a hooker!" Lawrence said angrily.
"Oh yes she is." Kain said repressing laughs.
"She just likes wearing tube tops!" Lawrence said just about ready to smash our faces in. "Wasn't she the clean shirt girl?"
"Yeah." I said as Lawrence and I finally jerked free the mower.
"Your lost love." Kain teased as he merely watched us struggle as he filmed this whole epidemic.
"Why don't you put down the camera and help us." Lawrence muttered angrily as we tried to roll the lawn mower in the right direction.
"Sorry but I have to document this."
"Why?" Lawrence asked annoyed. I hopped back on the lawn mower and Lawrence sat on the back of it as we drove off.
"Document this!" Lawrence yelled as we left Kain behind and Lawrence mooned the camera man known as our friend