This One Girl I Knew

Hot Girl of Mine

That evening we waited in front of Lawrence's house for Evee to join us. Lawrence was lying on his car trying to get some rest before we had to perform and Kain was sitting the driver's seat trying to find a good station. I had my drumsticks in my hand and was drumming on every surface of the car available.

"Dent my car and I'll beat you to a bloody pulp." Lawrence muttered.
"No worries, I won't dent it and if I do, I'll run away." I said proudly as I continued to drum against the hood of the car.
"If your brod doesn't get here soon, we're leaving without her." Kain said as he turned off the radio, officially giving up his search for a decent station.
"She'll be here." I said as I craned my neck to look up the road.
"Well she has five minutes." Kain muttered as he went back to fiddling with the radio.
"Oh there she is!" I said excitedly as I saw her running toward us.

She looked different from when I saw her earlier that day. Firstly she wasn't dressed all preppy. I still remember she was wearing a pair of black pants, a black tank top and a jean jacket. Secondly her hair was all punk like; she had a few colourful pieces of string attached to her loosely tied hair.

"Sorry I'm late." She said as she stops running. "I just had to . . . never mind."
"S'okay." I said as I pulled on Lawrence's dangling arm.
"We're leaving?" he asked as he jerked awake.
"Yeah." I said as Evee and I climb into the back seat of the car.
"Move." Lawrence said abruptly to Kain.
"Can't I drive?" Kain asked as he moved over to the passenger's side.
"My car, I drive." Lawrence says as he starts the car and drives down the road.

The drive to Gilman's was pretty long but we got there at around nine.
"So this is Gilman's." Evee says anxiously.
"Yeah." I say as I lead her inside the building, "you've never been."
"No." she said fascinated. "Who's the band playing now?"
"Umm that's Crypto."
"They're a Ramone's cover band." Kain said shrugging.
"They're pretty good imitation." I said as we made our way up to the stage.
"Yeah, they are." Evee said happily.
"You like the Ramones?" I asked intrigued.
"Well yeah, they're awesome." She said casually.

At that moment I thought I was in love. She was gorgeous and she liked the Ramones, at the time it was good enough for me.

"Come on Tre." Lawrence said as he ruffled up my hair, "Stage time."

We climbed up on stage and I took my seat at the drums. I glanced at Evee nervously and I hoped that I wouldn't mess up in front of her. Lawrence took the mic like he had so many times before.

"Hello Gilman people!" he said as he commenced to rev up the audience, "We're the Lookouts! I am the one and only Lawrence Livermore! That hunk of man over there is Kain and on drums we have the little devil known as Tre Cool!"
"Hey I thought his name was Frank." I heard an audience member yell.
"He changed his name earlier today." Lawrence says as we started playing one of our songs.

We played maybe five or six songs before we hopped of stage and the next band went up.
"You were awesome." Evee said in slight awe of us.
"Thanks." I said as we headed over to the bar.
"Four beers!" Lawrence demanded. The bar tender passed him the four bottles he requested and we took one each.
"I thought we had to be twenty-one to drink." Evee says cautiously.
"Technically yes, but there are no cops around are there." Kain said as he raised his beer and took a swig.
"Okay." Evee says as she cautiously took a sip.
"You don't have to drink it if you don't want to." I whispered to her.
"No, it's okay." She said taking a more adventurous swig.
"If you're trying to impress me by getting wasted, it's a bad idea." I said to her.
"Who says I'm trying to impress you." she said as she raised her eyebrows challengingly.
"You know it's obvious, you want me." I teased.
"Sure I do." She said rolling her eyes.

"Oy Frank man, you were great and who's this girl?" my friend Al asks as he stumbles forward.
"Dude, what have you been drinking?" I asked when I realized he reeked of urine.
"I don't know, a couple of beers." He said shrugging. "Maybe I should have passed that last one."
"Maybe." I said amused by how he couldn't even stand properly. I saw him grab his stomach but I didn't think anything of it until Evee's shirt was covered in vomit.
"I'm sorry." Al mutters as he stumbles away.
"Oh shit." Evee mumbled. "I can't go home like this."
"Ew nasty." Kain said as he turned around to see what happened. "There's a head shop next door."
"Thanks." She says as she made her way out of the building. I followed close behind her.

We entered the head shop which smelt vaguely of marijuana and was covered wall to wall in band tees. Evee glanced around the store and headed straight for a Ramones band t-shirt.
"Who do I pay?" Evee asked looking around the empty head shop.
"Oh I forgot, you're not used to this neighborhood." I said as I headed to the back of the store where there was a door that said staff only. I open the door and a puff of marijuana smoke filled my nostrils.
"What do you want?" a man's voice asks me.
"Just want to buy a shirt." I said innocently knowing this guy was not a friendly stoner.
"Chloe take care of it." The man said.
"Awe, I don't wanna." She said as she got up lazily and walked out of the staff room to the cash register. Evee hands her the shirt and Chloe fumbles with the cash register. Evee pays her the money and Chloe goes back to the staff room. Evee starts looking around awkwardly.
"What are you looking at?" I asked interested in why she was craning her neck.
"Where's the changing room?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"There is none." I said as I shook my head.
"Uh, I need to change." She said nervously.
"Go ahead, I won't look." I said as I turned to face the wall. I was dying to turn around and just take a quick peek at her but I didn't.
"Alright." She said casually. I turned around to see her pull on her jean jacket over her Ramone's shirt. "What am I going to do with my tank top?" she asked holding the puke covered shirt away from herself.
"Hold on." I said as I hopped the counter. I started digging through the stuff behind the counter and I found a plastic bag. "Here put it in here."
"Thanks." She said as she took the bag from me and shoved her tank top in it.
"We should get back now; Lawrence is probably ready to leave."

We walked back to find Lawrence with his arm around Sandra.
"Where have you two been? We were about to leave without you." he says as he leaves the building.

We piled into Lawrence's car, this time Kain sat in back with Evee and I because Sandra got the front seat. I never thought Lawrence liked anything about Sandra except for the fact she had nice tits and wore tube tops all year round. Not much is said until we neared home.
"Evee, do you want me to drop you off at your house or what?" Lawrence asked casually.
"No, I'll just walk home from your place." She said nervously.
"Fine with me." he said as he put his arm back around Sandra.

Lawrence pulled up to the front of his house and we all got out. I walked with Evee towards her house.
"I had fun tonight." Evee said nervously.
"Really? Even though you got Sobrante puke all over you?" I asked trying not to laugh.
"Besides the puking." She said rolling her eyes. "Your band is awesome."
"Thanks." I said as I started to kick a pebble up the road.
"I think you should head back now." She said nervously.
"Why?" I ask worriedly.
"Because I sort of snuck out and I don't want to get caught." She said glancing up the road where her house is.
"Oh okay." I said as I turned around and walked back to my house.

"Did you kiss her?" Kain asked as he jumped down from the top of Lawrence's car.
"No." I muttered as I continued my walk home.
"What? You loser." He said in a mocking tone.
"Honestly, how could you not kiss her? Did you fart?" He pestered as he followed me onto my front lawn.
"No, I just didn't." I said as I stepped into my house and shut the door behind me.