This One Girl I Knew


I wanted Evee to come to our next gig, but I didn't know how I should get a hold of her. Her parents obviously didn't approve or else she wouldn't have snuck out to come see our last gig. A whole week passed and I didn't even get a glimpse of her, so the night of the gig I walked up to her house.

I crept around her parents' property quietly as I looked for her room. I saw the light on in a second floor room and I saw her silhouette in the window. I looked around for something to throw at the window. I saw some pebbles but I thought that would risk breaking the window so I grabbed some berries from some weird bush under her window and threw those. She opened the window and looked out.

"Tre is that you?" she asked peering into the darkness.
"Yeah it's me." I said as I came closer.
"Shut-up or someone will hear you!" she hissed at me. I look around and see a vine ladder that covered most of the brick wall. I climb up on it to her room, thinking to myself how incredibly cheesy this was. I climb in through her window and I see she's dressed weirdly.
"What are you wearing?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"School uniform." She muttered.
"Come to our gig tonight." I pleaded.
"Okay." She said as a smile strung across her face. "Hold on, I need to make an alibi."

She left the room for a few moments then returned. I saw her rummage under her bed and pulled out a box with some punk clothes and cassettes in it.
"Secrets." I mumbled.
"Yeah, I don't exactly think my parents would approve." She said as she started getting changed right in front of me, I wanted to hold her, kiss her, right then and there. "Let's go." She nodded towards the window as she shut off her bedroom light.

We climbed out the window and ran towards my neighborhood. We approached Lawrence's house and we saw him waving us toward the car.
"You're late." He said as we got into the car.
"Yeah I know." I mumbled as Kain just glared at us.

We got to Gilman and Lawrence practically threw me on stage, we were up and we were running late.
"Sorry we're late, but Tre Cool had some horniness to take care of." Lawrence said as he took the mic. He put on his guitar and we started playing a new song we had been working on for a while.

As I was playing the drums I started to think about Evee. She was different, she wasn't like the girls I usually hung out with, like Sandra and she wasn't like the other richies, all stuck up like her sister. There was just something about her which I couldn't identify.

"That's all for tonight." Lawrence said as he hopped off stage and started looking for Sandra. Kain whacked me across the head for the sheer pleasure of it before hopping off the stage to start his search for a woman who could stand him long enough for him to stick his tongue down her throat. I stood up and bowed before hopping off stage to where Evee was standing.

"You were great!" she said excitedly as she hugged me.
"Thanks." I said nervously, not sure whether I should just take the plunge and kiss her. "Let's get something to drink." I suggest as we walk towards the bar.
"Yeah okay." She said, I could tell she was disappointed. I missed my chance to kiss her, and I was wondering if I'd get another one and if I had the nerve to actually attempt to kiss her. We order a couple of beers and sit at a table.

"Do you like the Clash?" I asked trying to make conversation.
"Yeah, but I only have one of their cassettes, Cut the Crap." She said shrugging.
"Because they'll be playing around here in a few weeks and I was wondering if you'd like to go to their concert with me?" I asked really nervously.
"Yeah, that would be awesome." She said enthusiastically.
"Really?" I said in disbelief that she accepted my invitation.
"Yeah, I've never been to a punk concert before." She said happily.

"C'mon you two, we're leaving." Lawrence said as he and Sandra walked towards the door. We each take a final swig of our beers and head out to Lawrence's car where Kain is already waiting in the back seat.
"Didn't find a gal?" I teased Kain.
"No." he muttered.
"Got rejected then." Evee said evilly.
"She was probably a lesbian." Kain said as he tried to ignore us.
"Of course she was." Lawrence says as he starts the car.

We drove back to Lawrence's house, just like the week before and I walked Evee home.
"So when's your next gig?" she asked casually as we walk slowly up the road.
"Friday, can you come?" I asked hopeful.
"Fuck, I can't, my dad is hosting some sort of dinner party for his co-workers." She muttered obviously upset.
"That sucks; well we have another one on Saturday." I said as we stopped before the decorative gate around her neighborhood. She stood there for a moment and I realized this was my chance. I cupped her elbows in my hands, gently pulled her forward and I put my lips against hers. The moment seemed to last forever and we finally broke away and I walked back to my neighborhood without saying a word and without looking back.

I walk past Lawrence's house and Kain jumped out from behind Lawrence's car.
"Don't you look smug." He said smirking evilly, "She kissed you, didn't she."
"I kissed her." I said feeling like I was walking on clouds.
"So will you need one of these soon?" he asked me as he waved a condom packet in front or my face. I knock it out of his hand and the square packet falls to the ground. Kain picks it up again and shoves it in my hand. "You never know."
"Yeah, it took a shit load of nerve just to kiss her." I said as I rolled my eyes.
"Eh, if she liked it, she'll make her move." Kain said as he raised his eyebrows.
"Let's just hope you're right." I said raising the condom in the air, "That girl drives me crazy."