This One Girl I Knew

I shall call this chapter Wanker

The gig that Friday night felt vacant, I wanted to see Evee's face in the audience but I didn't. Lawrence was pissed at me, he said I played like shit and if I ever played like that again he'd beat me to a bloody pulp and kick me out of the Lookouts.

Saturday night before yet another gig Kain was sitting on Lawrence's car and he pulled a joint and lighter out of his pocket. I looked happily at the joint as he lit it. I anticipated him passing it to me but my anticipation was interrupted when I saw Evee jogging towards us.
"Evee!" I yelled out happily as I went to meet her.
"Hey Tre." She said as she flung her arms around my neck, out of breath. I hugged her close and kissed her lips gently before letting go. "I hope I'm not late."
"No actually you're early." I said as we walked towards Lawrence's car. I climbed up on the top of the car and helped Evee up next to me.
"That's not a cigarette is it?" she asked looking at Kain suspiciously.
"No sweetie, it ain't." Kain said as he took a long drag and passed it to her. She held it awkwardly; I realized her whole life was sheltered. I took the doobie from her and took a drag before holding it for either her or Kain to take. She took it from me and took a small puff and started coughing abruptly. I took the doobie from her and gave it back to Kain who merely laughed at her. I shoved my leg forward to kick Kain and he fell off the car still laughing uncontrollably.
"She's a newbie to the doobie!" Kain said as he staggered back onto the hood of the car. "Here sweetie, try again." He said as he handed it to Evee. She took the joint and put it to her mouth but I took it away before she had a chance to take a puff.
"Try inhaling with fresh air at the same time as the smoke." I said as I took a drag with an open mouth, "Or just don't do it at all." She looked at me then back at the joint. She reached over and took the joint from me and took an open mouthed drag.
"Better?" I asked as I took it back.
"Yeah." She said nodding happily.

We sat there on the car passing around the single joint until we were laughing at anything from Kain falling off the car to a twinkling star in the night sky. Lawrence and Sandra bursting out of the house interrupted our evening of fancy-free.
"Get the fuck away from me woman!" Lawrence yelled angrily. Evee just giggled.
"They're fighting." She said happily.
"Shoosh." I said as I contained my own laughter.
"You're the one who drags me to this mountain hell hole!" Sandra yelled back.
"So now it's a hell hole?" Lawrence yelled angrily.
"Dude, just chill, just chill." Kain said light-heartedly, "Let's all go to Gilman's and have some fun."
"Fuck, what's wrong with you guys?" Lawrence asked as he looked away from Sandra.
"DOOOOBIIIEEEEEE!" I said as lied back on the car.
"Fucking stoners." Lawrence muttered.
"Hey, it was only my first time!" Evee said as she burst out laughing.
"You're the one that introduced us to the stuff." I said as Kain started laughing again.
"Let's just fucking go." Lawrence said as he sat in the driver's seat of the car. I jumped off the car and helped Evee down before taking our respected seats in the back of the car. Kain joined us moments later and Sandra redundantly took the front passenger's seat in silence.

As we neared Gilman our buzz had died out and we were ready to go on stage. Well Kain and I were; Lawrence was still pissed about his argument with Sandra. We climbed on stage and Evee took her place right up close to the stage, which comforted me, she was like my new security blanket. Lawrence messed up big time, his voice kept cracking and an ape could've played better guitar then he did. After our third song I jumped off the stage to where Evee was.
"You were great, but Lawrence sucked rear." She said in a low voice.
"I know." I said as I laughed lightly.
"Hey, we're leaving in five minutes." Lawrence said to us in a warning tone.
"Tre baby, how's it hanging?" My friend Billie Joe yelled from across the bar. He walked up to us.
"Hey Bill." I said casually, "This is Evee."
"Hey." Billie said absent-mindedly. "So yeah, Mike and I are starting a band."
"Awesome who's your drummer?" I asked curiously.
"I don't know, we were thinking about Al."
"Isn't he the guy who puked on me?" Evee whispered.
"Yeah." I said as I laughed a little, "I taught him some shit."
"So he's good?" Billie asked worriedly.
"Yeah he's okay I guess." I said shrugging as Lawrence signaled to us we had to leave.

We got into Lawrence's car; Kain was back in the front seat and Evee and I had the whole back seat to ourselves. The drive was silent but the whole ride home Evee rested in my arms as I spooned her gently. I walked her home just like I had after the other gigs, only this time I had my arm around her waist the whole time. We stopped in front of the gate and she turned to me. I leaned forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, locking our lips together.
"Evelyn! What the hell?" a teenaged girl's voice burst out.
"Hi Sarah." Evee said awkwardly as she let go of me with great speed.
"Don't hi Sarah me! We saw you were missing and we've been looking around the grounds for the past half hour just to find you with a Livermore!"
"I'm in no way related to the Livermore's actually." I said in a corky voice.
"What are you wearing and what's that smell, is that marijuana?" Sarah says smelling the air around her sister.
"You're not going to tell Mom and Dad are you?" Evee said nervously.
"Like hell I'm keeping this a secret." Sarah said as she ran toward the house.
"You better get out of here." Evee said as she ran after her sister, "Sarah wait!"

I did as Evee told me, and ran as fast as I could back home. As I neared my house I was stopped by an unknown force, which lifted me off the ground.
"Whoa there, what's the hurry?" Lawrence's voice said as I tried to squirm out of his grasp.
"Nothing." I muttered as he put me down.
"No one runs like that for nothing."
"We were caught."
"Say what?" Lawrence said as looked me in the eye.
"Evee's been sneaking out to come to our gigs, her parents had no idea and then we were kissing and her sister comes out of no where and."
"Wow, so what did her father bring out his shot gun and start shooting at you?" Lawrence asked as he got some amusement from this situation.
"No, Evee went after her sister and she told me to leave."
"You little wanker." Lawrence said as he ruffled up my hair. I ignored him and went inside my house.