This One Girl I Knew

Can't Stay Away

I paced back and forth in my room occasionally looking out the window. I was wondering what would happen to Evee. I should've known there would be trouble when she had to sneak out just to see me. I hoped her sister wasn't going to be a total bitch and blab about everything she saw. What would Evee's parents do to her? Would they watch her like a hawk, punish her for a week or something, send her to boarding school? I had no idea how richies got punished, all I know is if I fucked up big time my dad would hit me a couple of times with his belt.

After a few minutes of paranoia I went up to the mattress pressed against the wall and punched it as I hard as I could. The old mattress belonged to my brother before he moved out. I heard the scraping of gravel outside. I rushed to the window to see the dark figure of Evee come a stop and started looking around. I stuck my head out my window.

"Evee!" I hissed.
"Tre, can I come inside?" she asked as her voice cracked. I think she was crying.
"Yeah, hold on a minute." I said as I sped out of my room and past my sister's room. I glanced into my dad's room and saw he was sound asleep so I carefully shut his bedroom door and scurried down the stairs. I whipped open the front door and Evee practically pounced me as she burst into tears.
"Tre, I don't want to go back, I just want to stay here with you," she said as she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest. I couldn't say or do anything but wrap my arms around her in return.
"Come on." I said as I put one arm around her waist and lead her to my room.
"They told me I could never see you again and, and, I don't want to be away from you." she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and we just sat on my bed like that for a long while.

I woke up the next morning spooning Evee, who was still asleep. She was beautiful; I loved her, even though I had only known her for a short while I knew I loved her. As much as liked being they're spooning her, I really had to pee. I tried to wiggle loose without waking her up. I rested her head gently on my pillow and went out back to the outhouse in silence so that I wouldn't wake anyone up.

I crept back into my room and carefully went back to spooning Evee. Her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning." She whispered.
"Good morning." I say as I move closer to her. "Go back to sleep it's still early." She cuddled up to me and rested her head against my chest. I leaned back and fell asleep again.

I wake up a second time to the feeling of Evee's lips against my cheek.
"Hey." I said as I stretched my arms and yawned. "Do you want breakfast?" she shrugged.
"Okay." We went to the kitchen and I made both us some peanut butter toast. As I sat down with her and started to eat my breakfast my father whacked me across the head.
"Is she the Crosstone girl?" He asked disgruntled.
"Yeah." I said quietly.
"Her mother was going door to door earlier looking for her."
"Oh shit." Evee squeaked.
"You should go home." My father strongly suggested.
"I can't." she protested.
"And why's that?" my father asked, a little annoyed.
"Because then they won't let me go to concerts anymore, or see Tre."
"That's me Dad; Lawrence started calling me Tre Cool a little while back."
"Leave me out of this." My dad muttered as he left the house.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Evee cautiously.
"I don't know; what do you usually do on Sundays?" she said as if the conversation with my dad never happened.
"Umm, I usually just hang out with Lawrence and Kain, and if time permits we have band practice." I said laughing. "Let's just look in the garage for something."
"Sure." She said as she followed me outside.

I opened the garage door and started rummaging through old boxes.
"AHA! This looks fun." I said as I pulled out a small set of golf clubs and a box of golf balls."
"Golf is not that fun." She muttered as she tried on some cowboy hat.
"Golf is great, but we're not going to play regular golf." I said as I slung the golf bag over my shoulder and walked across the street to Kain's house.
"Where you going?" she asked as I let myself into the house.
"He has a toilette." I said smirking.
"Follow me." I said leading her down the hall past Kain's room where he was still asleep, half on the bed, half on the floor, the only thing covering him from complete nakedness was one bed sheet.
"So you just break into people's houses?" she asked as she looked into Kain's room slightly disturbed. I just shrugged.
"He doesn't mind." I opened the bathroom door, and put up the toilette seat and set up a little tee-off area down the hall.

"I see what you're doing now." She says laughing. I place a golf ball on the floor and prepare to hit it.
"Wait, stand by the toilette and when I get it in flush." She rolled her eyes and stood next to the toilette.
"I seriously doubt you'll get it in.," she muttered.
"Care to make this interesting?" I asked mischievously.
"Every shot I get in you kiss me." I said evilly.
"Fine with me."
"Ten shots in a row, you give me your underwear."
"What?" she yelped in disbelief. "What are you going to do with my underwear?"
"I'm creative, I'll find a purpose for them." I said raising my eyebrows.
"Fine, it's not like you'll even get five shots in a row."

I stood next to the ball and concentrated on the shot. I hit the ball and it fell in the toilette and I heard the flush.
"One kiss!" I demanded as she rolled her eyes and walked over to wear I was standing and kissed my lips quickly. I took a second shot and it fell in the toilette yet again. And just like the time before Evee walked up to me and kissed me. Seven shots and seven kisses later, Evee looked kind of nervous. I took my tenth shot and just like the nine times before it went in and the toilette flushed. I smiled evilly as Evee walked up to me and put her hands on the back of my neck and pulled me into an entrancing kiss. Her tongue seeked entrance into my mouth and I moved my hands from her waist to her hips and grabbed the hem of her underwear.
"Don't try to make me forget." I muttered as she pushed away from me and shut herself in the washroom. A minute later she came out and tossed me a pink wad of fabric. I unrolled the underwear. "Nice."
"Yeah, yeah." She muttered obviously upset she lost the bet.
"Here I'll make it up to you." I said as I removed my pants and threw my boxers at her.
"What am I supposed to do with these?" she asked holding them up. I can still see her smirking at the fact I was pant-less.
"For fuck's sake Tre, put some pants on." Kain said as he left his bedroom to use the washroom.