This One Girl I Knew

The Right Thing

That night she didn't go home either. We spent the night sipping beer and passing around a doobie with Kain and Lawrence.
"She's loose now, make your move." Kain cackled into my ear.
"WHEE!" I said, too much on a buzz to care.
"You fuck face, you can have your way with her." Lawrence said, laughing.
"Oh?" I said as I saw Evee laugh hysterically at the fact a cat just fell off a fence.
"We'll leave." Lawrence said as he grabbed Kain by the arm and went down to the ditch where they could get wasted and fall asleep without being run over by a car. I sat next to her on Lawrence's car.
"Do you want to have sex?" I asked bluntly. She just burst out laughing.
"I saw your penis today." She said happily.
"Did you like it?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"It was funny."
"What?" I asked a little ticked off, "You've never seen a penis before have you?" she shook her head laughing.
"I saw those diagram thingies in sex ed, but you're the first."
"Ahh okay." I said as I jumped off the car.
"Wait for mmmeeeeeeeee!" she said as she jumped down as well.
"You have nice lips." She said as she leaned forward and kissed me. She stumbled forward so that she was relying on me to stand up at all.
"You're wasted." I whispered as she just leaned against me laughing lightly. I lead her back to my house and brought her up to my room.

"Kiss me." she said as she lay down on my bed. I flopped down next to her and started kissing her lips gently then I stopped. I couldn't do this to her, she was wasted. I didn't want to be like Kain, and I didn't want Evee to regret anything that had to do with me.
"What's wrong Tre?" she asked as I pulled away.
"You're wasted, I can't do this." I said as I left the room to sleep on the couch.

The next morning my sister woke me up.
"Why's there a girl in your bed?" she asked me suspiciously.
"Uhhh she was too wasted to go home." I muttered as I rubbed my eyes.
"You didn't do anything stupid did you?"
"No, I was a good boy." I said as I stood up and stretched, "Hence I slept here and she slept up there."
"Okay." She said as she went off into the kitchen, "I'd go up there and check on her if I were you."
"What?" I said as I got up and went to my room.

I walked into my room and saw her lying stomach down and her arm dangling off the side of my bed. Next to the bed was a puddle of vomit. I went back downstairs and got some paper towel to mop up the puke. I went back upstairs and placed the paper towel across the affected area. I looked over at Evee who was breathing lightly and strands of her hair were pressed across her sweaty face. I placed my hand on her forehead.

"Evee, are you okay?" I whispered. She moaned and opened her eyes.
"What happened?" she murmured.
"You got drunk last night, and now you have a hangover." I said calmly.
"Urgh, my head hurts."
"I know." I said softly.
"We didn't .....did we?" she asked nervously.
"We almost did, but I went to sleep downstairs instead."
"Oh." She said as she got up and saw the paper towel, "Sorry about that."
"It's okay." I said, laughing.
"Do you have aspirin or something?" she asked as she rubbed her head.
"Yeah downstairs." I said as I lead her down to the kitchen.

She sat at the table across from my sister and put her head in her hands. I went to the cupboard and got some aspirin and a glass of water.
"Here." I said, putting them in front of her.
"Thanks." She said, looking up at me. My sister looked over at Evee and slapped my cheek jokingly.
"Aren't you a gentleman." She joked as she left the room.
"Who was that?" Evee asked quietly.
"My sister." I said as I went to sit next to her.

"So are you going to go back home today?"
"I guess, I can't keep sleeping over." she muttered as she finished off her glass of water.
"I'll go with you." I volunteered.
"Tre, you really don't have to."
"I know, but I think I should." I said calmly.
"Don't you have to go to school today?" she asked bluntly.
"Technically yes." I said, shrugging. "What about you?"
"I don't think going to school with a hangover is the best idea."
"True." I said, laughing.