This One Girl I Knew


After a few hours we decided to go to Evee's house to confront her parents. I put on a clean shirt, even though I knew it wouldn't make much of a difference to her parents. I held her hand as we walked up the road to the richie neighborhood.
"Can't we just run away to Mexico?" she asked jokingly.
"Sorry, but I can only get my driver's license in about a year and a half." I said laughing.
"Awe too bad." She muttered.
"How about this, we live in the woods." I suggested evilly, "In a tree house."
"No!" she said laughing.
"And we can start a family of red necks with names like Cletus and Joe-Leen." I teased.
"No Tre. That would be horrible." She said as she started to laugh. We neared the gates around the neighborhood and she tightened her grip on my hand.
"It's going to be okay." I promised her.
"I hope you're right." She said as we walked up to her house.

She rang the doorbell reluctantly and we waited. Her mother answered the door.
"Come in." her mother said coldly. We stepped inside and her mother did not say a word as we sat in the living room.
"Mom." Evee said uneasily.
"Evelyn, what the hell were you thinking!" her mother explodes. "Especially bringing him here, I told you Livermores were no good."
"Mom!" Evee explodes, "He's not a Livermore! And I met Lawrence and to tell you the truth he's a hell of a lot nicer then you described him to be."
"Then who's this clown." Her mother asked as she pointed to me.
"Frank Wright." I said extending my hand, she refused to shake it. "More commonly known as Tre though."
"Well, isn't that lovely." Her mother said coldly. "So this is who you snuck out with."
"Yeah." Evee says cautiously.
"So that's the type of people you like to associate yourself with. People who expose you to drugs and alcohol."
"No, I did that out of my free will." Evee retorted, "Every time alcohol and drugs were brought up, Tre offered to leave right away."
"Then why'd you stay?" Her mother asked angrily.
"Because I wanted to live outside the protective bubble you raised me in!" Evee yelled.
"Protective bubble? We let you go to parties and social events." Her mother said as she flailed her hands in the air.
"You let me go to supervised parties with an itinerary and all the social events were school related. Tre took me to gigs and we had fun!"
"Yeah, well I'm in a band and we play down on Gilman." I said quietly.
"He took you to the slums!" Her mother yelled.
"It's not slums, it's a place of music and I like it there." Evee said angrily. Her mother looked irritated.

"Tre is it?"
"Yes m'am."
"I think its best you leave now."
"Okay." I said as I got up and headed to the door.
"If he leaves, I leave with him." Evee said warningly.
"No, Evee it's okay, I'll see you later." I said not wanting to get her in more trouble.

I walked out of her house and started down the road. I wanted to scream my head off, how could her mother be such a cunt! I wanted to be with her all the time, only getting to see her the nights of our gigs was horrible enough. I heard someone scream my name.
"Tre! Wait up!" Evee called after me.
"Evee, I don't want to get you in trouble." I muttered.
"When's your next gig, screw that, when can I see you again?"
"Anytime, you're the one with scheduling problems."
"This Saturday my dad is taking my sister and I to see my brother, he lives near the beach so we're going to spend most of the time surfing." I said hopefully, "You can come with us." A smirk spread across her face.
"Saturday then."
"Yup, we're going to leave early in the morning, around seven." I said as she hugged me.
"I'll see you then." She said as she kissed me. She let go of me and ran back into her house.