This One Girl I Knew


I couldn't wait till Saturday; it was driving me nuts not being able to see her. Saturday morning bright and early me, my sister and my dad piled into the car and headed up the road to Evee's house. I got out of the car to get Evee and my dad followed me.
"I want to make sure her parents know she's coming along." He said seriously.
"Uh okay." I said nervously as I rang the doorbell.
"Tre!" Evee said happily as she hugged me tightly.
"Evelyn is it?" My father asked.
"Yeah, that's me."
"Can I talk to your mom or dad?"
"Sure." She said as she disappeared into the house for a few moments and returned with her father.
"Hi you must be Mr. Crosstone." My father said as he extended his hand, "I'm Frank Wright."
"Yes hello Mr. Wright."
"I just wanted to make sure you were aware of what's happening today." My father said calmly, "After what's been happening for the past little while."
"Yeah, so it's a trip to the beach right?" Her father asked cautiously.
"Yes, we'll be back around nine this evening."
"Okay then, I'll see you later Evee." Her father said as he kissed the top of her head.

We drive down to my brother's apartment.
"Oh, a new sister!" Greg exclaimed happily as he saw Evee. "Oh darn you kept the old one."
"Shut-up." My sister said punching him in the stomach. "It's just Frank's girlfriend."
"Frank!" Greg said as he pulled me into a death embrace.
"It's Tre Cool now." I said as I wiggled out of his grasp.
"People call me Tre now." I repeated.
"It's just a faze." My father muttered as he looked around the apartment.
"So you're Fra-Tre's girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I guess." Evee said shaking his hand.
"She's cute." Greg said laughing.
"So can we go surfing or what." I asked as I walked up to his surfboards leaning against the wall.
"It's kind of cold today." Greg said shaking his head.
"So?" I asked.
"I'm not going to go out there and freeze my nuts off!"
"Ladies present." My father muttered as he checked the fridge.

"What are you doing?!" Greg asked my father abruptly.
"Just checking." My father said innocently.
"I'm fine, I'm alive aren't I?" Greg said rolling his eyes. "Frank, I can see you trying to take my surf board." He whipped around quickly to look at me.
"Awe, but I want to go surfing." I whined.
"Fine, but I'm not going with you." Greg said rolling his eyes.
"Fine." I said as I picked out a surfboard, Evee picked the smaller one and we headed out.

"Frank, you'll need towels!" my sister calls after me.
"Toss 'em to me." With that my sister threw two beach towels at my head.

We walked down two blocks to the beach.
"You're wearing your bathing suit underneath right? Because there's no place to get changed." I said stupidly.
"Yeah I know." Evee said lifting her sweater to reveal a navy and purple swim suit.
"But it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't." I said raising my eyebrows.
"Perv!" She yelped as she burst out laughing.

We got to the beach and left our clothes with the towels and we paddled out into the water.
"Have you ever surfed before?" I yelled.
"Umm once." She said nervously.
"So I take it you can't stand up on the board." She shook her head.
"Just lying on the board."
"Okay, I won't challenge you to a surf-off then." I said as I took a wave.
We stayed out surfing for about half an hour before Evee signaled she was getting out.

"Your brother wasn't kidding when he said it was cold." She said shivering as she wrapped a towel around herself.
"Well it's not THAT cold." I said laughing, "My nuts are still in tact."
"Oh well that's nice to hear."
"It is."
"Greg doesn't look like he'd be your brother."
"Well technically he's not." I said slowly, "I met him at Gilman's a couple of years ago, he was a runaway so I told him he could stay at my place. My father started talking to him and insisted he stay until he got on his feet. So he lived with us for about a year."
"Oh so why do you call him your brother." She asked looking at me seriously. I shrugged as I finished drying off and pulled on my shirt.
"I don't know, we both only had sisters and so we just considered each other brothers."
"Awe, isn't that sweet." She said as she poked at my cheek playfully.

"I want a picture of you." she said as she pulled a camera out of her sweater which was lying on the ground.
"Oh, okay." I said as I put on a sinister face.
"No, I don't want Goth Tre, I want Tre Tre." She said poking me.
"Oh fine." I said as smiled at the camera.
"Perfect." She said after clicking the camera.

"Guess what I'm wearing?"
"Umm let's see swimming trunks and a sleeveless shirt."
"Besides that."
"I'm afraid."
"Don't be." I said as I pulled down my trunks a few inches to display the pink underwear I took from her.
"Argh! You weird-o!" she accuses. "So that's what you do with them."
"No actually this is the first time I wear them."
"Well, I'm not one to judge, I sleep in your boxers." She said hiding her face in her hands.
"Really?" I said laughing.
"Mmhmm." She nodded, still covering her face. I moved her hands off of her face and cupped her cheeks. I pulled her closer and started kissing her lips; she wrapped her arms around my neck and held me there. We fell back onto my towel which was lying on the ground and continued locking lips.

"I thought you were going surfing." Greg said as he interrupted our exposure of affection.
"Uh we were, but it got cold." Evee said slightly embarrassed.
"According to that activity Frank didn't get that cold, he didn't freeze his nuts off."
"Guess not." Evee said laughing.
"So you coming surfing with me or what?" Greg asked as he nudged me with his foot.
"Yeah sure." I said as I took off my shirt and grabbed the surfboard. Evee followed behind us with her surfboard of choice.
"So is Daniela coming?" Greg asks as we start to paddle out.
"Yeah, later on though."
"Who's Daniela?" Evee asked nearly falling off the board.
"My older sister."
"Is she really your sister or is she just another friend?" Evee taunted me.
"They have the same parents." Greg reassures her.
"Don't mind Greg, he's had the hots for her since he first laid eyes on her." I teased.
"Not this again." Greg muttered as he paddled away to catch an on-coming wave.
"Now I know it true!" Evee yelled.

After getting out fill of surfing we decide to get some hot dogs for lunch from the little fast food joint on the beach. After filling out stomachs with greasy food we start to head back to Greg's apartment.
"So are you going to ask her out?" Evee asked annoyingly.
"What?" Greg said in disbelief.
"You know, stop playing mind games with her and ask her out!" I said laughing.
"Daniela." Greg muttered.
"Her? We meant the girl who sells hot dogs at the beach." I teased.
"So now it's official, you do love Daniela!" Evee yelped.
"Fuck's sake, why do I hang out with a couple of fourteen year olds." Greg muttered
"I'm fifteen." Evee said rolling her eyes.
"Older lady." Greg teases.
"By four months." I said annoyed. "Back to asking out my sister, she won't wait around forever you know."
"You two won't let up."
"No, not really." Evee said shrugging.
"Is Karin in on this too?" Greg asked annoyed.
"Umm hey sis!" I called out to my sister who was sitting on the balcony. "Do you think Greg should ask Daniela out?"
"Yeah!" she yelled back.
"So that's a yes on the Karin factor." Evee confirms.
"No!" my father yells.
"Awe why not?" Greg whined.
"Aha!" my father said laughing, "You do want to ask her out."
"Fine!" Greg yelled, "I just didn't want to make a big thing about it."
"Okay then you have my permission to ask her out." My father said chuckling.

We hung around Greg's apartment for most of the afternoon. Late in the afternoon my father went outside onto the balcony and started the small barbecue.
"So what are you going to cook?" my father asked as he looked though the freezer.
"I bought hamburger stuff; it's in the fridge." Greg said as he got off the couch. Evee and I stepped onto the balcony as a bus pulled up to the corner and my sister stepped out.
"Daniela!" I yell out to her.
"Frankie-boy!" She yelled as she waved at me. "Keeping out of trouble?"
"Uhh not really." I said as she neared the building. "Guess what!"
"What?" she said as Greg came up behind me and put his hand over my mouth.

"What?! I was just going to introduce Evee." I said pulling free.
"I can't trust you." Greg muttered. There was a knocking from the door and Greg answered it.
"Greg, you look great!" she said hugging him.
"Thanks, you do too." He said hugging her back as Evee, Karin and I made kissey lips.
"Hey Dad," she said going up to my father next. "And who's this?"
"Daniela this is my girlfriend Evee, Evee this is my sister Daniela." I said politely.
"Awe that's sweet Frank." Daniela said as she messed up my hair.
"I changed my name."
"To what?"
"Tre Cool." I said smirking, "but you can call me Tre."
"Lawrence gave you that name, didn't he." She said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, well what could you expect." I said happily.

After eating supper Evee grabbed my leg under the table and squeezed it causing me to squirm.
"Frank, what are you doing?" my father asked rolling his eyes.
"Umm nothing."
"You're getting stranger and stranger by the minute." He muttered as he went back to talking to Greg. Evee grabbed my leg yet again.
"Stop or I'll scream rape." I whispered in her ear.
"It's not rape if you want it." She said giggling.
"Hey, what if I'm keeping myself pure until marriage." I said trying not to crack a smile.
"So you're proposing." She said as she hugged me jokingly. "Yes Tre Cool I will marry you."
"I'm not proposing."
"So then you're not keeping yourself pure till marriage."
"I think you're hornier than I am." I muttered.
"Nah, I'm just kidding around."

That evening we went back home and a part of me wanted to pull Evee back in the car as she walked up the path to her house.
"Have fun today kids?" my father asked as he pulled out of her driveway.
"Yeah." Karin and I said as we looked out the window quietly.