Status: IN PROGRESS :D Because we love you like that.

Teenage Dirtbags



I woke up on the bedroom floor in my dad's house and groaned. I felt like shit. I always did after an attack. I sat up and spotted something dark on the nightstand. My phone. I reached for it and turned it on.

Fifteen unread texts. Six voice messages. All from Artie. I checked the time. Nine o'clock at night. Fuck. I listened to the voice mails, each one more distressed than the last. The texts followed the same pattern. Shit.

I tapped the contacts button and dialed Artie. She picked up almost immediately.

"Hello?" She sounded frantic. I took a deep breath.


"Mitchy? Mitchy! Where are you? What happened?" I heard mom's voice in the background.

"Artie, I'll explain later. I'm at my dad's. Can you come get me?" My voice was shaking.

"Yeah, Mitchy, we're leaving now," she said. I started gathering my things.

"Okay. I'll be waiting." I hung up and threw all my shit in my bag and put my jacket on. I headed downstairs. Dad was snoring in his room. I dug up a pen and paper.

I'm going home. I wrote. I left it on his nightstand and headed out the door. It was dark and cold, and snow was beginning to fall lightly. When the white SUV pulled up, Artie jumped out and hugged me.

"Don't scare me like that," she said. I hugged her back and got in the car. On the way home, I filled them in on what happened. 

"What a dick," Artie said. Mom nodded.

"When we get home, I'm calling Mrs. Foss," she told us.

Artie and I went up to my room when we got inside. Mom was on the phone with Mrs. Foss for about an hour.

After a while, we heard a knock.

"Come in," Artie and I both called. Mom walked in and smiled.

"Well, you're never going back there again," she said. Artie held up her hand and high fived me.

"Hell yeah," she said. I smiled. Mom got serious.

"Now, I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow, because we are having spaghetti. I grinned. Mom's homemade spaghetti. Hell yes.

"Eh, why are you telling us this now?" Artie asked.

"So I don't forget to tell you not to terrorize the whole damn town while I'm out. There. Now you can't say I didn't tell you." We laughed. She frowned.

"I'm serious," she said, holding back laughter. "No vandalism, you two." Artie crossed her arms.

"You take the fun out of everything, mom," she joked.

I love my family.
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