Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still sitting in the same seat I had been in before with the same horrid fat guy next to me, snoring and drooling with his wretched breath. Only an hour of this left until I'd be back in LA.

Aron had said I was welcome back home, like I knew he would. If he didn't he knew I'd just stay with Jordan or George or even Jorel. They loved me like family, probably more than Aron did, though I knew that was false.

Only a couple short days ago, I'd caught my boyfriend, Alex, cheating on me. We'd been dating for a long, long time- two years- and yet, there he was. Stark naked on top of a girl barely 18. I just grabbed my shit and got out. If he wanted her over me, he wouldn't stop me. Actually, he didn't stop me.

I called my brother, Aron, as soon as I could, and he invited me back to LA. I hadn't seen Meredith in awhile anyway. I hoped she and Dillon were still dating. They were so cute together.

I jumped when the fat guy next to me adjusted and laid his head on my shoulder like I was his pillow. I grimaced and pushed his head off. He fell against the bus window, and I scooted over as far as my seat would allow me to. He didn't wake up, just kept snoring and drooling.

The PA beeped, and someone said, "Hello, riders. We'll be arriving in Los Angeles in about half an hour. Please be sure all of your belongings are gathered before you exit the bus. We'd like you to take this time to gather your things."

"Thank god," I mumbled. I picked up my backpack and shoved my book in it. Reading. Bleh.

My phone buzzed loudly, and I glanced down at it. Jordan was calling me. I smiled, Jordan being one of my favorite people Aron knew.

"Why, hello, Charles," I said.

"Kara, you're looking lovely today," Jordan replied.

"You haven't even seen me yet," I said. "I could have grown another arm for all you know."

"I'm sure you didn't," Jordan said. "Aron tells me you'll be coming home."

"Yeah, we'll be at the bus station in half an hour," I said.

"Want me to pick you up? Or is Aron gonna meet you there?"

"I planned on calling him when I got there, but I guess you can pick me up if you want to."

"Most excellent. I might bring a friend or two. I'll see you when you get there, Miss Kara."

"Thank you, Mr. Terrell."

Jordan hung up on the other line, and I smiled. That guy was so sweet. Unlike the guy next to me who snorted. I grimaced, hoping 30 minutes would be over. I looked out the window and saw more familiar sights. Oh, Los Angeles, how I've missed you.

I asked Aron to keep my return a secret from Meredith, hoping to surprise my best friend. He'd obviously told Jordan, but hopefully sweet Jordy had kept his mouth shut.

I closed my eyes and turned up my music, drowning out the sounds of Irritating Fat Guy.
I opened my eyes in time for the bus to pull to a stop in the Los Angeles bus station. I felt my heart skip a few beats, and I glanced out the window. I saw a familiar Cadillac sitting across the lot, and a smile crossed my face. Good ol' Jordan.

I exited the bus in an orderly fashion, but as soon as my feet hit the concrete, I dropped my bags and ran across the parking lot. I saw George leaning against the passenger side of the car, Jordan standing at the front, and Matt sitting on top of it. They all stood up straight when they saw me, and I jumped to hug Jordan. He caught me, his arms wrapped around my middle. I reached over and ruffled Matt's curly hair as George rested his hand on my back.

"Glad to have you back, Kara," said George.

"I've missed you guys!" I laughed. "And now you're all bigshots, you Undead rascals!"

"Not too big to forget our favorite girl," Jordan chuckled, setting me down on the ground. "Where's all your stuff?"

I nodded toward the bus, and George jogged over to grab my bags. He came back, tossing them into the trunk. Matt opened the passenger door for me, and I climbed in next to Jordan. George and Matt got in the backseat. I sighed.

"Do you have any idea how much I've missed my hood?" I asked.

"Almost as much as the hood's missed you," Matt said. "You had a lot of fans around here, Kara."

"Me?" I said.

"Yeah, everyday someone asks me when you're coming back." He smiled sarcastically.

"You liar!" I giggled. I punched his knee.

He feined hurt, but he stuck his tongue out at me. Just like old times. I looked to the west, where the sun was setting. Only a few minutes and we'd be pulling back into an old driveway. My old driveway.

And, oh, how familiar it was. Just as I left it. Smoothly paved, lined with untamed hedges and rocks. The porch lights were on on the house, illuminating the mossy green paint of the house. The sidewalk was dotted with spots of spraypaint, I noticed as I stepped out of the car. The lights in the house were all on in anticipation of my arrival. A siren passed by on a nearby street, and I smiled.

"Home sweet home, huh?" said George, passing me with my bags. He opened the door of the house.

"Yo, A-man!" shouted Jordan as he walked through the door. "Guess who's back?"

I smiled and followed them into the house, Matt trailing close behind. Aron peeked around the corner. He saw me, and we both smiled. He picked me up like he had when I was a child, and he squeezed me tightly.

"Aron!" I said, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Kara, it's been too fuckin' long," Aron replied as if he was scolding me.

I dug my toe into the floor and said, "Is that anyway to greet your sister?"

Aron just smiled and said, "Welcome home, sis."
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter! I'll try to update this when I can, but I have so many to do right now! Haha! Read "Sell Your Soul" if you like Hollywood Undead. It's not related to this one though.

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