Sequel: Dove and Grenade

The Natives


Meredith put an arm around my shoulders, and I smiled. I hadn't even bothered to chew my brother out for being a complete douche last night, but I didn't really want to get into it. Instead, he'd gone to Dillon's, and Mer had come over here.

"So I take it your date went well?" Mer asked.

"Of course," I said. "He's such a nice guy. I can't believe you guys had to practically force me to give him my number."

"No need to thank me," Meredith replied. "I only hope he isn't a douche."

"So far, he's perfect."

Matt passed by us, and I knew he heard what I said. Wasn't my fault he didn't like Ashley. I ignored him as he began clunking around in the kitchen. Mer, on the other hand, was not as easily focused.

"Matt!" she shouted. "Stop it!"

"What?" said Matt, popping his head out of the kitchen.

"Keep it down," Meredith said.

" bad," Matt said. He went back in the kitchen, but we could still hear him.

"Ignore him," I sighed. "He's pissed at me because he thinks Ashley isn't right for me."

"How could he not be right for you?" Meredith said.

"I don't know," I replied. "I just think Matt's being a pussy about this whole thing."

Meredith chuckled and took a drink of her water. Matt came in the room and sat in between us. I raised my eyebrows at him as he turned the tv on and began crunching loudly on a bag of Cheetos.

"Matt?" I said.

Matt turned to me. "Hm?" he said.

"You mind, hun?" I said.

"Mind?" He looked over at Meredith, then back at me. "What's the problem, here?"

"Matt! Get the fuck off my couch!" I shouted.

"My couch, too," Matt said.

"Will you just move?!"

"I could, but that would require me actually getting up."

"So get the fuck up!"

Matt sighed loudly and stood up. He slumped down in the chair opposite the couch. I smiled pleasantly at him, but he threw a chip at me.

"Aron shoulda kicked your ass outta here long ago," I said.

"Nah, he loves me too much," Matt replied. "And you won't kick me out either. You Erlichman kids..."

"It's true," said Mer.

I smacked her arm, and she laughed. I knew it was true too, but I didn't want to admit that. Better to be right. Right?

I sighed, "Matt's just here cuz I'm here."

"Whadya mean?" said Meredith.

"Watch this," I said. To Matt, quite a bit louder, I said, "Matt, wanna go have sex?"

"Now?" said Matt. "Sure."

He stood up and went upstairs. I didn't follow him, but instead I sat there laughing to myself. Meredith shook her head.

"How long do you think it'll take him to realize I'm not going up to have sex with him?" I laughed.

"I'll give him fifteen minutes," Mer chuckled.

"You're assuming he's smart enough to figure it out," I replied. "I'm gonna say half an hour, and he falls asleep."

I shut the tv off and stretched out. Mer stood up, and she said, "I'd better get home. Dill was making me dinner, I guess."

"Dillon? Dinner?" I snorted. "Don't get food poisoning."

"Hey, now, missy," Meredith scolded, pointing a finger at me, "Dillon's a pretty good cook."

"I'm just giving you shit," I laughed. "See you later?"

"Yeah, we'll probably come over tomorrow."


Meredith waved good-bye and left. I closed my eyes, letting the silence surround me. Silence, that is, until Aron stumbled through the door about five minutes later. He slouched down next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Kara," he said.

I could smell the alcohol on him, and I said, "Dillon better not be drunk. That's all I gotta say."

"Dillon? No, but Jordan is," Aron cackled.

"Jordan was over too?"


"How come he didn't come see me?"

"Oh, he'll probably be over in a few. Whenever Meredith kicks him out."

"Right. Well, you stink like ass. Why don't you just go clean yourself up, and could you not breathe on me?"

"Sure thing, sis!"

Aron jumped up and immediately fell to the floor. I rolled my eyes and kicked his foot. He grumbled something, but I couldn't hear him- nor did I care. He pulled himself up, laughing hysterically. I shook my head. Dumbass.

"I'm sorry I'm such a douche, sissy," Aron laughed.

"You should be," I sighed, standing up. "Tell Jordan I'm in the kitchen. If he comes over."

"Okey dokey!" Aron said, flopping down on the couch.

The kitchen was at least quiet. I could hear Aron in the living room singing an Eminem song, too loud for my comfort, but he was staying in there at least. He could be fun when he was drunk, or he could be like this- annoying. I lay down on the island counter, my feet hanging off the edge, listening to Aron stumble over his words.

A moment later, I felt someone pull on my legs so I slid to the end of the counter. I looked and saw Jordan smiling down at me.

"Hey, Jordy," I said.

"My sweet Kara, you look lovely down there," Jordan chuckled. He wasn't that drunk. Less than Aron, but then again, Aron couldn't hold his alcohol very well.

"Well, don't get used to it," I giggled, pulling myself up using his shoulders.

"Ah, you're no fun," Jordan said. He put his hands on my waist and tried to shove me back down, but I pushed him away.

I jumped down off the counter and said, "Don't try any funny shit, Jordan. I'm going to bed."

"Bed? Nah, we should go to dinner with Matty!"

"You think so?"

"I know so, Missy."

"Then I'll go get him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Random, sorry. I just felt like writing it. So anyways...
